Atlanta, GA

Support grows at Atlanta City Council to donate $300,000 to abortion fund



ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46) – Atlanta metropolis council members heard heated feedback on Monday over Atlanta’s stance on abortion. Town took public touch upon a decision that may donate cash to assist girls entry abortion care, like touring out of state for the process.

A majority of people that confirmed up requested for the town to go that $300,000 fund. A lot of them saying, taking a stance just isn’t sufficient, and there must be motion.

Decision 22-R-3981 says partially that, “This donation is to the NNAF, in help of their mission to supply funding and logistical help to make sure southerners obtain secure and compassionate reproductive care, together with abortion companies.”

An anticipating mother mentioned she was there to point out help and encourage the passing of the funds.


“All through protests, I at all times get requested that, ‘Effectively, in the event you’re pregnant, why are you right here?’ Trigger nobody is right here combating to finish fetuses life. We’re all combating for the selection to additional our personal, and for me that entails a child, however for the individual subsequent to me, it won’t,” mentioned Mia Knighton.

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