
Lost bird moves in, shuts down Georgia college library



This owl wished to get even wiser.

A school library in Decatur, Georgia, needed to shut for every week after an owl made its residence there, WSB-TV reported.

The brazen creature flew in by the chimney of Agnes Scott Faculty’s McCain Library and settled in its rafters.

To safeguard each the scholars and the animals, the personal girls’s liberal arts faculty shuttered the principle flooring of the library.


In addition they employed an expert falconer, who tried to shoo the owl away with a protracted stick, hoping it might exit by an open door. A lure containing a pigeon and a gerbil as bait was additionally put in to catch the hen.

The owl was lastly captured and when the falconer launched it, it flew to a tree close by.

The brazen creature flew in by the chimney of Agnes Scott Faculty’s McCain Library and settled in its rafters.
AA Alive

The owl was lastly captured and when an expert falconer launched it, it flew to a tree close by.
AA Alive

This was not the primary hen to enroll on the faculty of roughly 1,000 college students.

“That is our fourth hen,” the library’s director Elizabeth Bagley stated.

“First owl, however the fourth hen to return down the chimney. It’s been enjoyable in some methods, however we’d like our library and research area again in some unspecified time in the future.”


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