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NSSF Applauds Louisiana Gov. Landry for Signing Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act



NSSF Applauds Louisiana Gov. Landry for Signing Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act

June 17, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, applauds Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry for signing SB 301, the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act, into law last week. This NSSF-supported law protects the privacy and sensitive financial information of people purchasing firearms and ammunition in The Pelican State. With Louisiana, there are now 16 states with laws that protect the Second Amendment financial privacy of their citizens.

The law prohibits financial institutions from requiring the use of a firearm code, also known as a Merchant Category Code (MCC), from being assigned to firearm and ammunition purchases at retail when using a credit card. The law also forbids discriminating against a firearm retailer as a result of the assigned or non-assignment of a firearm code and disclosing the protected financial information. Additionally, the law prohibits keeping or causing to be kept any list, record or registry of private firearm ownership.

“Governor Jeff Landry’s signature on the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act is a powerful statement that the Second Amendment rights of Louisianans are not negotiable. This law will protect Louisiana’s citizens from unlawful intrusion on their private purchases when purchasing firearms and ammunition with a payment card,” said Darren LaSorte, NSSF’s Director, Government Relations – State Affairs. “‘Woke’ Wall Street banks, credit card companies and payment processors won’t be able to collude with government entities to spy on Louisianans’ private finances when they exercise their rights. No American should fear being placed on a government watchlist because they choose their Constitutionally-protected rights to keep and bear arms.”


NSSF worked closely with Louisiana legislators to protect private and legal firearm and ammunition purchases from political exploitation. The Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act is designed to protect the privacy of lawful and private firearm and ammunition purchases from being abused for political purposes by corporate financial service providers and unlawful government search and seizure of legal and private financial transactions. NSSF is grateful to state Sen. Blake Miguez and state Rep. Troy Romero for guiding this legislation to passage and enactment.

The U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) admitted to U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) in a letter that it violated the Fourth Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens that protect against illegal search and seizure when it collected the credit card purchase history from banks and credit card companies of individuals who purchased firearms and ammunition in the days surrounding Jan. 6, 2020. Treasury’s FinCEN had no probable cause, and sought the information without a warrant, to place these law-abiding citizens on a government watchlist only because they exercised their Second Amendment rights to lawfully purchase firearms and ammunition.

The idea of a firearm-retailer specific MCC was borne from antigun New York Times’ columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin and Amalgamated Bank, which has been called “The Left’s Private Banker” and bankrolls the Democratic National Committee and several antigun politicians. Amalgamated Bank lobbied the Swiss-based International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for the code’s creation. NSSF has called on Congress to investigate Amalgamated Bank’s role in manipulating the ISO standard setting process for political purposes.

Sorkin admitted creating a firearm-retailer specific MCC would be a first step to creating a national firearm registry, which is forbidden by federal law.

Louisiana joins a growing list of states that are standing against the invasion of financial privacy when exercising Second Amendment rights, including Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, Indiana, Utah, Florida, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Texas and West Virginia. These states passed laws protecting citizens’ Second Amendment privacy. Other states are considering similar legislation. U.S. Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) introduced S. 4075, the NSSF-supported Protecting Privacy in Purchases Act in the Senate. U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) introduced H.R. 7450, with the same title in the U.S. House of Representatives. Only two states – California and Colorado – have laws requiring payment card processors to report purchases by a firearm retailer-specific MCC. New York’s legislature passed similar legislation, which is expected to be signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul.



About NSSF
NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has over 10,5000 members including manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit


NSSF Media contact:
Mark Oliva

Categories: BP Item, Featured, Press Releases


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Louisiana bears the burden of upstream runoff. Why doesn’t it push for solutions?



Louisiana bears the burden of upstream runoff. Why doesn’t it push for solutions?

CYPREMORT POINT, La. — Thomas Olander has watched his shrimp catch shrink over the last 15 years. It’s not just the abundance of Louisiana shrimp; Olander said that the average size of the crustacean has also shrunk.

Credit: Darrell Hoemann, Investigate Midwest; ROSCOSMOS/NASA. Graphic: Annie Ropeik, Ag & Water Desk

A farmer in Illinois sprays emerging corn in June 2020; The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico in South Louisiana in an undated image taken from the International Space Station.

In the past, shrimpers could expect the crustaceans to grow throughout the spring season, which starts in May in Louisiana waters and generally runs through July. “Since we’ve been dealing with this ‘dead zone,’” said Olander. “We’re not seeing that growth no more.”


The dead zone is a stretch along the shallows of the Gulf of Mexico where algae blooms choke off oxygen in the water.

This month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimated that this summer’s dead zone would reach 5,827 square miles – an area roughly the size of Connecticut. That’s up from approximately 3,058 square miles in 2023.

These massive algae blooms are caused by nutrients that run off of farms up and down the Mississippi River Basin, which stretches from Northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.

