
Voters of color in Nevada, Colorado influenced by climate change, survey shows



Based on the African American Analysis Collaborative, which surveyed Black and Latino voters in 11 battleground states, local weather change and excessive climate was an important situation for 20% of Black voters in Colorado. That’s three share factors greater than all voters nationwide.

Furthermore, 93% of Black voters within the state assist investments that the Inflation Discount Act is making in clear power to scale back poisonous air and carbon air pollution.

In Nevada, local weather was a prime concern for 17% of Black voters, and 84% assist federal laws efforts to fight the issue.

Henry Fernandez, CEO of the African American Analysis Collaborative, stated the group’s knowledge out of Nevada and Colorado mirror the nationwide averages.


“There’s sort of like this shift in considering, the place it’s like, ‘No, no, local weather change is actual. And we have to cope with it,’ ” Fernandez stated. “And individuals are prepared to have the federal government make massive investments.”

Local weather change was not as massive of a motivating issue for Latino voters. It was the highest situation for 17% of the demographic in Colorado and 12% in Nevada.

In each Mountain West states, the share of Latino voters that supported the Biden administration’s investments in clear power was roughly 80%.

This story was produced by the Mountain West Information Bureau, a collaboration between Wyoming Public Media, Nevada Public Radio, Boise State Public Radio in Idaho, KUNR in Nevada, the O’Connor Middle for the Rocky Mountain West in Montana, KUNC in Colorado, KUNM in New Mexico, with assist from affiliate stations throughout the area. Funding for the Mountain West Information Bureau is supplied partly by the Company for Public Broadcasting.


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