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West Nile virus kills New Jersey resident as deadly mosquito-borne disease spreads in New York City across all five boroughs



West Nile virus kills New Jersey resident as deadly mosquito-borne disease spreads in New York City across all five boroughs

America’s deadliest mosquito-bite disease has killed its first victim of the year in New Jersey after being detected in every borough of New York City.

And five of the six regions in Kansas were put on high alert last week amidst a resurgence of West Nile Fever which left 79 people dead in the US last year.

The disease which causes fever, headache, and paralysis entered the US in 1999 and is carried by mosquitos which live near ponds and pools of water.

More than 1,000 pools have now tested positive for the disease across New York City alone so far this year.


‘Get rid of standing water in your yard and cover or turn over any empty containers that can hold water for several days,’ urged Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn LaTourette.

More than 1,000 locations across New York City have tested positive for the disease so far this year, including every area of Staten Island

Around 150 of the nation's 200 mosquito species are able to carry the disease

Around 150 of the nation’s 200 mosquito species are able to carry the disease 

The disease has surged into the North East after taking hold across the South West

The disease has surged into the North East after taking hold across the South West 

Health officials warned that the virus would spread to New York after the first case of the summer was detected in New Jersey in July.

Eight cases have now been detected in the Garden State, of whom six required hospital treatment including the person who died in Bergen County.

Sixteen people have been infected in New York City which has seen 59 deaths from the disease since it was introduced.

Only one-in-five people infected with the virus develop symptoms but they can be devastating in the worst cases.


Lisa Montez, a 31-year-old mother from Windsor, Colorado, was left unable to drive, work or care for her six-year-old daughter Aria after becoming infected in July last year.

‘She just could not understand why, all of a sudden, Mommy can’t play with me, Mommy has to lay down,’ she told

‘I had the rash, I had the flu-like symptoms, but instead of getting better like most people do, you feel crappy for a few days, I did not get better. I ended up getting worse and worse and worse.

‘We went from being completely healthy and fine and normal to not – to completely opposite.’

Lisa Montez contracted West Nile virus in July 2022 and, unlike roughly 80 percent of cases, felt sick almost immediately. She is part of a small group who experience symptoms like migraines, fatigue, fever, and rash. In the most severe cases, the virus can cause brain swelling, convulsions, and paralysis

Lisa Montez contracted West Nile virus in July 2022 and, unlike roughly 80 percent of cases, felt sick almost immediately. She is part of a small group who experience symptoms like migraines, fatigue, fever, and rash. In the most severe cases, the virus can cause brain swelling, convulsions, and paralysis 

Ms. Montez developed a rash on her face in addition to other usual symptoms associated with West Nile Virus

Ms. Montez developed a rash on her face in addition to other usual symptoms associated with West Nile Virus 

Health advice includes using insect repellent and wearing long clothing in areas with high mosquito populations

Health advice includes using insect repellent and wearing long clothing in areas with high mosquito populations

Kansas has seen 22 cases and three deaths so far this year, including 17 cases where the virus invaded the nervous system.


‘We’re right in the middle of our peak timeframe for WNV transmission here in Kansas with more widespread virus activity this year than in the previous several years,’ Dr. Erin Petro, the state’s public health veterinarian said.

‘It’s important to take mosquito bite prevention measures to protect yourself, your family, and livestock.

Counties in Maryland and Texas have detected their first infections this year and three cases have been detected in DeKalb County Georgia.

The disease was discovered in Uganda in the 1930s and is now found on almost every continent in the world.

In August 1999, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation began receiving reports of large die-offs of crows in parks across New York City.


At the same time, medics were puzzled and alarmed when two elderly patients at Flushing Hospital Medical Center in Queens suffered sudden unusual paralysis in their arms and legs, along with disorientation and high fever.

Tests confirmed the disease had arrived in the United States where it has since killed more than 2,700 people and can be carried by 150 of the nation’s 200 mosquito species.

Exactly how it got here remains unknown but experts believe it may have been carried by migrating bird populations.  

There is no cure or vaccine for West Nile Virus and experts advise reducing the risk of infection by using insect repellent and wearing long clothing in areas with high mosquito populations.