Fertilizer that helps crops grow contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. These nutrients run off the fields during rainstorms at the end of the growing season and end up in waterways leading to the Mississippi River.

In 1996, the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico came to national attention through local reporting. The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force was established in the fall of 1997 – a collaboration of state, federal and tribal agencies – and asked the group to create and implement an action plan.


A preliminary goal is to reduce both nitrogen and phosphorus by 20% by 2025. But despite some progress, the task force has not yet met its goals.

The U.S. Geological Survey showed that in May 2024, while nitrogen loads in the lower Mississippi River were 7% lower than baseline measurements, phosphorus loads increased by 22%.

The 2025 target is simply not a priority for the task force, said Doug Daigle, a research scientist at Louisiana State University and coordinator of the Louisiana Hypoxia Working Group. He added that neither the task force nor Louisiana attempted to raise funds from Congress to implement programs that would reduce nutrient pollution.

“It’s a problem with the task force, not just Louisiana. There has not been an organized attempt to garner more funding for the action plan,” said Daigle.

Where is the Clean Water Act?

The task force’s action plan is hindered by a lack of enforceable limits on nitrogen and phosphorus, according to the Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law and Policy. Instead, it focuses on voluntary state efforts and guidelines.


In a presentation to the Louisiana Governor’s Advisory Commission on Coastal Restoration, Protection and Conservation in early June, Daigle said the state has been a passive and largely silent member of the task force.

Credit: David Kovaluk for St. Louis Public Radio

David Kovaluk for St. Louis Public Radio

Credit: David Kovaluk for St. Louis Public Radio

Daigle said the 176-page strategy is not technically a strategy because it doesn’t have any targets or goals. He added that the state has missed years of opportunity to reduce the dead zone.

To address the sheer quantity of nutrient pollution from the upriver basin states, Tulane lawyers suggest that Louisiana could petition the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for greater enforcement under the Clean Water Act.


One section of the law allows for the government to set specific, maximum amounts of daily pollutants for bodies of water deemed to be impaired. Louisiana could petition the EPA to declare sections of the Mississippi River or the Gulf of Mexico as impaired, which would allow for the creation of an enforceable limit on nutrients entering the river upstream.

Louisiana could also petition the EPA administrator to convene an interstate water management conference to address pollution upriver. While the Gulf Hypoxia Task Force currently acts as a mediary between states, it lacks the enforcement power that the Clean Water Act could provide.

But the state has so far not done any of this. Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry’s office did not respond when asked if Landry has any plans to petition the EPA or address the growth of the dead zone.

In 2016, the Gulf Restoration Network sued then-EPA administrator Lisa P. Jackson for the agency’s “hands-off approach” to dealing with nitrogen and phosphorus pollution under the Clean Water Act. This lawsuit followed a petition submitted by several environmental non-profits in 2008 that demanded numeric water quality standards be set for the nutrients.

But ultimately, the Eastern District of Louisiana court ruled that the EPA could continue a voluntary approach to nutrient reduction.


In 2019, when the most recent version of Louisiana’s nutrient reduction and management strategy was released, Mark Davis, director of the Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law and Policy, submitted recommendations for improvements to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ).

Davis wrote that it has become clear that neither the EPA nor the task force would be implementing numeric targets any time soon. Those specific, enforceable limits would not be forthcoming “until Louisiana makes their development a priority and focuses the issue on upstream states and the federal government,” he wrote.

“They did not make a dent,” Davis said.

‘The solution to pollution is not distribution’

As Louisiana works to review its Nutrient Reduction and Management Strategy, some critics say that the state focuses too heavily on plans to redirect the flow of the Mississippi River.

The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) highlights the benefits that would come from plans to reconnect the river to land across the coast.


“CPRA is constructing diversions with the main purpose of building and sustaining Louisiana’s coastal wetlands,” said Angelina Freeman, a research scientist at CPRA who was a member of the Louisiana Nutrient Reduction and Management Strategy interagency team.

She explains that by redirecting the river’s flow, nutrients that would have otherwise fueled the dead zone would instead nourish the state’s recovering wetlands.

The Mississippi River drains water from 41% of the country into the Gulf of Mexico at the delta, seen in southern Louisiana on June 7, 2024. Aerial support provided by SouthWings.

La’Shance Perry



The Lens

The Mississippi River drains water from 41% of the country into the Gulf of Mexico at the delta, seen in southern Louisiana on June 7, 2024. Aerial support provided by SouthWings.

A few man-made diversions are already up and running, such as the Caernarvon and Davis Pond Diversions. Davis Pond is restoring wetlands in the upper Barataria Basin on the west side of the Mississippi River near Luling, in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, while Caernarvon delivers sediments and nutrients to Breton Sound on the river’s east bank in Plaquemines Parish.

