18th annual Mahatma Gandhi Day celebrates global peace in Hawaii
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – Supporters of non-violence and Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy gathered in Kapiolani Park on Sunday to mark the 18th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Day in Hawaii.
Aimed to raise awareness of non-violence, the event marks Gandhi’s 154th birthday and this year’s theme, global peace. Attendees enjoyed music and cultural dances along with other activities.
Raj Kumar, founder of the Gandhi International Institute for Peace, said celebrating peace is what we need right now.
”There’s been so much happening around the world, especially the war in Ukraine, mass shooting in America and around the world terrorism. So it’s important to bring Gandhi’s teachings back to the modern world, ” Kumar said.
Kumar encourages everyone to celebrate October 2nd as it’s a reminder for us to create peace within our families, neighbors, co-workers and ourselves.
Mahatma Gandhi Day was started after 9/11 and was signed by Gov. Ige in 2015 to declare October 2nd as Mahatma Gandhi an official holiday in Hawaii. Hawaii is the first state in the United States to do so.
The event is free to all of the public and those who register online can receive a free Gandhi E-Book. For more information, visit gandhianpeace.org.
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