Denver, CO

Denver Zoo announces name of otter pup



DENVER — The Denver Zoo’s latest addition has a reputation!

The zoo welcomed a male Asian small-clawed otter pup on July 1. On Friday, zoo workers introduced his title — Jai!

Pronounced “J-eye,” the title has Indian and Sanskrit origins, in keeping with the Denver Zoo. It means “victory and triumph.”

Jai weighs simply over a pound, the zoo mentioned in a Fb replace. His eyes are nonetheless closed, however he has began squirming round within the den field.


First-time mother and father Pintar and Bu are adjusting effectively to parenthood and tending to Jai’s each want, in keeping with the zoo.

The otters will stay behind the scenes for the following few weeks. Nevertheless, you’ll be able to watch them via a reside den digicam throughout your subsequent zoo go to.

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