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FTC blasts Microsoft’s new “degraded” Xbox Game Pass Standard tier and price increases



FTC blasts Microsoft’s new “degraded” Xbox Game Pass Standard tier and price increases

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has blasted Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass price increases in a filing to the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Microsoft revealed last week that it’s increasing PC Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate prices, and planning to launch a new Game Pass Standard tier soon without day one access to first-party Xbox games.

The FTC calls this new Game Pass Standard tier a “degraded product,” because new Game Pass users won’t be able to sign up to the $10.99 Game Pass for Console, which includes day one game access. Instead, Xbox Game Pass Standard will be priced at $14.99 and won’t include day one games, but will include online multiplayer.

“Microsoft’s price increases and product degradation — combined with Microsoft’s reduced investments in output and product quality via employee layoffs — are the hallmarks of a firm exercising market power post-merger,” says FTC in a filing today. “Product degradation — removing the most valuable games from Microsoft’s new service — combined with price increases for existing users, is exactly the sort of consumer harm from the merger the FTC has alleged.”

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Toys 'R' Us AI-generated ad sparks fear, fascination



Toys 'R' Us AI-generated ad sparks fear, fascination

Remember the days of walking into a Toys “R” Us store? The endless aisles of toys, the excitement of spotting the latest must-have item and the towering presence of Geoffrey the Giraffe?

Well, the iconic toy retailer is back, and it’s not just reopening stores. It’s embracing cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to tell its origin story in a way that’s as innovative as it is nostalgic.

Toys “R” Us AI-generated film (Toys “R” Us Studios)

The Power of AI: Introducing Sora

In a move that’s turning heads in both the marketing and tech worlds, Toys “R” Us has partnered with creative agency Native Foreign to create a groundbreaking brand film. But this isn’t your average promotional video. It’s been crafted using OpenAI’s Sora, a text-to-video AI tool that’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in content creation.



Sora is a technological innovation capable of generating up to one-minute-long videos featuring realistic scenes and multiple characters, all from text instructions. It’s like having an entire film studio at your fingertips, ready to bring your wildest ideas to life with just a few well-chosen words.

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Toys “R” Us AI-generated film (Toys “R” Us Studios)


The story of Toys ‘R’ Us founder Charles Lazarus

The 66-second promo takes us on a journey back to the 1930s, following young Charles Lazarus, the visionary founder of Toys “R” Us. We’re transported to an old-time bicycle shop, where we see Lazarus dreaming of transforming the toy industry. As he drifts off to sleep, the video seamlessly transitions into a magical dreamscape filled with toys of all shapes and sizes, presided over by the beloved mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe.

It’s a clever narrative device that not only tells the Toys “R” Us origin story but also captures the childlike wonder and imagination that the brand has always represented. By blending historical elements with fantastical imagery, the video manages to appeal to both nostalgic adults and wide-eyed children.

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Toys “R” Us AI-generated film (Toys “R” Us Studios)



The making of the AI-generated film

Creating this film was no simple task, despite the advanced capabilities of Sora. The team at Native Foreign, led by chief creative officer Nik Kleverov, wrote lengthy, detailed prompts for each scene. They had to carefully balance historical accuracy with modern appeal, ensuring that early scenes captured the essence of the 1920s and 1930s while later dreamscape sequences felt contemporary enough to resonate with today’s young audiences.

This meticulous attention to detail highlights an important point: while AI tools like Sora are incredibly powerful, they still require skilled human guidance to produce truly compelling content. The technology may be new, but the art of storytelling remains a fundamental human endeavor.

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Toys “R” Us AI-generated film (Toys “R” Us Studios)


The rebirth of a retail toy giant

This innovative video project is more than just a technological showcase; it’s part of a broader turnaround plan for Toys “R” Us. After filing for bankruptcy in 2018 and closing its stores, many thought the beloved brand was gone for good. But in 2021, Toys “R” Us was acquired by WHP Global, a firm specializing in managing and expanding retail companies.

Now, Toys “R” Us is making a comeback that’s as much about reimagining the brand for the 21st century as it is about rekindling nostalgia. They’ve opened new flagship stores in high-profile locations like Minnesota’s Mall of America and New Jersey’s American Dream Mall. Perhaps most significantly, they’ve partnered with Macy’s to open Toys “R” Us sections in every Macy’s location across the United States.



This multipronged approach – combining innovative marketing, strategic partnerships and a carefully curated retail presence – demonstrates the brand’s commitment to remaining relevant in an ever-changing retail landscape.

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Toys “R” Us AI-generated film (Toys “R” Us Studios)

Mixed reactions to Toys ‘R’ Us AI-generated film

As with any technology, the AI-generated film has sparked diverse reactions on social media. Some viewers have praised it as an innovative and creative way to tell stories that would be difficult or impossible to capture through traditional filmmaking methods. They see it as an exciting glimpse into the future of content creation, where imagination is the only limit.

Others, however, have expressed reservations. Some found the AI-generated characters “creepy,” falling into the infamous “uncanny valley” where digital renderings of humans are close to realistic but just off enough to be unsettling. Others noticed inconsistencies in the AI-generated images, highlighting the current limitations of the technology.

These mixed reactions underscore the ongoing challenges and opportunities in AI-generated content. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how creators address these issues and refine their techniques.

