
Manchin says he will vote for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson



In an announcement outlining his choice, Manchin stated, “I met with Decide Jackson and evaluated her {qualifications} to be a Supreme Court docket Justice. After assembly together with her, contemplating her file, and carefully monitoring her testimony and questioning earlier than the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, I’ve decided I intend to vote for her nomination to serve on the Supreme Court docket.”

Manchin’s announcement is notable since he’s a closely-watched reasonable Democrat and key swing vote within the Senate. His choice to vote “sure” helps solidify the vote math for Senate Democrats to verify the nominee.

Senate Democrats are hoping to maneuver swiftly to a affirmation vote by the complete Senate by early subsequent month. They will affirm Jackson to the Supreme Court docket with out Republican assist if each member of their caucus votes in favor, which seems on observe to occur, and Vice President Kamala Harris breaks a tie. It’s not but clear if Jackson will win any Republican votes.

Senate Majority Chief Chuck Schumer vowed in a ground speech Thursday to deliver the nomination to the Senate ground “in brief order” as soon as the Senate Judiciary Committee advances the nomination. The Judiciary Committee is predicted to vote on the nomination on April 4.

Jackson appeared earlier than the committee for high-profile affirmation hearings this week, which featured intense questioning by Senate Republicans.


Thus far, no Democrats have publicly signaled they’d vote in opposition to the nominee, whilst Republicans have labored to unleash doubtlessly politically damaging assaults resembling accusations that Jackson is mushy on crime, a cost the nominee and plenty of Democrats have pushed again on.

Whereas Republicans have attacked the nominee’s file this week, Democrats have praised her credentials and expertise, describing her as exceptionally certified. Democrats have additionally constantly emphasised the historic nature of Jackson’s nomination. If confirmed, Jackson could be the primary Black girl to function a Supreme Court docket justice.

When the Senate voted to verify Jackson final 12 months to fill a emptiness on a strong DC-based appellate court docket, three Republican senators voted with Democrats in favor: Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Because of this, these three Republicans have been carefully watched this week.

Collins and Murkowski aren’t on the Senate Judiciary Committee, so they didn’t have an opportunity to query the nominee in the course of the hearings.

However Graham is a member of the panel. The South Carolina Republican directed fierce, and extremely vital, strains of questioning towards the nominee as he seems to be signaling he won’t assist her nomination.

Graham informed CNN earlier this week it is “honest to say” he sees crimson flags with the nomination.


And Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, who was one of many extra respectful Republicans to Jackson, stated Friday night time that he’ll vote in opposition to affirmation, which suggests the Senate Judiciary Committee is more likely to impasse 11-11. The nomination would nonetheless advance to the ground if there have been a tie vote.

This story has been up to date with extra particulars and response.

CNN’s Manu Raju contributed to this report.

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