
Georgia Republican calls DC a ‘warzone’ after staffer robbed at gunpoint



Republican congressman Mike Collins recently described Washington, D.C. as a “warzone” after one of his staffers was robbed at gunpoint in the city.

The Georgia representative criticized the capital’s Democratic government after a member of his staff and a friend were confronted by three men, who threatened them with a gun and stole a watch from them.

In a statement on X (formerly Twitter), Collins said: “Early this morning, three men attempted to rob one of my staffers and a friend at gunpoint in Navy Yard.

“One attacker took a watch, the other took a fist to the face. Our nation’s capital has become a warzone because of pro-criminal policies peddled by D.C.’s government.

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) departs a House Republican Conference meeting at the U.S. Capitol on November 2, 2023 in Washington, DC. The congressman criticized D.C. leadership after his staffer was robbed at gunpoint.
Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) departs a House Republican Conference meeting at the U.S. Capitol on November 2, 2023 in Washington, DC. The congressman criticized D.C. leadership after his staffer was robbed at gunpoint.
AFP/Getty Images

“Thank the good Lord, after fending off the assailants, both young men are safe.”

According to data from the Metropolitan Police Department, violent crime in D.C. has increased by 39 percent in 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, along with significant increases in robberies and motor vehicle thefts​. The number of homicides in the area also saw a significant increase of 35 percent in the same time period.

So far in 2024, there have been 448 cases of assault with a dangerous weapon reported to the police, along with 846 robberies. Overall, police have reported 1,450 violent crimes this year, and 11,717 crimes total, as of June 7.

In March earlier this year, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser signed an extensive anti-crime bill into law, which gave police new control over DNA sample collection for violent offenders, while also cracking down on carjacking and gun violence by expanding the list of possible offences.

Discussing the legislation at the time, Bowser said: “We want the message to be very clear: If you are participating in those activities, we will hold you accountable. Our community has sent a very clear message. People are tired of crime and violence, and they want to count on accountability.”


Newsweek contacted Mike Collins and the Mayor of Washington, DC’s office for comment.

Last October, a staffer working for Alabama senator Katie Britt was confronted in a similar way, when a lone gunman threatened them with a gun to give up a purse and car keys.

Britt later said: “It is infuriating and completely unacceptable that an American who is on Capitol Hill to serve her country cannot safely walk the streets of Washington, D.C., at 8:30 at night because of the out-of-control crime in this city.”​

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