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Marco Rubio Leads G.O.P. Push for a More Combative Stance on China



Marco Rubio desires Individuals to “get up.”

China is already locked in battle with the USA, the Republican senator from Florida warns. We simply haven’t realized it but.

And whilst Vladimir Putin’s assault on Ukraine exhibits that wars of aggression aren’t any relic of the previous — the “return of historical past,” Rubio calls it — he worries that China’s Communist rulers pose a extra insidious, long-term hazard to America’s peace and prosperity, and that the menace isn’t being handled with the seriousness it deserves.

“It does us no good to fake they’re not an adversary,” Rubio stated in an interview. “Their objective is to rise on the expense of the USA.”

As the highest Republican on the Senate Choose Intelligence Committee, Rubio has entry to the most recent insights from U.S. spy businesses. And what he has seen of China’s rising attain has alarmed him: a marketing campaign of financial espionage and infiltration of American establishments; a fast buildup of nuclear and standard forces that menace Taiwan; an increasing disinformation machine that seeks to undermine the U.S. everywhere in the world.


These considerations are broadly shared by Democrats in Washington. Since taking workplace, the Biden administration has taken steps to bolster America’s alliances in Asia, reoriented NATO towards confronting China, accredited almost $1 billion in arms gross sales to Taiwan, hit Chinese language officers with sanctions, and sharply criticized China’s human rights insurance policies and commerce practices. Congress is busy finalizing the COMPETES Act, a mammoth piece of laws each events have framed as important to countering China. But when Republicans take management of Congress in November, they are going to be in place to push for a fair more durable line.

On Tuesday, Rubio will give a speech on the conservative Heritage Basis, through which he plans to argue that “Beijing’s army would possibly, ideological problem to democracy, technological ambitions and affect over the worldwide market pose an much more critical and systematic menace than the Soviet Union ever did.”

Successful that battle blinded Individuals to the darkish actuality of totalitarianism, in Rubio’s telling. “Over the previous three many years, we forgot that human nature tends towards a lust for domination,” learn parts of his remarks that have been shared with The New York Occasions. “The will of the highly effective to beat, enslave and management these weaker than themselves.”

What America wants above all else, Rubio argues, is “unity and readability concerning the menace we face.”

The speech is a forceful entry into the controversy in Washington and amongst Republicans over learn how to take care of Beijing. How a lot emphasis ought to U.S. leaders place on Russia versus China? Is China an adversary to be combated or merely a fierce competitor? Is the USA dropping its edge? And, if that’s the case, what’s to be executed about it?


Rubio’s personal Twitter feed embodies the competing calls for on policymakers’ consideration. Whilst he hones his arguments on China, he’s been live-tweeting his insights on the conflict in Ukraine.

“Republicans are wrestling with whether or not and learn how to prioritize these threats,” stated Elbridge Colby, who was a senior protection official within the Trump administration. “However the fact is that we’re not simply going to rewind the clock to 1989 and the whole lot’s going to be just like the outdated days.”

Republicans could also be divided on Russia — between mainstream nationwide safety hawks and a smaller faction that admires Putin’s perceived toughness and his protection of conventional values — however criticizing China is a surefire political winner on the correct.

In a ballot performed final 12 months, almost half of Individuals stated they seen China as the best enemy of the USA, a quantity double what it was 2020. In a survey final 12 months by the Chicago Council on International Affairs, 64 p.c of Republicans stated the USA ought to attempt to restrict China’s rise, whereas 60 p.c of Democrats stated they most well-liked cooperation and engagement.

“Republicans are very damaging towards China, extra so than Democrats,” stated Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster. He famous that the coronavirus pandemic had fueled rising skepticism of China and its function on the earth.


China is already proving to be a potent marketing campaign difficulty within the 2022 midterms, as Republican politicians attempt to out-hawk each other in primaries for congressional seats. In Midwestern states hobbled by the lack of manufacturing jobs, it’s a home coverage matter as a lot as it’s a nationwide safety concern.