The 2023 Louisiana Coastal Master Plan calls for redirecting sediments and nutrients into Barataria Bay on a massive scale through the largest single restoration project in U.S. history. The Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion would build and nourish up to 27 square miles of coastal wetlands over the next 50 years.

But to Daigle, centering the state’s nutrient reduction and management strategy around sediment diversions such as the yet-to-be-built Mid-Barataria is a mistake.


Scientists with the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium lower an instrument into the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico to measure water quality in 2023.

Cassandra Glaspie


Louisiana State University

Scientists with the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium lower an instrument into the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico to measure water quality in 2023.

“Until [the diversions] are built and operating they don’t do anything, good or bad,” he added. “Talking about them doesn’t accomplish anything. Having them in a plan doesn’t accomplish anything.”

“The solution to pollution is not distribution,” said Nancy Rabalais, a professor at Louisiana State University who, for years, led Gulf research cruises to monitor the size of the dead zone.


Rabalais and fellow LSU researcher R. Eugene Turner published a separate June 2024 dead zone forecast that was less dire than the above-average estimate released by NOAA. Their prediction looks at the potential effects of warmer water on oxygen levels.

They emphasize that their reduced forecast is “solely due to ocean warming, not to a decline in nitrate loading from the Mississippi River.”

Cutting down on nutrients within Louisiana

While the vast majority of nutrients that create the dead zone every summer come from agriculture in the states upriver from Louisiana, there is still a significant input of runoff from farmland within the state itself.

In 2022, the LDEQ published a report on long-term nitrogen and phosphorus trends at ambient water quality monitoring stations across the state. They found that nutrient concentrations are decreasing at the majority of testing locations.

Following these trends, Louisiana received a recent influx of funding to further reduce nutrient runoff within the state from the Gulf of Mexico Division of the EPA.


Earlier this year, the Gulf of Mexico Alliance received a grant to help farmers in northeast Louisiana adopt practices to prevent excessive runoff from entering the Bayou Lafourche watershed, and ultimately the Red River and Atchafalaya Basin.

The Atchafalaya River siphons off 30% of the Mississippi River’s flow. The Atchafalaya has a growing delta system, such as at the Wax Lake Outlet, but excess nutrients still escape to the Gulf of Mexico, expanding the dead zone to the west.

In Morehouse Parish, farmers are being taught how to limit their contribution to nutrient runoff that would reach the Gulf through the Mississippi-Atchafalaya Basin. The grant will fund new farming techniques, including the subsidizing of cover crops to reduce runoff, which may also increase soil productivity and cash crop yields.

“We’re doing exactly what we hope and wish everyone north of us would be doing,” said Joey Breaux, assistant commissioner of the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. He added that the farmers in Morehouse Parish have been very receptive to the new program.


Thomas Olander, on his boat in Cypremort Point, Louisiana, shows off the nets his family uses to catch shrimp in Vermilion Bay.

La’Shance Perry


The Lens

Thomas Olander, on his boat in Cypremort Point, Louisiana, shows off the nets his family uses to catch shrimp in Vermilion Bay.

The $1.4 million grant will run through 2026 with the specific goal of reducing the Gulf of Mexico’s dead zone.

The funds will go to help farmers plant cover crops in between growing seasons to reduce soil erosion and prevent nutrients from running off into the river. The farmers will also receive instruction in no-till management, which calls for crops to be planted in narrow rows within the untilled seedbeds of previous crops. Keeping the soil intact increases organic matter and productivity while reducing the need for excess fertilizer.


Olander, the shrimper, said that he wishes the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries would support his industry’s losses in the way that they are for farmers. “They are really keeping their farmers going,” he added. “Call me a farmer of the sea; I’ll take that title if they would help us.”

What to expect from the next dead zone tour

On July 21, the R/V Pelican will set sail to take stock of this summer’s dead zone. NOAA will fund a six-day tour of the traditional hypoxic area to the west of the Mississippi River, where the Atchafalaya River also dumps nutrient runoff into the Gulf of Mexico.

This year, the cruise will be extended for four extra days to tour the area east of the Mississippi River. This portion of the cruise will be funded by a grant distributed by the Gulf of Mexico Alliance from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.

And that tour may bring new scientific research to be considered before Louisiana issues its five-year update to the state nutrient reduction strategy.

“This strategy is up for revision,” said Daigle, “I think it needs a total revision, not just tweaking.”


This story is part of the series Farm to Trouble from the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk, an independent reporting collaborative.

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Shoppers react to rule changes for those under 18 at Mall of Louisiana



Shoppers react to rule changes for those under 18 at Mall of Louisiana

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) – On June 25, the Mall of Louisiana announced its implementation of the ‘Parental Guidance Required’ (PGR) program that will go into effect on Friday, June 28.

