
Gov. Ron DeSantis nominates Palm Beach Co. Commissioner Dave Kerner to be head of Florida Highway Safety



TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A Palm Seaside County commissioner was nominated Thursday by Gov. Ron DeSantis to turn out to be the subsequent head of the Florida Division of Freeway Security and Motor Autos.

Commissioner Dave Kerner, who represents District 3, was nominated to turn out to be the chief director of the division.

Kerner, who beforehand served because the county’s mayor, will function the interim government director till his nomination is introduced earlier than the Cupboard for remaining approval at a Jan. 17 assembly.

The commissioner was elected to the board in November 2016 and reelected in 2020.


Throughout his time as county mayor, he was appointed by DeSantis to the statewide COVID-19 activity power.

Kerner, a Democrat, endorsed DeSantis in the course of the governor’s reelection marketing campaign final yr.

He’s slated to take over for Terry Rhodes, who has led the division since 2014.

Rhodes’ departure was announced in a tweet Dec. 5 by DeSantis.

DeSantis additionally introduced the appointment of Michael Barnett, the vice chair of the Republican government committee of Palm Seaside County, to fill the commissioner’s emptiness.


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