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Toys “R” Us AI-generated film  (Toys “R” Us Studios)

The broader implications: AI in marketing and beyond

The Toys “R” Us AI-generated brand film represents more than just a single company’s marketing strategy: It’s a significant milestone in the evolving landscape of content creation and brand storytelling.

As AI tools like Sora become more sophisticated and widely available, we will likely see an increase in AI-generated content across various industries. This could democratize content creation, allowing smaller brands and creators to produce high-quality visual content at a fraction of the traditional cost.

However, it also raises important questions about the future of creative industries. Will AI-generated content supplement or replace human-created work? How will we navigate issues of copyright and intellectual property in an age where any image or scene can be conjured from a text prompt? And how will audiences’ expectations and perceptions of visual media evolve as AI-generated content becomes more commonplace?

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Toys “R” Us AI-generated film (Toys “R” Us Studios)

Kurt’s key takeaways

The Toys “R” Us AI-generated brand film represents a bold step into a new frontier of marketing, one where the lines between human creativity and artificial intelligence are increasingly blurred. As we move forward, it will be fascinating to see how brands balance the efficiency and innovation of AI with the human touch that connects with audiences on an emotional level. The most successful campaigns are likely to be those that use AI as a tool to enhance and amplify human creativity, rather than replace it entirely.


One thing’s for sure, whether you’re excited or skeptical about AI in marketing, this project has certainly got people talking. And for a brand looking to recapture the public’s imagination after a period of uncertainty, that might be the most valuable outcome of all.

What do you think about AI-generated content like this Toys “R” Us video? Do you embrace it or have reservations about its impact on creative industries? Let us know in the comments below. Let us know by writing us at

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Google reveals the Pixel 9 Pro Fold before it can leak again



Google reveals the Pixel 9 Pro Fold before it can leak again


After showing an early look at the Pixel 9 Pro, Google has taken the wraps off the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, too.

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How to securely lock your iPhone, iPad from prying eyes



How to securely lock your iPhone, iPad from prying eyes

Keeping your personal information safe is more important than ever. Your iPhone and iPad contain a wealth of sensitive data, from personal photos to financial information. This guide will walk you through the process of securing your Apple devices from prying eyes.


iPad and iPhone on table (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

Setting a strong passcode

The first line of defense for your device is a strong passcode. Here’s how to set one up:

  • Open Settings by tapping on the Settings icon on your home screen
  • Scroll down and select Face ID & Passcode (or Touch ID & Passcode for older models)
  • Enter your current passcode, if prompted
How to securely lock your iPhone, iPad from prying eyes

Steps to set a strong passcode on iPhone (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • If you don’t have a passcode set, tap Turn Passcode On
How to securely lock your iPhone, iPad from prying eyes

Steps to set a strong passcode on iPhone (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • If you do have a passcode set, tap Change Passcode
  • Enter your current passcode, if prompted
  • Enter a new passcode that is difficult to guess; avoid simple sequences, repeated numbers or birthdays
  • For maximum security, use a combination of numbers, letters and special characters
  • You’ll then be asked to verify your new passcode by reentering it.
How to securely lock your iPhone, iPad from prying eyes

Steps to set a strong passcode on iPhone (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)



Enabling biometric security

For an additional layer of security, enable biometric authentication, if your device supports it:

  • Go to Settings on your iPhone
  • Tap Face ID & Passcode or Touch ID & Passcode
  • Enter your passcode when prompted.
  • Tap Set Up Face ID or Set Up Touch ID
How to securely lock your iPhone, iPad from prying eyes

Steps to enable biometric security (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Tap where it says Get Started to begin the enrollment process
  • Then follow the on-screen instructions to enroll your face or fingerprint
  • For Face ID: Position your face within the frame and move your head slowly to complete the circle. Follow the prompts to complete the first scan, then repeat for the second scan.
  • For Touch ID: Place your finger on the Home button and lift it repeatedly as instructed. Adjust your grip to capture the edges of your fingerprint.
  • Once the process is complete, tap Done
  • Lastly, ensure the toggle for iPhone Unlock is turned on to use Face ID or Touch ID for unlocking your device
How to securely lock your iPhone, iPad from prying eyes

Steps to enable biometric security (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


5 additional security measures

To further protect your iPhone and iPad, follow these additional security measures.

1) Make sure to use a password manager to keep track of all your passwords. It will also help you generate and store complex passwords. 

2) Use two-factor authentication (2FA) as an extra shield to prevent hackers from getting into your accounts. 


3) Keep your operating system and all software up to date to protect against security threats.

4) Regularly backup your data in case you need to restore it in the future.

5) Have strong antivirus software. The best way to protect yourself from clicking malicious links that install malware that may get access to your private information is to have antivirus protection installed on all your devices. This can also alert you of any phishing emails or ransomware scams. Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.


Kurt’s key takeaways 

Securing your iPhone and iPad is a crucial step in protecting your personal information. By following these steps to set a strong passcode and enable biometric security, you’ve significantly increased the security of your device. Remember that security is an ongoing process, so regularly updating your software and backing up your data are essential practices to maintain the safety of your digital life. Stay vigilant and keep your devices locked away from prying eyes.


What additional steps do you take to secure your mobile devices, and have you ever experienced a situation where these security measures proved crucial? Let us know by writing us at

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