
Trump focuses on immigration, crime in first-ever rally in Philadelphia



The former president painted a bleak picture of international politics.

“Our border is overrun, inflation is raging. Crime is out of control. Europe is in chaos. The Middle East is exploding. Iran is emboldened. China is on the march, and this horrible, horrible president is dragging us toward World War III,” Trump said. “We’re going to be in World War III soon.”

Trump also took on topics such as vaccine and mask mandates and critical race theory in schools, emphasizing his opposition to each. He made personal digs at Philly native and CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who will co-moderate the first presidential debate on June 27. Trump also spoke against the inclusion of transgender athletes in women’s sports.

The former president weighed in on the Pa. U.S. Senate race, throwing his support behind Republican candidate Dave McCormick, who is attempting to unseat incumbent Democrat Sen. Bob Casey.


“You have my total support and my total endorsement, and you got to win, Dave McCormick,” Trump said, calling him a “seventh-generation Pennsylvanian” and inviting McCormick on  stage. McCormick returned the favor by endorsing Trump.

“We need new leadership,” McCormick said. “We need a new president in the White House that’s going to get our country back on track.”

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