
Georgia Arson Control presents award to Columbus citizens for help in investigation



COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL)— Monday, one non-profit organization presented checks to citizens who came forward to help solve an arson case in Columbus.

“Chief, not every fire is a good thing, but today we’re here to recognize a couple of people who made the right decisions to come forward,” Kenneth LeCroy with Georgia Arson Control (GAC) said. “I’d like to give you these two checks for two of your citizens that helped solve the case in your jurisdiction and if you would be sure they get that.”

GAC is a non-profit organization that works to reward citizens with information that leads to the arrest and conviction of an arsonist.

“The main reason is to reward the people who are coming forward. Those people, they may be putting themselves in harm’s way to come forward and cooperate with the police department,” LeCroy said. “That’s why we stressed the importance of being able to be remain anonymous with the reward presentations.”


Two checks were presented to Chief Salvatore Scarpa for $3,000 and $5,000. Awards can vary up to $10,000.

“It’s vital because we have a team of investigators and getting information from the community is a big part of completing some of these investigations,” Fire Marshal and Division Chief of Columbus Fire & EMS, John Shull, said. “We need the community’s cooperation. We need information from the community, people that have seen evidence, people that have seen things that is involved in these fire investigations.”

GAC has been in operation since 1979. Chief Shull wants to remind citizens if they know any information about potential arson-related incidents, tips can be submitted to the GAC, or to Columbus Fire & EMS.

No specific case of arson is being investigated currently, those who will be receiving the checks from this morning’s check presentation wished to remain anonymous due to the nature of the investigation.


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