In Ohio, Mike Gibbons, a businessman who’s main the Senate Republican major in some polls, is warding off allegations that he as soon as favored outsourcing jobs to China.

In Pennsylvania’s Senate race, David McCormick, a former hedge fund government, and Mehmet Oz, the movie star physician, are buying and selling accusations over who’s extra tainted by Beijing.

For Rubio, his first activity is to get re-elected in Florida this 12 months. However he has run for president as soon as earlier than, and allies count on he could accomplish that once more. So his bid to put down a marker on China is sure to boost questions on his ambitions for 2024.

If China’s a extra critical geopolitical menace than the Soviet Union, it’s additionally a extra advanced one.


Individuals traded greater than $600 billion price of products and providers with China in 2020 alone, dwarfing the quantity the USA ever exchanged with the Soviets. The U.S. additionally relies on China for uncooked supplies like uncommon earth minerals, utilized in the whole lot from cellphones to semiconductors to automotive batteries. And Beijing’s cooperation is important to creating progress on local weather change, Biden administration officers emphasize.

Within the occasion of a conflict over Taiwan, Rubio stated, “It received’t be as simple to sanction China because it was to sanction Putin.” Not solely can China wield far better army and monetary muscle than Russia, however American elites are additionally extra deeply compromised by their ties to Beijing, he argued.

“China’s been very efficient at deputizing the American company sector as their lobbyists,” Rubio stated. It’s one thing he says he skilled firsthand when he pushed for sanctions over China’s remedy of its Muslim minority.

The administration has resisted labeling China as an outright enemy, even because it steps up its criticism of the Chinese language authorities. Throughout his speech final 12 months to the U.N. Basic Meeting, President Biden stated, “We aren’t searching for a brand new Chilly Conflict or a world divided into inflexible blocs.”

However the White Home’s actions recommend in any other case. The price range it launched as we speak mentions China 12 instances, referring to the nation as a “pacing problem.” It requires a Pentagon price range of $773 billion — a file that eclipses the Trump administration’s spending on the army.


Robust on crime. The price range incorporates billions in requests for federal regulation enforcement, together with $17.4 billion to fight violent crime and greater than $30 billion in grants to state and native police departments. There’s additionally a 5 p.c enhance for numerous Homeland Safety initiatives. As Katie Benner notes, the message right here is fairly easy: Biden doesn’t wish to defund the police.

Robust on protection. All informed, Biden is asking for $813.3 billion in nationwide safety spending, a 4 p.c bump from 2022. A lot of the brand new cash would go to counter threats from China, Iran and Russia. As Michael Shear notes, it’s a far cry from the peace dividend progressives anticipated from the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Robust on the rich. Biden is proposing a minimal tax on American households price greater than $100 million, an concept according to what progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have championed. Zolan Kanno-Youngs breaks it down right here.

Thanks for studying. We’ll see you tomorrow.

— Blake & Leah


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Atos crisis deepens as biggest shareholder ditches rescue plan



Atos crisis deepens as biggest shareholder ditches rescue plan

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A rescue bid for French IT services group Atos led by its largest shareholder has collapsed, casting the future of the troubled group into doubt once again.

Atos said on Wednesday that the consortium led by Onepoint, an IT consultancy founded by David Layani, had withdrawn a proposal that would have converted €2.9bn of Atos debt into equity and injected €250mn of fresh funds into the struggling company.

“The conditions were not met to conclude an agreement paving the way for a lasting solution for financial restructuring,” Onepoint said in a statement on Wednesday.


The decision by Onepoint comes less than a month after Atos had picked its restructuring proposal over a competing plan from Czech billionaire Daniel Křetínsky. Atos said on Wednesday that Křetínsky had already indicated he wanted to restart talks.

Once a star of France’s tech scene, Atos is racing to strike a restructuring deal by next month as it struggles under its €4.8bn debt burden. It has cycled through multiple chief executives over the past three years and its shares have collapsed. They were down 12 per cent in early trading on Wednesday.

