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My iPad runs Windows XP now, and it’s all I ever wanted



My iPad runs Windows XP now, and it’s all I ever wanted

Apple recently approved a new emulator app called UTM SE that enables your iPhone or iPad (or Vision Pro!) to masquerade as PC hardware and run honest-to-goodness computer desktop operating systems. Some of you asked in the comments section of my last story how it runs — a fair question that I couldn’t answer at the time. But now that I’ve tried it a little, I have answers, and I can say this much: it’s better than I expected, but I wouldn’t count on it for too much.

That’s because it doesn’t use a just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which translates software into code that your device understands before it’s executed. JIT compilers go against Apple’s software guidelines for the App Store, so you’d have to jailbreak your phone to install a version of UTM that uses the technique.

UTM SE will be generally slow on an iPad for anything besides running old OSes on old hardware, but XP runs surprisingly well — and UTM offers plenty of documentation for getting started.

I tried it out on my M1 iPad Pro, a device I’ve always wished could do more than it does. Making a virtual machine on which to run Windows is especially easy if you use one of UTM’s pre-built machines, which you can download and tweak. I grabbed this one and gave it more RAM and storage but otherwise used it the way it came. Then, I pointed it at a Windows XP .iso file from the IDE Drives option in that machine’s settings and booted it up. And waited. For so long.

It took two and a half hours for my iPad to crawl through installation. But at the end of it all, I was treated to the old “bliss” desktop background and the Windows XP startup sound (which I didn’t realize I’m nostalgic for). Things were slow after everything finished loading; new windows took a few seconds to open; nested Start menu items did, too. None of it was outrageous, though, and I genuinely think it’s faster than the Compaq machine we had when I was a teen. (Those old spinning disk hard drives really took a toll.)


I should be able to make all operating systems look this bad.
Screenshot: Windows XP / UTM SE

Putting aside performance and nostalgia, using Windows XP on an iPad really highlights how much farther iPadOS has to go when it comes to multitasking. And despite some improvements to homescreen customization in iPadOS 18, it’s still far behind Windows XP when it comes to personalizing things. XP doesn’t mind at all if I want my title bar pink and the text inside neon green or different fonts for every button, menu, or window. The world is my terrible oyster! I miss ruining my computer; that was the dream.

Apple allowing emulators on iPhones and iPads has made a big difference for my iPad Pro. I’ve always liked using my iPad but rarely wanted to; now, I don’t think I’ve ever picked it up more.

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Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024



Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024

Senior citizens are often targets for scams, and as scams are getting more sophisticated, it’s getting easier to deceive even the most tech-savvy person. Elder fraud involves a variety of scams targeting seniors, from fake prizes to pleas for help from their “grandchildren,” resulting in an annual loss of $3 billion, according to the FBI. Seniors are often targeted due to their good credit, financial security and trusting nature. Here are the top elderly fraud scams of the year:


A man using his phone to shop (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

1) Tech support or home repair scam

In this scam, people pose as tech support or home repair professionals from reputable companies like Amazon, offering to fix non-existent issues. Seniors should be wary of unsolicited calls and independently verify the caller’s identity. In some cases, they may even show up at your front door, telling you that they noticed your roof needs repair or something along those lines.

Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024

A man on his laptop (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)



2) Relative phone scam

This scam is one of the worst ones. Fraudsters claim to be a grandchild or close relative urgently needing financial help. The scammers will say something like their grandchild has been in an accident and needs money to help them get to the hospital or something along those lines.

If the senior catches on and realizes it’s a scam, the fraudster will say they have kidnapped their grandchild and won’t release them until the senior pays up. In most cases, it’s a scam. Before acting, always verify the story with other family members and try calling your grandchild. (This is a good excuse to encourage them to answer the phone more often.)


Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024

A man using phone and laptop at the same time (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


3) Government impersonation scam

This is when scammers pretend to be officials from agencies like the IRS, DEA or FBI and threaten legal action unless a payment is made. Scammers can also do this by phone spoofing, making it so that when they call the person they are targeting, their name and number actually show up in the caller ID as one of these agencies. Remember, these agencies will never call to demand money, and most companies won’t, either.


4) Sweepstakes or lottery scam

Wouldn’t it be nice to find out you’ve just won the lottery? Well, chances are, the exciting news is actually a scam. The sweepstakes or lottery scam happens when seniors receive calls from a scammer claiming they’ve won a sweepstakes or lottery but must pay a fee to claim their prize. They’ll never ask you to pay money first if it’s an authentic sweepstakes.

Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024

A person holding lottery tickets (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

5) TV and radio scam

Scammers place ads for fraudulent services on TV or radio, tricking seniors into calling and handing over money, whether for a certain product or service. Always research companies thoroughly before buying from them.

Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024

A woman on her phone (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


6) Geek Squad phishing scam

In this particular scam, fraudsters send fake Geek Squad invoices via email, prompting seniors to call a provided number. During the call, scammers steal personal information under the guise of resolving a fake issue. Avoid clicking on suspicious links, and verify invoices through official company contacts.



