
Maine to Ukraine fundraiser raises relief money in Augusta



AUGUSTA, Maine (WMTW) – The Maine to Ukraine fundraiser passed off Saturday on the Augusta Armory, with the objective of elevating $10,000 in direction of Ukrainian aid efforts.

Twenty-eight Maine distributors took half within the fundraiser, with all donating at the least half of their proceeds to Foursquare Catastrophe Reduction.

Organizers say the occasion was initially speculated to be a two-person on-line fundraiser, however it took off after phrase unfold.

“It happened from me contacting Jacki Medeiros with Pampered Chef for simply the 2 of us to do an occasion to boost cash,” mentioned Amy MacDonald, one of many occasion organizers. “After which this mild bulb second hit me, and I assumed, ‘why don’t we simply ask a few different individuals?’ And we began inviting individuals and that is what it’s turned out to be.”


MacDonald says the occasion exhibits that each little bit can matter in a bigger struggle.

“We’ve had those who have donated $10 as a result of that’s what they’ve obtainable,” MacDonald mentioned. “And we had one person who donated $500 this morning simply because. So each small quantity provides up and creates this big motion.”

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