Synopsis: A tragic past turns Yudhra (Siddhant Chaturvedi) into an eccentric young man with anger issues. He finds momentary solace in childhood sweetheart, Nikhat (Malavika Mohanan)...
A Different Man, 2024. Written and Directed by Aaron Schimberg.Starring Sebastian Stan, Renate Reinsve, Adam Pearson, Miles G. Jackson, Neal Davidson, Billy Griffith, John Klacsmann, John...
Sebastian Stan is very good in this droll, distant drama about being unable to escape yourself, but it’s Adam Pearson who brings the film to life....
A24 How much does what you look like define who you are? If you completely change your appearance, are you the same person? This is just...
The overriding tension in “Wolfs,” starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt as rival fixers brought in to clean up the same crime, isn’t so much the...
Death isn’t like it is in the movies, a character explains in “ His Three Daughters. ” Elizabeth Olsen’s Christina is telling her sisters, Katie (Carrie...
Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone in “Aloha ” 2015. Neal Preston NOTE: All ent. content will go online immediately once edited Yes, “Aloha” was released back...
Tweet Transformers One beautifully tells a classic origin story between two legendary characters in the Transformers universe, Orion Pax and D-16, and their early friendship on...
Movie origin stories finally reach their nadir this week with “Transformers One,” the super-violent, toy-selling vehicle that tells the tale of how Optimus Prime and Megatron...
Mubi It has become a cliche to say that a horror film is extreme or unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Too often, the degree to which...