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Montana Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in climate change case Wednesday • Daily Montanan



Montana Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in climate change case Wednesday • Daily Montanan

The Montana Supreme Court will hear oral arguments next Wednesday in the state’s appeal of a district court judge’s decision in the Held vs. Montana case, setting the stage for a decision that will have broad impacts on environmental law and regulations in Montana.

Considering the arguments from both sides, and additional briefs from Republican-led states and recreation businesses like Orvis and Patagonia, the court will have to decide whether to uphold Lewis and Clark County District Court Judge Kathy Seeley’s order from last August finding the state was violating the constitutional rights of the 16 youth plaintiffs to a clean and healthful environment.

Lewis and Clark County District Court Judge Kathy Seeley asks a question of attorneys in the Held v. Montana case. (Photo by Blair Miller, Daily Montanan)

Seeley’s order struck down the so-called “limitation” to the Montana Environmental Policy Act that prohibited the state from considering greenhouse gas emissions and climate impacts from energy and mining projects.

She also enjoined a portion of another bill passed by Republican lawmakers last year that said permits approved by Montana agencies that did not include a greenhouse gas emissions evaluation could not be vacated or voided unless Congress voted to start regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant under the federal Clean Air Act.


Attorneys representing the state, Gov. Greg Gianforte, and three state agencies will get 40 minutes to make their case to the justice, while attorneys for the youth plaintiffs will have 30 minutes. The hearing will be held in the Supreme Court chambers in Helena and start at 9:30 a.m.

The Montana Environmental Information Center and other Montana environmental groups are also hosting watch parties of the oral arguments, which will be live streamed online, in Missoula, Billings and Kalispell.

What the two sides and their supporters are arguing

The youth plaintiffs in the case filed their response to the state’s appeal in March, and the case was fully briefed in April when attorneys for the state, Gianforte, and the state agencies filed their replies. About 20 separate amicus curiae, or “friend of the court” briefs have been filed in the case either in support of the youth plaintiffs or the state that the Supreme Court can also consider when deciding the case.


Lawyers for the state, governor and agencies have maintained since Seeley handed her decision down that striking down the MEPA limitation does not alleviate the plaintiffs’ injuries because Montana’s greenhouse gas emissions are a small fraction of global emissions, which all affect Montana and the global climate.

Department of Environmental Quality attorney Lee McKenna questions DEQ Director Chris Dorrington about his read of Montana's MEPA law.
Department of Environmental Quality attorney Lee McKenna questions DEQ Director Chris Dorrington about his read of Montana’s MEPA law. (Photo by Blair Miller, Daily Montanan)

The defendants are also asking the Supreme Court to clarify that Seeley’s order does not require the state to perform emissions and climate impact analyses but simply provides the opportunity for them to do so if the Legislature decides to follow that route.

The Supreme Court received friend-of-the-court briefs in support of the state from the Republican-led chambers of the Montana Legislature, the Montana Chamber of Commerce and several local chambers, NorthWestern Energy, conservative think-tank Frontier Institute, the mining company association Treasure State Resources, 12 Republican-led states, and a Navajo Nation company that owns the Spring Creek Mine in Decker.

Most of those briefs, like those from the state, argue that the plaintiffs do not have standing in the case, that Seeley used the wrong level of scrutiny in deciding the case, utilized one-sided data from the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses that the state did not contest at trial, or that the judiciary was wrongfully stepping into the realm of the Legislature when interpreting laws that intersect with principles of the state constitution.

“The Judiciary’s constitutional authority does not allow the district court to determine how The Legislature should provide for the promise of a ‘clean and healthful environment’ under Mont. Const. Art. II and IX,” Senate President Jason Ellsworth and House Speaker Matt Regier’s attorney wrote in their brief, for instance.

The plaintiffs’ attorneys will argue that the Supreme Court should uphold Seeley’s order in full, which would permanently keep the MEPA limitation out of Montana law, as well as the portion surrounding permit reviews and when permits could be vacated.


Their attorneys say Seeley was correct when she found that the state’s actions prohibiting emissions and climate impact reviews were in direct violation of the 1972 Constitution’s intents to protect the environment in Montana for current and future generations.

