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Reeves Proclaims Confederate Heritage Month in Mississippi



Reeves Proclaims Confederate Heritage Month in Mississippi

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves declared April 2024 as Confederate Heritage Month in Mississippi, keeping alive a 31-year-old tradition that began in 1993. Beauvoir, the Biloxi, Miss., the museum and historic home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, announced the proclamation in a Facebook post on Friday, April 12.

“Whereas, as we honor all who lost their lives in this war, it is important for all Americans to reflect upon our nation’s past, to gain insight from our mistakes and successes, and to come to a full understanding that the lessons learned yesterday and today will carry us through tomorrow if we carefully and earnestly strive to understand and appreciate our heritage and our opportunities which lie before us,” says the governor’s proclamation, which is dated April 12. “Now, therefore, I, Tate Reeves, Governor of the State of Mississippi, hereby proclaim the month of April 2024 as Confederate Heritage Month in the State of Mississippi.”

Beauvoir is owned and operated by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a neo-Confederate organization that promotes “Lost Cause” ideology, a revisionist history that whitewashes the Confederacy’s racist past and downplays the role of slavery in the Civil War. Beauvoir annually receives $100,000 from the State of Mississippi for development and maintenance.

Starting in 2016, Donna Ladd, then the editor of the Jackson Free Press and now the executive editor of the Mississippi Free Press, first reported on then-Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant’s Confederate Heritage Month proclamations. The Mississippi Free Press has reported on Reeves’ annual proclamations as well in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.


The Confederate Heritage Month proclamations annually appear on SCV Facebook pages, but neither the governor nor any other state official publicizes the proclamations or posts them on any public-facing state websites or social-media pages.

Reeves defended issuing the proclamations in 2021.

“For the last 30 years, five Mississippi governors—Republicans and Democrats alike—have signed a proclamation recognizing the statutory state holiday and identifying April as Confederate Heritage Month,” he said in a statement to WAPT at the time. “Gov. Reeves also signed the proclamation because he believes we can all learn from our history.”

‘Thoroughly Identified With the Institution of Slavery’

After Kirk Fordice became Mississippi’s first Republican governor in a century while courting the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens and criticizing efforts to atone for the state’s racist past, he issued the inaugural Confederate Heritage Month proclamation at the request of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in 1993.

Since then, one Democratic governor and three Republican governors have followed Fordice’s lead. In the 30 years since then, only one governor has ever skipped issuing a Confederate Heritage Month proclamation. Despite issuing them for his first seven years in office between 2011 and 2018, former Gov. Bryant did not issue a Confederate Heritage Month proclamation in 2019, his last year in office, opting instead for a “Month of Unity” proclamation on behalf of a Christian organization.

Mississippi Gov. Kirk Fordice issued the first Confederate Heritage Month proclamation in 1993. During his time as governor, he courted support from white supremacist groups, including the Council of Conservative Citizens. He is seen here on Aug. 22, 1996, with (from left) Donald Wildmon of the Tupelo-based American Family Association; then-Mississippi House Rep. Phil Bryant; and Mississippi Family Council’s Forest Thigpen. P Photo/Rogelio V. Solis, File

The language in Reeves’ Confederate Heritage Month proclamation uses much of the same language as one that former Democratic Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, who served from 2000 to 2004, issued in April 2000.

Last year, Musgrove told the Mississippi Free Press that Confederate Heritage Month is “something that should not continue in today’s world.”

“I cannot say why the practice started, but it was one that should never have been started,” the former governor said. “It was one that I should not have signed and it should have ended a long time ago.”

Former Republican Gov. Haley Barbour also signed Confederate Heritage Month proclamations every year between 2004 and 2016.

Though Confederate Heritage groups like SCV promote a whitewashed version of the South’s role in the Civil War that has often made its way into textbooks in the state and throughout the country, the historical record makes clear that slavery was the primary cause of the Union’s split and the subsequent Civil War.


“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world,” Mississippi’s 1861 Declaration of Secession says. “Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.”