Illinois’ Health Department Director Dr. Sameer Vohra said the death of a man in his 90s was the first reported in his state this year.


‘This death and the 11 additional cases are a stark reminder that West Nile virus poses a serious risk, especially to older people and those with weakened immune systems,’ he added.

The counties where cases of the disease have been recorded so far this year

The counties where cases of the disease have been recorded so far this year

‘While the weather is warm and mosquitoes are breeding, we should all take precautions to ‘Fight the Bite’.’

Ms. Montez is determined to use her experience to educate people about West Nile and how it can be prevented

She said: ‘Prevention is prevention, but it’s always in the back of mind that it just takes one mosquito bite to change your life.

‘It really is worth the two minutes to spray on mosquito spray before you go out. It took an entire year of my life and foreseeably more. Two minutes is worth it.’


What is West Nile Virus? What are the warning signs? Is there treatment?

West Nile virus is a disease spread by mosquitoes, which can pick it up from birds.

It was discovered in Uganda in the 1930s and is now found on almost every continent in the world. It reached the U.S. in 1999, likely on a shipment from the Middle East.

The disease now triggers tens of thousands of cases every year, although most go unreported because eight in ten develop no symptoms.

People who catch the disease generally do not show symptoms until three to 14 days later.

Those that do develop warning signs tend to suffer flu-like symptoms, muscle pain and headaches.


About one in 50 cases develop a severe illness, however, where they can face a coma, tremors and paralysis.

About one in 150 patients could also suffer encephalitis— inflammation of the brain — which is life threatening.

There is no specific treatment for West Nile Virus patients, but severely ill patients will be admitted to hospital for close monitoring.

People with mild illness are recommended to get over-the-counter pain relieves to reduce their fever and other symptoms. 

About 70 people die from the disease in the U.S. every year.  


Sources: CDC 

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New Jersey

NHL, Fanatics Debut On-Ice Player Uniforms for 2024-25 Season | RELEASE | New Jersey Devils



NHL, Fanatics Debut On-Ice Player Uniforms for 2024-25 Season | RELEASE | New Jersey Devils

Cole Caufield, Montreal Canadiens: “I’m lucky to wear one of the most iconic jerseys [Montreal Canadiens] in sports, and any time you put it on is really special. Fanatics’ design of the jersey looks amazing, feels great and I can’t wait to wear them next season.”

Quinn Hughes, Vancouver Canucks: “I love the jerseys. The Canucks logo really pops on them, and the fabric feels airy and breathable. They’re really just beautiful jerseys.”

“From very early in this process, Fanatics has kept their commitment to partnering with the players in the transition to the new on-ice jersey,” said Marty Walsh, NHLPA Executive Director. “I am very thankful to Michael Rubin and the staff in Fanatics’ hockey department, for taking the time and expense to travel to NHL rinks to get players’ first-hand input on the fit and feel of their most iconic piece of equipment.”

Fanatics has also created an elevated and enhanced retail portfolio of authentic and replica jerseys. For the first time in a decade, fans can now purchase the authentic on-ice jersey, the identical jersey made in Canada and worn by their favorite teams and players every game. Fans will now be able to shop four distinct Fanatics jersey categories – Authentic Pro, Premium (equivalent to the highest level of retail jersey that exists now), Breakaway (the existing Fanatics fan jersey) and a new retail version of the Practice jersey.


While the new Fanatics NHL jerseys will be given to players selected at the 2024 NHL Draft, the retail versions and additional apparel – including a new line of NHL fan gear that is meticulously crafted in Canada – will be available across online and physical retail locations starting in September closer to the start of the 2024-25 NHL season.

Additional Executive Quotes

Andrew Low Ah Kee, Fanatics Commerce CEO

“We are honored to be the official uniform partner of the NHL. We take seriously our responsibility to outfit these world-class athletes with the highest quality products and drive innovation in response to their needs. We are also excited that, for the first time in a decade, fans will be able to own the authentic, on-ice jerseys which are made in Canada and worn by their favorite teams and players.”

