
Idaho teacher, 23, stuns TikTok after breaking down monthly paycheck and expenses – revealing PALTRY amount she is left with after paying her bills



  • TikTok user @fouronacouch revealed that she makes $2,500 a month after taxes
  • After paying her rent and monthly loan bill, she was left with just $25
  • Many viewers were shocked by entry-level teacher’s salary  


A 23-year-old has shed light on the difficulties of making a living as a public school teacher after breaking down her paycheck and expenses. 

TikTok user @fouronacouch, who did not share her name, filmed herself dancing in her empty classroom after realizing she was left with just $25 to last her the month. 

The eighth-grade English teacher in Idaho stunned many viewers when she shared that her monthly paycheck is $2,500 after taxes, which comes out to $30,000 a year. 

The average entry-level teacher salary in Idaho is $39,895, while the average public school teacher salary in the US is about $57,000.

TikTok user @fouronacouch went viral after revealing her monthly paycheck as an entry-level teacher in Idaho is $2,500

TikTok user @fouronacouch went viral after revealing her monthly paycheck as an entry-level teacher in Idaho is $2,500 

She shared that her biggest expense is her rent. She pays $1,300 to live in her house plus another $875 for her former apartment 

Teachers make roughly 23.5 percent less than comparable college graduates, according to the Economic Policy Institute. 


The TikTok user shared that her biggest expense is her rent, which is $1,300, more than half of her monthly take-home pay.

She also had to pay $875 for her former apartment and put $300 toward a loan. 

After the deductions, she only had $25 left to buy food and pay the rest of her bills.

‘I wanna cry this month,’ she wrote in the caption. 

The video has been viewed 3.4 million times and has received more than 2,500 comments since it was posted on August 23. 


Many people were appalled by the teacher’s paltry salary.  

‘When I was in HS, I thought it was so bizarre that some of my teachers had to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet. I understand now,’ someone else responded. 

After putting $300 toward a loan repayment, she was left with just $25 

The video has been viewed 3.4 million times and has received more than 2,500 comments since it was posted on August 23. Many people were appalled by the teacher’s paltry salary

‘I still don’t understand how this payment is okay for the people that educate our children,’ another added. 

‘Genuinely curious — what do you do for groceries and fuel for your car?’ someone else asked. ‘Teachers deserve better. I’m so sorry.’

There were also viewers who shared that they make more than she does without an advanced degree. 


‘That’s wild. I made more than that as a corporate legal assistant with no college degree. You guys deserve all the money,’ one person wrote. 

‘I make more with no degree at Walmart omg,’ another commented. 

Some critics chided her for paying $1,300 in rent, but others leaped to her defense, saying they are forced to pay similar amounts where they live.  

‘$1,300 is average for a 1 bedroom where I live,’ one user noted. ‘Why are people in the comments eating you alive.’

‘I couldn’t tell you,’ she responded. 



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