Reeves’ ties to the SCV stretch back long before his time as governor. In 2013, he spoke to the SCV’s national gathering in Vicksburg, Miss., in front of a massive Confederate battle flag and in a room decorated with smaller Confederate flags and cotton plants. After then-Lt. Gov. Reeves congratulated the organization for “keeping history for our youth,” speakers defended the Confederate “cause” and compared “Yankees” to German “Nazis” in World War II.

Tate Reeves speeking at a podium surrounded by Confederate flags.
Then-Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves appeared at a July 2013 Sons of Confederate Veterans event in Vicksburg with a massive Confederate flag behind him. Photo via R.E. Lee Camp 239 SCV Facebook group

Long before entering politics, Reeves was part of a Millsaps College fraternity known for Confederate-themed parties where members wore blackface and for lionizing Confederate General Robert E. Lee. When it became an issue in his 2019 campaign for governor, though, he said he never participated in blackface during his time in the fraternity.

Reeves’ Democratic opponent at the time, then-Attorney General Jim Hood, was also in a fraternity at the University of Mississippi where members wore blackface; he similarly denied ever participating.

Reeves Denied Existence of ‘Systemic Racism’

In the decades after the Civil War ended, Confederate veterans, such as Mississippi State University inaugural President Stephen D. Lee, and groups like SCV began the work of remaking history in a way that shone a more favorable light on the South—muddying the waters over the cause of the war and falsely describing it as a “war of northern aggression.”

After the Civil War and the failure of Reconstruction, Mississippi’s white leaders worked to enshrine white supremacy in state law, adopting a Jim Crow state constitution in 1890 (its racist felony voter disenfranchisement provision remains in state law and continues to disproportionately disenfranchise Black voters). White supremacist leaders in Mississippi renewed efforts to enshrine Confederate heritage in the 1950s and 1960s in reaction to the rise of the civil rights movement.


Mississippi’s Confederate-themed 1894 state flag flew over state buildings until 2020, when state lawmakers voted to retire and replace it amid a national race reckoning about Black activists’ efforts for decades and in the wake of young Black Mississippians leading protests against racism and the Mississippi flag after the murder of George Floyd. Despite his campaign pledge not to support efforts to retire the flag, Gov. Reeves signed the bill retiring the old flag into law, calling it “a law to turn a page in Mississippi today.”

“It is fashionable in some quarters to say our ancestors were all evil. I reject that notion. I also reject the elitist worldview that these United States are anything but the greatest nation in the history of mankind. I reject the mobs tearing down statues of our history—north and south, Union and Confederate, founding fathers and veterans,” the governor said in 2020, criticizing Black Lives Matter protesters even as he signed the legislation retiring the old state flag. “I reject the chaos and lawlessness, and I am proud it has not happened in our state.”

A rally with "Black Lives Matter" and the old MS Flag
The day after a group of white supremacists went on a deadly rampage in Charlottesville, Va., in August 2017, students at the University of Southern Mississippi who support the Black Lives Matter movement interrupted a demonstration supporting Mississippi’s old 1894 state flag. Photo by Ashton Pittman

Despite signing the law that changed the old flag, though, Gov. Reeves continued to deny the lasting effects of the state’s white supremacist history. In 2021, he told Fox News that “there is not systemic racism in America”—contradicting mountains of evidence, including the vestiges of Jim Crow that remain in force in Mississippi law like the State’s racially targeted 1890 voter disenfranchisement law.

Then, in 2022, Reeves signed a so-called “critical race theory ban” into law, which is a misnomer because despite its legislative title, the law neither mentions nor describes critical race theory. As he signed the bill, the governor claimed that “critical race theory is running amok,” despite the fact that the lawmakers who drafted it admitted that they did not know of any public K-12 schools where the academic theory is taught.

He also painted critical race theory, which addresses systemic racial inequalities in the legal system and throughout society,  as a tool of indoctrination that is used to “humiliate” white people.

“Children are dragged to the front of the classroom and are coerced to declare themselves as oppressors, that they should feel guilty because of their race, or that they are inherently a victim because of their race,” he said at the time.


The State will also observe Confederate Memorial Day on April 27 as mandated under State law.

