Back in 2015, Disney and Pixar introduced us to 11-year-old Riley and the squabbling emotions inside her prepubescent head. To make a long story short, Joy...
“Very few friends travel through a lifetime with you” Fourth film by Kathy Meng, following “Elite Match”, “Willow and Wu” is a film shot in NYC,...
Text to speech audio articles made possible by the Quest Grant at Yavapai College. Tuition free industry recognized certificates for your career. Hit Man is a...
A staff report June 16, 2024 – Happy Father’s Day! What better way to celebrate than by sitting down with your dad and enjoying some quality films together? Whether you’re looking for...
I’m all for audiences embracing critically reviled films, that’s why I still regularly check out user scores on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, just to not be...
Under Paris begins with a pre-title sequence where a group of marine scientists are dangerously close to a man-eating shark. Unsurprisingly, all but one member of...
IMG via Pixar When it was released in 2015, Pete Docter’s “Inside Out” was a seminal moment for Pixar. Coming on the heels of a pair...
Nearly 10 years after the first instalment, out of the classic Pixar-Disney partnership, comes a peek into the life of a teenage Riley in the sequel...
BOTTOM LINESincere But Overdone RATING2.25/5 CENSORU/A, 2h 7m What Is the Film About? Murthy (Ajay Ghosh) is a music shop owner in Vinukonda with a wife...
Movie review Before a word of dialogue is spoken in “Tuesday,” a series of magical images introduce Death in the form of a greasy-looking bird as...