
How Arizona’s constitutional right to privacy could impact abortion access



Not like the U.S. Structure, the Arizona Structure contains an express proper to privateness, which consultants say will play a job in anticipated authorized challenges of Arizona’s restrictive new abortion legal guidelines.

Why it issues: A barrage of litigation is predicted within the coming weeks and months to find out what the way forward for abortion will appear like within the state.

Catch up fast: Roe v. Wade created a federal proper to abortion based mostly on the implied proper to privateness within the 14th Modification.

  • Now that the U.S. Supreme Court docket has overturned its precedent, particular person states can impose abortion restrictions.

The state legislature has handed quite a few restrictions through the years, that are probably now enforceable.

  • However abortion-rights advocates will undoubtedly problem them in court docket and it is going to be as much as Arizona Supreme Court docket to determine whether or not these legal guidelines align with our state structure, in response to Stefanie Lindquist, govt director of ASU’s Middle for Constitutional Design.

What Arizona’s structure says: “No individual shall be disturbed in his personal affairs, or his dwelling invaded, with out authority of regulation.”

What she’s saying: “The query is whether or not or not the state supreme court docket would discover that the privateness proper within the Arizona structure really encompasses abortion rights. And I feel that is unlikely,” Lindquist stated.


Of be aware: All seven state supreme court docket justices had been appointed by Republican governors.

Sure, however: Even courts in conservative states have discovered that some abortion restrictions handed by lawmakers ran afoul of their state constitutions.

  • Nonetheless, a few of these states, together with West Virginia, then ran poll initiatives to alter their state constitutions, Lindquist stated.

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