Plaintiffs' attorney Nate Bellinger delivers closing arguments in the Held v. Montana trial on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
Plaintiffs’ attorney Nate Bellinger delivers closing arguments in the Held v. Montana trial on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. (Photo by Blair Miller, Daily Montanan)

They say attorneys for the state have purposefully tried to focus the case around the global impacts of climate change when Montana’s constitution directly concerns the state’s environment and impacts to it caused by the state’s consistent permitting of high-emissions energy projects.

“Accepting any of the state’s (or their amici’s) belated factual or constitutional arguments would eviscerate the purpose of MEPA, young Montanans’ rights to a clean and healthful environment today and well into the future, and the very idea of an independent judiciary that reviews government laws for constitutional compliance and defers to the District Court’s factual findings but for clear error,” the plaintiffs’ attorneys said in their March brief.

The friend-of-the-court briefs filed on the side of the plaintiffs come from a group of professional climbers, runners and mountain guides in Montana; six Montana tribes, a group of public health experts and doctors from Montana and other states, the ACLU and ACLU of Montana, a group of tribal members and conservation groups, a group of outdoor recreation companies that includes Patagonia and Orvis.

“Because the MEPA Limitation allows Montana to avoid its constitutional responsibility to protect a clean and healthy environment, and because that derogation of constitutional duty is already having profound negative impacts on the outdoor industry in Montana, this court should uphold the district court’s order and strike down the MEPA limitation,” the brief from the outdoor recreation companies said.

There are also friend-of-the-court briefs the court can consider from six retired Montana Supreme Court justices who make arguments in support of the judiciary’s role in determining what laws are constitutional or not, as well as from the Montana Trial Lawyers Association, which argues Seeley was correct in not allowing the state to conduct mental health examinations of the 16 plaintiffs before last summer’s trial.


The former justices in their brief ask the Supreme Court to “emphatically stress” the importance of the separation of powers in government.

“The separation of powers principle secures our republican form of government. It is well established in Montana jurisprudence. In recent years, however, repeated attempts have been made to abridge long-settled elements of the judicial power,” they wrote. “The present case involves another such attempt.”

Recent court decisions could factor into case

It’s also possible that some recent court decisions at the federal U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and in other states could be a factor in Wednesday’s arguments. Both sides have submitted notices of supplemental authority informing the court of recent decisions that could factor into the Held case.


That includes filings from the plaintiffs about another case decided by the Supreme Court in which courts found election laws created by the Legislature were unconstitutional, and another in which the Supreme Court used similar standing requirements as Seeley did in Held and also found it could not hear new arguments first raised on the appeal.

A third notice tells the court about a similar case in Hawaii which the plaintiffs’ primary attorneys, Our Children’s Trust, led to a favorable settlement with the state in late June. Hawaii’s constitution has similar environmental protection requirements as Montana’s, and the plaintiffs said the state was violating their constitutional rights because the state Department of Transportation continued to prioritize highways over other transportation modes that emit less greenhouse gases.

The settlement will involve the state establishing a new greenhouse gas reduction plan, a roadmap to decarbonizing the state’s transportation system, and tens of million dollars to go toward building green infrastructure.

Earthjustice attorney Jenny Harbine argues on behalf of the Montana Environmental Information Center and Sierra Club in front of the Montana Supreme Court on May 15, 2024. (Photo by Blair Miller, Daily Montanan)
Earthjustice attorney Jenny Harbine argues on behalf of the Montana Environmental Information Center and Sierra Club in front of the Montana Supreme Court on May 15, 2024. (Photo by Blair Miller, Daily Montanan)

The state, meanwhile, told the court that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had again dismissed a similar Oregon case for a lack of standing, and there was a similar dismissal in a California case challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

“Relevant to this appeal, the district court rejected the plaintiffs’ contentions that declaring the challenged EPA policies unconstitutional would redress the plaintiffs’ climate change injuries,” attorneys for the state wrote in the filing.

The court’s decision in the Held case will also factor into its decision in a case involving the fate of NorthWestern Energy’s methane-fired power plant in Laurel and whether it was properly granted permits despite the state not considering its expected emissions of 700,000 tons of carbon dioxide a year. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in that case on May 15.


Both cases are expected to see decisions issued later this summer or fall ahead of the November election and the January start to the 2025 legislative session, where there is sure to be more legislation introduced surrounding MEPA and climate analyses depending on the outcome, lawmakers have said during the interim.