7) Overpayment scam

If you’re one to balance your checkbook the “old-fashioned” way, then you may have a hard time falling for this scam. Here, they’ll trick victims into believing they were accidentally overpaid for an item, service, bill or subscription, convincing them to refund the fake overpayment. To do this, they’ll ask for your sensitive data, including your bank account information. Always verify such claims with your bank or the relevant company before taking any action.

8) Unsubscribe email scam

Similar to the above, emails in your inbox that claim to help you unsubscribe from services are often actually phishing attempts to steal personal information. Sometimes, there will even be an “unsubscribe” link right in the email. Always use official websites to manage subscriptions and avoid clicking on unknown email links.

9) Health insurance scam

When it’s that time of year again to enroll in your health insurance plan, be on the lookout for scammers that take advantage of this. They’ll call offering fake health insurance plans or services, pretending to be health insurance brokers or what have you, often requesting personal information to “see what you’re eligible for.” Verify any health insurance offer with your provider directly.

Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024

A man using his laptop and holding cash (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

10) Charity scam

It’s not uncommon for elderly people to be generous with their giving. But you don’t want to give too much or give it to a charity that’s not really a charity! Another tactic by fraudsters is to manipulate elders by soliciting donations for fake charities, especially after natural disasters. In this day and age, it’s not very common for these charities to call, but they could. Never give out your information or money right away. Thank them for their call, take the time to research an organization and make sure it is legitimate before deciding what to do.

11) Romance scam

Finally, scammers build fake romantic relationships online to extract money from seniors. A senior who’s feeling lonely and wants to build a connection with someone may fall for this scam without realizing it, assuming the person is genuine. If they do ask for money, they justify it by feeling connected to the person until it’s too late. Though plenty of seniors find genuine love online, sometimes meeting lifelong partners, be cautious about sharing personal information or sending money to someone you’ve only met online. There could be ulterior motives.

Top 12 elderly fraud scams of 2024

A woman sitting on a bench and looking out at the sea (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

12) Artificial intelligence scams

Artificial intelligence (AI) scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pose a significant threat to seniors. These scams use AI technology to create convincing fake audio, video or text messages that appear to come from trusted sources. Here are some key points about AI scams targeting the elderly:

  • Deepfake voice scams: AI can clone voices, allowing scammers to impersonate family members or authority figures in phone calls, making the “grandparent scam” even more convincing.
  • AI-generated phishing emails: Scammers use AI to craft personalized, grammatically correct emails that appear legitimate, making them harder to detect as fraud.
  • Chatbot impersonation: AI chatbots can mimic customer service representatives, tech support or government officials, tricking seniors into revealing personal information or making payments.
  • Fake video calls: Advanced AI can create realistic video avatars, enabling scammers to impersonate loved ones or officials in video chats.
  • AI-enhanced social engineering: Scammers use AI to gather and analyze personal information from social media, creating highly targeted and personalized scams.

To protect against AI scams, seniors should be cautious of unsolicited communications, verify identities through trusted channels, and stay informed about the latest AI-based fraud techniques. It’s crucial to educate older adults about these evolving threats and encourage them to report suspicious activities to the National Elder Fraud Hotline.


12 tips to protect against senior scams

As scams targeting seniors become increasingly sophisticated, it’s crucial for older adults to arm themselves with knowledge and caution. The following 12 tips can help seniors stay one step ahead of fraudsters and protect their financial well-being and personal information.

1) Be wary of unsolicited calls, emails or messages. Never give out personal information or send money to unknown individuals.

2) Take your time and don’t act quickly under pressure. Scammers often create a false sense of urgency.


3) Verify the identity of callers claiming to be relatives in distress. Contact other family members to confirm the story before taking any action.

4) Be suspicious of requests for unusual payment methods like gift cards or wire transfers.

5) Keep computer and smartphone security software up to date and use two-factor authentication when possible.

6) Carefully review bills and credit card statements for unauthorized charges.

7) Be cautious of “free” offers that require payment for shipping or other fees.


8) Don’t trust caller ID alone, as scammers can fake legitimate numbers.

9) Be skeptical of unsolicited investment opportunities or deals that seem too good to be true.

10) Report suspected scams to local law enforcement, the National Elder Fraud Hotline (833-372-8311) or the Federal Trade Commission.

11) Don’t click on links in emails or text messages from unknown sources. If you’re unsure, go directly to the official website by typing the address into your browser. The best way to protect yourself from clicking malicious links that install malware that may get access to your private information is to have antivirus protection installed on all your devices. This can also alert you of any phishing emails or ransomware scams. Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

12) Invest in personal data removal services. While no service promises to remove all your data from the internet, having a removal service is great if you want to constantly monitor and automate the process of continuously removing your information from hundreds of sites over a longer period. Remove your personal data from the internet with my top picks here.


