
Report storm damage



SHREVEPORT, La. – Louisiana residents hoping for some relief after storm damage received during the period June 14 through June 16 should utilize Damage.LA.Gov to report that damage.

Residents applying should know the survey is voluntary and does not guarantee any federal disaster relief assistance. To access the survey, please visit the website  https://damage.la.gov/.

While no funding through FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has been granted for this event, data will help the governor and GOHSEP (Governor’s Office of Homeland Security) and parish officials evaluate situations and have accurate damage information.


Residents who received damage to a residence or business should complete this survey to report damage to the home (residential structure only, no vehicles). Information collected here will help parish, state, and federal authorities understand how and where locations were impacted by this disaster event.

Take pictures up close to capture specific points of damage but also take pictures of the whole area. Make sure pictures are not blurry.  If the pictures are hard to capture, use the “other comments” field to describe the photos and help portray the damage.

When submitting, make sure the street address is accurate and the map pin is placed on or near the damaged building. Submit reports only on living residence or business; no out buildings/barn/shed/ garages or fencing.

Damage.LA.Gov is a Virtual Louisiana initiative and damage reporting process launched by GOHSEP in the Spring of 2020. It gives citizens of Louisiana access to self-report damages in the aftermath of significant disasters including hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and winter weather.


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