Mall of Louisiana announces adult supervision policy for guests under 18

WAFB spoke with many shoppers about what this means and heard their thoughts on the new changes.

Meleia and J.B. Nelson say they think this is a great idea that will keep shoppers and employees safe.


“Sometimes the kids get rowdy…you know, especially on Fridays and Saturdays,” Meleia says.

“A lot of them don’t mean any harm, they’re just having fun but sometimes they can get out of hand and they need someone like maybe more security guards that might be around at that time,” J.B. says.

Other shoppers agree. Carmen Richard and Aaliyah Rodruiguez say they saw a group of young men being escorted out by security guards and voices being raised the last time they were at the mall.

“I feel like it is definitely a benefit to the whole mall.” Richard says.

The friends say it may be tough for those almost 18 years old, but they believe it will be beneficial in minimizing the potential of unsupervised incidents.


“Yeah I think it’s sad we have to do it, but hopefully it’ll be better to make it more of a family environment,” Rodruigez says.

WAFB also spoke to one woman who is visiting Baton Rouge from Egypt, Nada Elkaffas. She says in the malls she shops at in Egypt, there are no such rules.

“Coming from a culture that is so strict and conservative, we don’t do this there, so it’s kind of weird, it’s kind of bizarre actually,” Elkaffas said. ” It’s a very critical age, but at the same, time we should trust our kids.”

Mall officials say this rule is a permanent change. Guards will be located at every entrance of the malls and at the entrances to the malls from department stores.

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Louisiana Passes Public Schools Ten Commandments Law, Parents and Clergy Sue – by Jan Wondra – Ark Valley Voice



Louisiana Passes Public Schools Ten Commandments Law, Parents and Clergy Sue – by Jan Wondra – Ark Valley Voice

This past week, Louisiana became the first state in the nation — or the nation’s history for that matter — to pass a state law requiring that a suitably-produced copy of the Ten Commandments be posted in every public school classroom of every school, at all grade levels through university level.

Civil rights groups on Monday filed a lawsuit against Louisiana’s House Bill 71, which mandates that all public schools display the Ten Commandments. File Photo by Michael Kleinfeld/United Press International.

The law, HB 71, stipulated that this posting would be paid for by donations — but that has not silenced objectors. Nor has it negated the fairly obvious intrusion of a political movement known as “Christian nationalism” into politics, our daily lives, and schools.

A lawsuit was filed Monday, June 24 by a group of public school parents, as well as clergy against the mandated display of the Ten Commandments, the group known as Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and offices of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).


‘This is religious favoritism, and it is not only dangerous but runs counter to my religion and faith,’ said Presbyterian Church (USA) minister and plaintiff in the case the Rev. Jeff Sims.

Speaking at a press conference after the suit was filed, the head of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Rachel Laser, pointed out that several other states [Oklahoma, Mississippi, and South Carolina] have introduced similar bills attempting to dictate public morality. Calling this an example of “the Christian nationalism that is on the march across this country” she said that Texas has also already passed a law allowing public schools to enlist chaplains.

Communicating with several journalists in the past few days, we noted it could reasonably be asked that if anything is required to be posted in every classroom in a state, it should be the law of this land — the  United States Constitution, not a Christian document.

In fact, the posting of the TEn Commandments would appear to violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”

This is a multi-cultural nation. The reaction across the U.S. may not be what the Louisiana legislators thought they might see. Objections are not just being voiced by those of other religions, from Jewish to Muslim, and Hindus, but by the leadership of Christian denominations, including the mainline protestant faiths.


According to Religious News Service, “the plaintiffs argue the statute unfairly privileges a specific version of Christian scripture in addition to impinging on the rights of the nonreligious and those of other faiths.” Further, they say, “the law violates their First Amendment right to religious freedom as well as the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition against establishing a state religion.

“This simply cannot be reconciled with the fundamental religious-freedom principles that animated the founding of our nation,” reads the complaint, which notes no federal court has upheld the display of the Ten Commandments in a public school setting.

The plaintiffs in this case are a mixture of religious and non-religious parents, and include clergy who object to a narrow interpretation of religion.

“By subjecting my children to permanent displays of scripture in every classroom, the Ten Commandments conflicts with this principle,” said Unitarian Universalist Minister Rev. Darcy Roake. According to Religious News Service (RNS) she pointed out “that among her faith tradition’s seven principles is a call for “the right to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” that her husband is Jewish and that they have raised their children in a multi-faith household.

“My husband believes this state-mandated version of the Ten Commandments does not conform with his Jewish faith either, because the displays misappropriate and alter the text of the Ten Commandments as they are set out in the Torah,” she told a RNS reporter.


There is more irony — turns out that the Louisiana law requires the Ten Commandments to be posted in English — but of course the original ten were in Hebrew.

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