By staying vigilant and following these precautions, seniors can better protect themselves from falling victim to fraudulent schemes.

Kurt’s key takeaways

Scammers generally don’t care who their victims are, but they know who they can target to execute their tactics better. Don’t fall for them. If anything in your gut tells you the situation is unusual, it probably is. After all, you’ve gained much life experience to know if something isn’t right. The general rule of thumb is that the more urgent the situation is that they are asking for money, chances are it is a scam. Don’t let your emotions get involved, and take a minute to figure out what’s really going on.

Have you ever been in a situation like this where you realized it was a scam? Or, have you maybe even fallen for one of these before? What happened? What did you do? Let us know by writing us at

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All the tech news from the 2024 election



All the tech news from the 2024 election

The first presidential debate was very bad.

Here’s a summary that includes tech policy issues and also some of the most unhinged stuff we heard tonight.

Things mentioned:

China, tariffs, semiconductor chips, Charlottesville, the border, “space age materials,” the Green New Deal, environment, election “fraud,” opioids, Twitter(???), having sex with porn stars, Hunter Biden laptop, golf handicaps(??????)

Things not mentioned:


TikTok, Facebook, FISA warrantless surveillance, EVs, intellectual property, broadband policy, artificial intelligence (thank god!!!)

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AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision



AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

The roads are becoming increasingly dangerous for cyclists, and the numbers paint a grim picture. Recently, we hit a heartbreaking milestone: the highest number of bicycle fatalities ever recorded in the United States. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 1,105 cyclists lost their lives on public roads. It’s a stark reminder that, despite well-intentioned efforts from various government agencies, we still fall short in keeping cyclists safe.

But here’s how things could improve. A game-changing gadget called Survue could keep cyclists safe on the roads. Sure, we’ve seen bike radar systems before, but Survue? It appears to be in a league of its own. By tapping into the power of artificial intelligence, this device is taking cyclist protection to a whole new level.

Let’s be honest. I am sure there are a lot of you out there who would love to hop on a bike more often but are held back by safety worries. Who can blame you? With Survue hitting the road, we might just see a shift in how you view cycling safety.


AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


A bicycle safety device that goes beyond traditional radar

Developed by Maine-based entrepreneur Josh Fox, Survue is an innovative device that looks to address the limitations of existing bicycle radar systems. While conventional systems primarily focus on the speed of approaching vehicles, Survue takes a more holistic approach by considering multiple factors to assess potential risks.

While Survue is not the first AI-based bicycle safety device to enter the market, it intends to differentiate itself through its comprehensive approach and compact design. Survue’s key features include AI-powered vehicle detection, 3D location and path prediction, vehicle type identification, automatic video recording and an enhanced taillight alerting system.

In case you are wondering what Survue actually means, it is derived from two French words: sûr, meaning safe, and vue, meaning view.


AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)



How Survue works

Unlike traditional radar-based systems, Survue utilizes a camera and sophisticated AI algorithms to analyze the road behind the cyclist. The device can detect approaching vehicles, determine their speed and location, and even predict their trajectory. This advanced analysis allows Survue to differentiate between passing vehicles and those that pose a potential collision risk.

AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


How does the device alert cyclists and motorists when they are in a hazardous situation?

When Survue detects a potentially hazardous situation, it alerts the cyclist in multiple ways. These include an audible alarm on the device, notifications via an optional iOS/Android app, and visual displays on a handlebar-mounted smartphone. It alerts motorists or distracted drivers by increasing the flashing frequency of the integrated 80-lumen tail light.

AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


Technical specifications of cyclist AI safety device

Survue weighs 125 grams and measures 3.5 inches by 2 inches x 1.5 inches. Its battery life is up to six hours between charges. It can detect vehicles at a range of up to 360 feet and features an 80-lumen light visible from one mile away. The device also supports Bluetooth connectivity for integration with third-party apps. It is also compatible with most bike computers.

AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

Video recording for legal protection

One of Survue’s standout features is its ability to automatically record video footage of approaching vehicles from the rear that trigger elevated alerts. This feature provides cyclists with valuable evidence in case of accidents or legal proceedings.

AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

How to get your hands on Survue

Survue is currently available through a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. With a modest goal of $5,000, the campaign has already surpassed expectations. Head over to Survue’s Kickstarter page to learn more about the pledge tiers and be among the first to experience this AI-powered cycling safety device.

AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

Kurt’s key takeaways

By combining AI-powered detection, predictive analysis and automatic video recording, Survue offers cyclists a more comprehensive and proactive approach to road safety. As cycling continues to grow in popularity, innovations like Survue may play a crucial role in making roads safer for all users. However, the actual test of Survue’s effectiveness will come once it reaches the hands of everyday cyclists.

Would an AI-powered safety device like Survue make you feel safer and bike more often? Let us know by writing us at

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