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Snowflake Data Breach Cases Consolidated in Montana by MDL Panel



Snowflake Data Breach Cases Consolidated in Montana by MDL Panel

A wave of proposed data breach class actions against cloud storage provider Snowflake Inc. and its clients—including AT&T Inc., Advanced Auto Parts, and Ticketmaster LLC—were consolidated in the District of Montana by a federal judicial panel.

The 47 complaints subject to the US Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation’s Friday decision stemmed a breach of Snowflake’s cloud platform from April through June 2024 by cybercriminals who stole the stored personal information of more than 500 million of its clients’ consumers and employees.

The cases filed in Texas, California, North Carolina, and Georgia, and other districts all allege Snowflake and its …

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Looking To Buy A Home In Montana? We've Got Good News!



Looking To Buy A Home In Montana? We've Got Good News!

Well, sort of.

If you have plans of buying and owning a home here in Montana, you’re more than aware that it’s going to cost you. Tens of thousands of Montanans are finding that even with a decent job and a little bit of savings, they can’t afford a home in certain areas of the state.

Over the last few years home prices have skyrocketed across the country, and it seems that Montana has led the charge. Plus, with high interest rates, the dream of being a homeowner feels a little more like a nightmare.

In towns like Bozeman, Kalispell, and Missoula the prices have increased significantly since 2021 with the overall “value” going up hundreds of thousands of dollars. Perfect example, I was checking out a townhouse recently in Bozeman and the asking price was well over 500 thousand dollars. The same property sold 3 years ago for a little over 300 thousand.


I can’t speak for you, but I have an issue paying half a million dollars for a place to live with no backyard. However, new information points to the fact that Montana housing might not be that expensive after all.

Looking to buy a home in Montana?

The folks at Lending Tree released data that showed the most expensive towns in America to buy a home and Montana was nowhere to be found.


As you look at the map of towns that are the most expensive you will see our neighbors in Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming all make the list, but not Montana.

It should probably be noted that a few of those towns are “tourist” towns but so are Big Sky, Bozeman, and Whitefish. Does that mean we are making a much bigger deal about the housing prices in Montana than we should be?

No. I have a few doubts about the math with all of this.


It’s still crazy expensive to live here, but if you spend any time on websites like Realtor or Zillow, you will notice that home prices have started to drop around The Treasure State, and while they may still be out of the average Montanans price range, at least it’s a start.

LOOK: Cities With The Most Expensive Homes In Montana

Stacker compiled a list of cities with the most expensive homes in Montana using data from Zillow. Cities are ranked by the Zillow Home Values Index for all homes as of August 2024. The charts in this story were created automatically using Matplotlib.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

Montana’s Best Towns For Fall And Fun

Fall is a beautiful time of year here in Montana. With the changing of the seasons, The Treasure State offers fall lovers lots to do and see. From beautiful foliage to fun festivals, fall is certainly special here in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf

LOOK: These Are the Best Places to Live in America

Stacker compiled a list of the best places to live using Niche data, which ranks places based on factors such as the cost of living.  

Gallery Credit: Stacker


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Montana man convicted of threatening former Speaker McCarthy



Montana man convicted of threatening former Speaker McCarthy

Montana man Richard Rogers was convicted of threatening former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R–Bakersfield) after expressing anger about a Chinese spy balloon floating over his city in Billings.

Rogers delivered threats to McCarthy’s office during multiple phone calls, including making harassing calls to McCarthy’s office and the FBI tip line in 2021 and 2022, where he routinely used vulgar and obscene language.

The big picture: The federal jury found Rogers guilty on three counts – threatening to harm a member of Congress and two counts of making harassing telephone calls.

  • Rogers faces a potential sentence of up to six years in prison and a fine for threatening a member of Congress, as well as a separate penalty for the harassment counts.
  • While awaiting sentencing on January 31, U.S. District Judge Susan Watters allowed Rogers to remain free without custody.
  • Rogers, during his trial, argued that his calls were a form of civil disobedience and protected under the First Amendment, while the prosecutors maintained that his behavior crossed the line with threats and verbal abuse.
  • Despite his guilty verdict, Rogers maintains that he never threatened anyone and expressed dissatisfaction with his defense attorneys for not adequately presenting his case.

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