
Politicians Behind COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Should Be Brought to Justice: Maryland AG Candidate



Politicians who enacted strict COVID-19 measures together with lockdowns and vaccine mandates must be dropped at justice, says Republican Maryland Legal professional Common candidate Michael Peroutka.

“Nothing may very well be extra on the purpose that each one these lockdowns, mandates, orders, edicts, proclamations, declarations, no matter you wish to name them, none of them had been lawful. They had been all violation of the regulation, and that may’t proceed,” Peroutka instructed The Epoch Occasions. “These individuals who have violated this doc [the Maryland Constitution] have to be dropped at justice.”

He believes that implementing the restrictions was an abuse of energy below the Maryland Structure, citing Article 44 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights, a doc much like the Invoice of Rights.

Article 44 says “any departure” or “violation” of the availability of the U.S. Structure and Maryland Structure, for no matter motive, is subversive of “good Authorities.”


“I might examine and prosecute anyone who did that,” he stated.

He thinks the science behind the COVID-19 measures is way from being excellent, however even whether it is, the regulation nonetheless prohibits the federal government from implementing such restrictions.

Peroutka was a presidential candidate in 2004 for the Structure Get together. He defeated Jim Shalleck, a former state and federal prosecutor, and gained the Republican nomination for lawyer common of Maryland in July.

Earlier than working for the lawyer common place, he was a council member for Anne Arundel County between 2014 and 2018.

He additionally holds the view that “overreach” isn’t sufficient to outline what each the federal authorities and the Outdated Line State authorities did throughout the pandemic.


“I wouldn’t even name it ‘overreach.’ I feel to some extent ‘overreach’ is a nasty time period. If the federal government reaches the place it has no proper to achieve in any respect, that’s not overreaching, that’s simply legal. That’s a misuse of the workplace,” he stated.

Stopping Lawlessness in Authorities

Peroutka has an uphill battle forward of him.

The Democrats have held the Maryland Legal professional Common’s Workplace for many years. The final time a Republican presided over the workplace in Maryland was between 1952 and 1954.

As a vehement Structure originalist, Peroutka believes the Structure must be interpreted as to how the Founders meant within the context of perception and morality.

“The entire of the [living] Structure concept is invented by individuals who don’t wish to observe the Structure in any respect,” he stated.


If elected to preside over the Workplace of the Legal professional Common, his utmost precedence might be stopping lawlessness in authorities. As well as, he additionally strongly helps the Second Modification and vows to guard the suitable to life.

Peroutka believes so-called pink flag legal guidelines are illegal and don’t have due course of.

He stated he’ll prosecute those that attempt to implement them.

“Pink flag legal guidelines say, ‘we’ll take your property now. After which we’ll verify into the due course of later to see whether or not that was OK.’ No, that’s not due course of. That’s a violation of the Structure,” he stated.

Democrat Candidate’s Coverage Agenda

Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.), the Democrat candidate, has a protracted document of public service.


He was elected to the U.S. Home in 2016. He was the lieutenant governor of Maryland between 2007 and 2015 and a Maryland state assemblyman between 1999 and 2007.

He served within the U.S. Military as an aviation officer from 1984 to 1989 and within the U.S. Military Reserve for 25 years after that.

The Epoch Occasions has reached out to Brown’s marketing campaign for remark.

Epoch Times Photo
Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.) speaks in Baltimore, Md., on Might 17, 2021. (Alex Wong/Getty Pictures)

Based on his marketing campaign web site, Brown is working on a typical Democrat Get together platform. His coverage priorities embrace increasing voting entry in Maryland, legalizing marijuana, defending abortion, defending the atmosphere and combating local weather change, and making certain fairness, equality, and equity to assist black Maryland residents.

He additionally pledges to proceed his long-time work in regulating weapons, following introducing and co-sponsoring a number of payments within the U.S. Home meant to manage weapons.

He helps pink flag legal guidelines, needs to lift the minimal age for gun purchases, and backs microstamping ammunition for semi-automatic handguns.



Allen Zhong is a long-time author and reporter for The Epoch Occasions. He joined the Epoch Media Group in 2012. His important focus is on U.S. politics. Ship him your story concepts:

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