New Hampshire

New Hampshire Republicans Looking to Oust Their Own Party’s Governor



New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) is searching for a fourth time period and, regardless of a crowded GOP major ticket, many state Republican insiders say he’ll seemingly hold his job, however not as a result of he’s in style amongst get together politicians.

Quite the opposite, stated Melissa Blasek, govt director of the Republican grassroots group ReBuildNH, who’s outspokenly anti-Sununu, “many Republicans will seemingly maintain their noses and help him.”

The rationale, stated Blasek, is that the 5 candidates vying for the Republican ticket “simply aren’t sturdy sufficient to win it.”

However a few of the candidates assume in any other case.


In his bid to unseat Sununu, Thad Riley, whose political expertise is being a member of the native college board,  employed a marketing campaign staff and gained the endorsement of Daniel Tamburello, an intelligence officer with the U.S. Division of Homeland Safety who helped run Donald Trump’s marketing campaign in New Hampshire.

Riley, a staunch conservative who lives in Exeter, one of the crucial liberal cities in New Hampshire, informed The Epoch Instances he believes he “undoubtedly has an opportunity” of ousting Sununu, largely, he stated, due to Sununu’s “Democratic-like” monitor file.

“He’s been so on the fallacious facet of coverage that it’s nearly been a present,” Riley stated. He famous that of the 73 occasions he has attended on the marketing campaign path, he’s primarily assembly voters who need “Sununu out.”

Epoch Times Photo
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu speaks throughout a ceremony in Manchester, N.H., on Sept. 2, 2020. (Scott Eisen/Getty Pictures for DraftKings)

Sununu, who has been the topic of letters of no confidence and impeachment efforts inside his get together has left fellow state Republicans disgruntled.

The myriad of Republican-led efforts he rejected included a proposed ban on college masks mandates and a invoice that may have made Ivermectin obtainable over-the-counter in New Hampshire as an implied therapy of COVID-19.

Sununu additionally criticized a proposed parental rights invoice as too overreaching, was accused by his get together of orchestrating the general public arrest of eight protesters after they challenged his push to take federal cash to advertise the COVID-19 vaccine, and wouldn’t help a Republican-led cost to ban companies from mandating the COVID-19 vaccine.


Even on a nationwide scale, Sununu ired lots of his personal together with his excessive anti-Trump sentiment, calling Trump “loopy” and saying if he had been despatched to a psychological establishment, he wouldn’t get out.

He additionally referred to Mike Lindell’s MyPillow merchandise as “crap,” setting off a hail storm of anger among the many conservative media the place Lindell closely advertises. Following the backlash, Sununu stated he was joking round.

Extra lately, Sununu pledged to maintain abortion a protected and guarded proper and rejected a redistricting map that may have given Republicans an edge over Rep. Annie Kuster (D-N.H.) and Rep. Mike Pappas (D-N.H.), the 2 Democrats who characterize New Hampshire in U.S. Congress.

Republicans additionally sought to curb Sununu’s “overly abusive use of … govt powers.” Sununu issued 21 govt orders and 90 emergency orders through the pandemic, together with one which waived possible trigger for regulation enforcement to come back onto non-public property to make sure individuals had been complying with mandates.

“He was mainly uncontrolled together with his obsession with energy,” stated Karen Testerman, one other contender for Sununu’s seat.


The Founder and Govt Director of the ultra-conservative Cornerstone Coverage Analysis, Testerman ran unsuccessfully towards Sununu within the final major. Sununu gained with almost 90 % of the first vote in 2018.

However this election, says Testerman, shouldn’t be as a lot about sizzling button points and get together loyalty as it’s about placing somebody within the governor’s workplace that folks can belief.

“I’d say one out of each 4 individuals I speak to are Sununu supporters,” stated Testerman, “the remainder of them say they only don’t belief him anymore.”

She believes New Hampshire voters are prepared for one more Republican like the previous U.S. Congressman Bob Smith. Smith, who served the Granite state in Washington for 13 years from 1990 to 2003, was in style amongst many citizens although he was exceedingly conservative.

“Individuals on either side voted for him each time as a result of they knew they may belief him, that his phrases meant one thing,” Testerman stated.


When contacted about his re-election bid, Sununu referred The Epoch Instances to Communications Director Ben Vihstadt. Vihstadt didn’t reply to quite a few inquiries.

Sununu has performed little campaigning and has not participated in gubernatorial debates. His confidence as a average Republican could have been shaken a when little Massachusetts average Republican Chris Doughty misplaced the GOP gubernatorial major to conservative Geoff Diehl. Sununu campaigned for Doughty, who derided Diehl as an “Alabama governor,” implying he was too conservative.

Two college polls, together with one simply performed by St. Anselm Faculty in mid-August, present Sununu’s approval score has slipped with Republican voters. Nevertheless, total, he stays a well-liked governor, particularly amongst Democrats.

The opposite ballot, performed by the College of New Hampshire in December, confirmed that barely greater than half of Democrats gave Sununu excessive marks.

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Alice Giordano is a former information correspondent for The Boston Globe, Related Press, and New England bureau of The New York Instances.

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