Atos also said it had received a revised restructuring proposal from a group of its bondholders.

“Discussions are continuing with the representative committee of creditors and certain banks on the basis of this proposal with a view to reaching an agreement as soon as possible,” the company said. 

Jean-Pierre Mustier, former chief executive of Italian lender UniCredit, was installed as chair in October 2023 and given the task of putting Atos on a stable footing for the future. Since his appointment, several efforts to stabilise Atos through asset sales have fallen apart.


If talks with Křetínsky do restart, it will mark the Czech businessman’s third attempt to do a deal with Atos after an earlier plan to buy its lossmaking legacy business unravelled.

One of the people close to the talks said creditors had not necessarily become more receptive to Kretinsky’s plan given it cutting a larger chunk of the group’s debt.

The crisis at Atos has prompted the French government to intervene. It is currently seeking to acquire three parts of Atos that are deemed of importance to national security for up to €1bn.

Atos said on Wednesday it had concluded a deal with the French state that would give it so-called “golden shares” in a key Atos subsidiary, Bull SA. The agreement also gives the government the right to acquire “sensitive sovereign activities” in the event a third party acquired 10 per cent of the shares — or a multiple thereof — in either Atos or Bull.

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New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police



New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police

An online gamer from New Jersey recently flew to Florida, broke into the home of a fellow player with whom he had feuded digitally but never met in person, and tried to beat him to death with a hammer, according to authorities.

The allegations leveled by the Nassau county, Florida, sheriff’s office against 20-year-old Edward Kang constitute an extreme example of a phenomenon that academics call “internet banging” – which involves online arguments, often between young people, that escalate into physical violence.

As Bill Leeper, the local sheriff, told it, Kang and the man he is suspected of attacking became familiar with each other playing the massively multiplayer online role-playing game ArcheAge.

The Korean game is supposed to no longer be available beginning Thursday, its publisher announced in April, citing a “declining number of active players”, as ABC News reported. But prior to the cancellation, Kang and the other player became locked in some sort of “online altercation”, Leeper said at a news briefing Monday.

Kang then informed his family that he was headed out of town to meet a friend he had made through gaming, Leeper recounted. The sheriff said Kang flew from Newark, New Jersey, to Jacksonville, Florida, and booked himself into a hotel near his fellow gamer’s home early Friday morning.


He had allegedly bought a hammer and a flashlight at a local hardware store, receipts for which deputies later found in Kang’s hotel room.

By early Sunday, Kang purportedly had put on black clothes, gloves and a mask, and he went into his target’s home through an unlocked door. He waited for the victim to get up to take a bathroom break from gaming – and then battered him with the hammer, Leeper said.

The alleged victim managed to wrestle Kang to the ground while screaming for help. The victim’s stepfather woke up after hearing the screams, rushed to his stepson’s side, helped take Kang’s hammer away and restrained him until deputies were called and they arrived, according to Leeper.

Deputies found blood at the home’s entrance and in the bedroom of the victim, Leeper added. The sheriff said the victim was brought to a hospital to be treated for “severe” head wounds while deputies jailed Kang on counts of attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary.

Leeper accused Kang of telling deputies that he carried out the violent home invasion because he believed the target to be “a bad person online”. Kang also allegedly asked investigators how much prison time was associated with breaking and entering as well as assault.


Attempted second-degree murder alone can carry up to 15 years. Leeper quipped that his only answer to Kang was: “It will be a long time before you play video games.”

Striking a more serious tone, Leeper urged people to be vigilant about and report to authorities any suspicious online behavior aimed at them. He also mentioned the importance of locking one’s home.

“This … serves as a stark reminder of the potential real-world consequences of online interaction,” Leeper said.

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Central banks urged to keep pace with ‘game changer’ AI



Central banks urged to keep pace with ‘game changer’ AI

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