
Arizona Cardinals’ Kyler Murray slammed by Colin Cowherd’s tired take on gaming



The Arizona Cardinals’ Kyler Murray has been earning rave reviews for his work ethic and leadership entering the 2024 NFL season.

But evidently not everyone is impressed.


FOX Sports’ Colin Cowherd recently slammed the quarterback on his podcast, suggesting that he isn’t more popular because of the “huge stigma” behind his gaming.

This feels like a ratings grab during the slow season, especially since the “too much gaming” issue is a tired topic for a team and its fan base that eagerly awaits Murray’s chance to lead the Cardinals’ success during the 2024 season.

And a majority of commenters (see below) would tend to agree.

Cowherd explained: “He’s accurate, he’s a playmaker, he got a poorly owned franchise to the playoffs in a tough division. I think the gaming thing is a huge stigma. I think older GMs look at it and think, ‘Jesus, grow the eff up. Like, this guy’s addicted to gaming.’”

Cowherd suggested that Murray needed to “grow up” and leave the gaming behind, while sharing a “theory” about people that enjoy playing video games.


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What Colin Cowherd said about Kyler Murray

“I have this theory,” Cowherd said. “So, I have this therapist friend — a lady — and she has said that it’s not an epidemic, but it is an issue with men who are gamers are bad for marriages. And this person has said she has seen it repeatedly. People think that guys get into porn, and it ruins marriage. She’s like, ‘No, gamers; it’s addictive.’ And I will be honest, when I hear a guy’s a gamer and he’s older, you know, he’s out of his teen years, or he’s past like 20-21, I tend to be like, ‘It’s time to grow up, come on.’ 

“Most guys get married and have kids, and even if they love that stuff, they get out of it; they move on. But a lot don’t, and it’s like an issue. Therapists are seeing this and they’ve been seeing it for years. It’s blowing up marriages, guys that just can’t stop. It’s not like getting a book and going to read it for 30 minutes.”


Cowherd wasn’t done.

He added: “Quarterback people say he’s the best Texas high school football player ever. He wins the Heisman. He gets Arizona to the playoffs. The fans don’t like him. The media doesn’t like him. Execs don’t like him. His owner doesn’t like him. I’ve never seen a player this talented … Nobody’s saying be patient people bailed on him.”

“My take on Kyler is, he is the most talented quarterback in my life that has no support group. I mean, Jordan Love didn’t play for three years, was terrible in September in his fourth year, and everybody was yelling, ‘Give him time.’”

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Colin Cowherd slammed for slamming Kyler Murray for gaming

Many people came to Murray’s defense in the comments to Cowherd’s podcast on YouTube, slamming the radio host in the process.


“Your take is WAAAAY off! Kyler is dialed in….,” one commenter said.

Another responded: “Kyler is playing video games to relax. He’s not out there hitting women, getting DUIs, no guns, no drama. The NFL gives monsters second chances but this is a topic? Get the f out of here. People cheat on their spouses, lie, & make bad headlines everyday. He’s not a bad person. How is this an issue?”

From another: “An absolutely insane take and a terrific way to alienate your own listener fan base”

Another wrote: “I’m a gamer, have 2 kids and my relationship is just fine, I also train both my kids for baseball and coach my sons little league team and take him to every travel ball practice or tournament he has. Gaming isn’t the problem it’s gaming all damn day that’s the problem. 12 hours gaming is kinda crazy for any age lol”

One follower commented: “lol most of the guys in the nba & nfl play a lot of video games you guys are out of the loop on this”


Another wrote: “This is a bit of an old take guys. He’s shown a lot of growth since Kliff and Keim left, the two people holding him and the team back the most”

And another: “This take is so abysmal, it is an opinion that could only really come from a guy that grew up in the 60s/70s. Gaming is no different than movies, watching tv, or reading fiction it is a form of entertainment nothing more. If a person is an addict that is a completely separate thing.”

What do you think about Colin Cowherd’s take on Kyler Murray’s gaming?

More: Former Arizona Cardinals wide receiver slammed for ‘inside’ Kyler Murray information

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