Austin, TX

Austin students protest attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion



Texas college students protest assaults on Range, Fairness, and Inclusion.
(Struggle Again! Information/workers)

Austin, TX – On Wednesday, April 5, Austin College students for a Democratic Society (SDS) met on Speedway at UT Austin with the Texas College students for DEI Coalition to protest current Texas legislative and administrative assaults on range, fairness and inclusion (DEI) packages. The rally was additionally known as in solidarity with the Tampa 4, a gaggle of College of South Florida SDS members at present dealing with felony fees after being brutalized and arrested whereas protesting Florida’s assaults on DEI packages. 

“Whereas Republican lawmakers like Governor Greg Abbott attempt to declare that these legal guidelines are within the curiosity of equity, we all know that may be a lie. These are focused assaults towards Black, Chicano, Latino, indigenous and all different college students who profit from range, fairness and inclusion packages,” SDS member Jake Holtzman mentioned in a speech.

He continued, “In late February, the College of Texas Board of Regents put a pause on all new range, fairness and inclusion packages. It’s clear that the board of regents and UT’s high directors are intently linked to Texas Republican lawmakers. For all we all know, they had been in all probability a few of the high donors to Governor Greg Abbott’s marketing campaign. UT’s higher administration shouldn’t be on the aspect of scholars, however they’re merely doing no matter will line their pockets with extra money and hold individuals like Greg Abbott in energy.”


Scholar audio system additionally emphasised the necessity to battle for greater than solely safety of DEI packages, and are additional demanding that the college rent extra Black and Chicano college and enhance funding to multicultural packages.

After chatting with college students making their manner on the busy road, members of SDS marched up and down Speedway chanting, “No hate, no concern, DEI is welcome right here” and “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Greg Abbott go away!” whereas passing out flyers calling for justice for the Tampa 4.

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