For more on the Sons of Confederate Veterans, “redemption” schemes, and the censorship campaign to romanticize and sanitize the Confederacy in southern and U.S. textbooks, read this in-depth piece about first Mississippi State University President Stephen D. Lee’s successful efforts to rewrite the Confederate narrative.

Disclosure: Former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove has donated to the Mississippi Free Press. This does not affect our coverage.

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Clemson makes an impression on big Mississippi lineman



Clemson makes an impression on big Mississippi lineman

One initial visit to Tiger Town made quite the impression.

2026 Louisville (MS) Nanih Waiya offensive lineman Grant Kitchens attended the Dabo Swinney Football Camp in early June and also had the opportunity to take in Clemson for the first time.

Kitchens has begun to receive interest from several schools, including Florida and Mississippi State, and the Bulldogs have offered. He has received interest from the Tigers and had the opportunity to put on a show.

“It was a great experience overall,” Kitchens said. “It was good to learn and work with the offensive line coaches. I like the campus and the coaches.”


Kitchens had the opportunity to work with offensive line coach Matt Luke during the camp, and his most significant takeaway was how Luke’s coaching style matches Kitchens’ personality.

“He (Luke) pushed me to get better,” said Kitchens. “That’s what I like. I want to be pushed. I wanna be able to get better at the end of the day.”

Kitchens describes himself as a physical player on the field, and with the rising junior’s frame set at 6-foot-8, 308 pounds, he can certainly pack a punch.

Regarding a timeline for any potential decision, Kitchens wants to be committed by his senior year and hopes to have a list of preferred schools very soon.

The Tigers haven’t offered Kitchens yet and are working closely with him in the coming months, but an offer from Clemson would be significant to receive.


“An offer from Clemson would be amazing,” said Kitchens. “To have a chance to play for Clemson, Coach Dabo (Swinney), and Coach (Matt) Luke would be amazing! It’s a great program that has had success and with one of the best O-line coaches in the nation.

”Man, I just can’t put it into words how I would feel.”

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Former Bulldog basketball star Victoria Vivians returns to Starkville to join Mississippi State’s coaching staff



Former Bulldog basketball star Victoria Vivians returns to Starkville to join Mississippi State’s coaching staff

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WLBT) – WNBA player Victoria Vivians is making her way back home to Mississippi, and when she gets here she’ll make the transition from player to coach.

On Monday, Mississippi State announced that the former women’s basketball standout would join Sam Purcell and his staff as an assistant coach, and director of scouting. The current Seattle Storm guard will start her coaching career in October after the end of the WNBA season.

In 2018, Vivians was selected eighth overall by the Indians Fever. After spending five seasons with the Fever, she then signed with the Storm in March.

The Bulldog legend left her mark on the court while at Mississippi State. She was a three-time All-SEC First Team member, averaged 17.1 points, and helped lead the Lady Bulldogs to two national championship game appearances.


Before the former Bulldog started her collegiate career, she shined in Jackson at Scott Central. In 2014 she became the state’s all-time leading girls’ basketball scorer.

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Former Oklahoma Defensive Lineman Commits to Mississippi State



Former Oklahoma Defensive Lineman Commits to Mississippi State

STARKVILLE, Miss. —Kevonte Henry is the newest member of the 2025 class. Henry previously was at Oklahoma with MSU head coach Jeff Lebby before entering the transfer portal on December 7th, 2022.

During his time in Norman, he never appeared in a game and transferred to Cerritos College, a junior college in California. Last season, the Lawndale, Cali. native made 43 tackles, 7.5 for loss, and 3.5 sacks.

The 6-4 225 defensive lineman does not have a recruiting for his JUCO days but was a consensus 4-star coming out of Leuzinger High School. This is a solid pickup for the Bulldog coaching staff as they continue to put an emphasis on junior college recruiting.

However, Henry is not a typical JUCO prospect. Coming out of high school, he held impressive offers from Michigan, Florida, Oregon, and USC. The talent is there for Henry, and Lebby has seen the defensive lineman firsthand.


The Bulldogs hosted a big group of official visitors for the first time, and the coaching staff took full advantage as they doubled their 2025 class in just one weekend.

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