Brian Jennings, NHL Chief Branding Officer and Senior Executive Vice President


“Our firm intention is to maintain our uniforms as the best uniforms in all of sports, and we are in good hands with Fanatics. We’re excited to unveil our new uniforms and showcase Fanatics’ design capabilities when we unveil the uniforms for next season’s marquee events including the Winter Classic, Stadium Series and 4 Nations Face-Off. With Fanatics as both the official outfitter of our on-ice uniforms and the engine behind our e-commerce and retail operations, licensed fan merchandise and performance gear, we can serve our players and fans better than ever before.”

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New Jersey

Vandals damage American flags in Audubon, New Jersey, a community known for its patriotism



Vandals damage American flags in Audubon, New Jersey, a community known for its patriotism

AUDUBON, N.J. (CBS) — Audubon, New Jersey, often hailed as one of the most patriotic small towns in America, was recently shaken by an act of vandalism targeting American flags.

Residents of the town, where the star-spangled banner proudly waves from street poles and decorates front yards, were dismayed when multiple flags were vandalized late Monday night. News of the incident quickly spread throughout the borough, sparking concern among neighbors.

“Not patriotic at all and just against the American way,” said Joe Miller, president-elect of the Audubon Rotary Club.

Dr. Patrick Brown, an Audubon resident, speculated that the perpetrators were likely youths who didn’t grasp the gravity of their actions. 


“There’s never drama here,” he said. “To desecrate a flag … I think it was probably some teenagers or mischievous kids.”

Authorities from the Audubon Police Department are investigating the incidents involving flags that were uprooted, broken and even burned at the corner of East Lake Drive and Kings Highway. 

These flags were part of a larger community effort led by the Audubon Rotary Club. Every year, from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July, club members organize the display of 100 flags to honor local heroes, including veterans and first responders. Each flag is sponsored by a community member who contributes a $50 donation.

Several American flags are seen behind a sign for the borough of Audubon, which is draped with a banner that says Flags for Heroes

CBS News Philadelphia


“It’s personal to me because it’s a clear sign of disrespect to those heroes,” Hunter Taylor said. 

For residents like Steve Rossi, finding the flag dedicated to his late father, a WWII veteran, untouched was a relief. 

“We lost my father in March this year, that’s why this year we put a flag up to honor him,” Rossi said.

While the police have not yet determined a motive for the vandalism, Miller suggested that it might reflect the heightened political tensions in the country. 

“The political climate we’re in is so divisive right now … you can almost see that this is somewhat due to that,” he said. “But in the end … it’s not even a political stance. It’s just violence and hate.”


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New Jersey

New Jersey man flies to Florida to attack another player over an online gaming dispute, deputies say



New Jersey man flies to Florida to attack another player over an online gaming dispute, deputies say

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — An online gaming dispute made its way to the real world when a New Jersey man flew to Florida to attack another player with a hammer, authorities said.

Edward Kang, 20, is charged with attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary with a mask, according to Nassau County court records. He was arrested early Sunday morning.

“I just want to let you know, this is a weird one,” Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper said during a news conference on Monday. “Some things you just can’t make up.”

Kang and the victim, another young man around the same age as Kang, had never met in real life, but they both played ArcheAge, a medieval fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Leeper said. The game’s publisher announced in April that it would be shutting down servers in Europe and North America on June 27, citing a declining number of active players.


Kang flew from Newark, New Jersey, to Jacksonville, Florida, last Thursday after telling his mother that he was going to visit a friend that he had met while playing a video game, officials said. Officials didn’t say how Kang learned where the victim lives. Upon arrival, Kang took an Uber to a hotel in Fernandina Beach, about 35 miles north of Jacksonville, and then bought a hammer at a local hardware store, deputies said.

Kang went to the victim’s Fernandina Beach home, which was unlocked, around 2 a.m. Sunday, authorities said. The victim was walking out of his bedroom when he was confronted by Kang, who hit him on the head with the hammer, officials said. The two struggled as the victim called for help. His stepfather responded and helped to restrain Kang until police arrived.

The victim suffered several head wounds that were not considered life-threatening, officials said. He received staples at the hospital.

Once in custody, Kang told investigators that the victim is a “bad person online,” officials said. He also asked deputies how much jail time people got for breaking and entering and assault.

“I would say Mr. Kang, it’s going to be a long time before you play video games again,” Leeper said.


Online court records didn’t list an attorney for Kang. He was being held without bond.

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