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Italy’s Giorgia Meloni pledges ‘relaunch’ of ties with China



Italy’s Giorgia Meloni pledges ‘relaunch’ of ties with China

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Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has pledged to “relaunch” Italy’s relations with China at the start of an official visit to the country that follows her dramatic decision last year to pull out of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative.  

Meloni met China’s premier Li Qiang on Sunday at the start of a five-day trip she said was a “demonstration of the will to begin a new phase, to relaunch our bilateral co-operation” after the turbulence.

But Meloni later told an Italy-China business forum in Beijing that strengthening economic ties would require efforts to “make the trade relationship more fair and beneficial to all”.


“Obviously we cannot hide the problem of a major imbalance with an important deficit for Italy,” she told executives at the forum, citing the need for improved access to the Chinese market and stronger protection for intellectual property.

Meloni and Li signed a three-year “action plan” to increase industrial co-operation and a deal on food safety. The Italian premier is scheduled to meet President Xi Jinping on Monday.

Li, China’s second-ranked leader, hosted a welcoming ceremony for Meloni at the Great Hall of the People. However, he later warned her that “protectionism cannot protect competitiveness”.

“It is hoped that the EU will look at China’s development objectively and . . . deepen dialogue and co-operation,” state news agency Xinhua quoted him as saying.

Meloni is keen to minimise the fallout from Rome’s withdrawal from the BRI, a $1tn global infrastructure investment scheme that Italy joined in 2019 to the chagrin of the US and other western allies.  


Meloni herself had publicly criticised then-prime minister Giuseppe Conte’s decision to sign up to Xi’s initiative as a “mistake”, and her government formally notified Beijing it wanted to pull out of the programme in December. 

Many Italian companies still fear Beijing could retaliate for the decision, though Rome tried to limit the damage by carefully choreographing a low-key exit in which Meloni emphasised Italy’s determination to maintain “mutually beneficial” relations.

“We need to preserve our relationship with China, given that the economic sustainability of Italian exports is dependent on the quality of relations with China,” said Giuliano Noci of Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management. 

“This visit has an economic importance for Italy,” he added. “It is to say that, it’s true that we exited from the BRI, but we recognise China’s specific status, and we aim to nurture a strategic dialogue.” “

Michele Geraci, a former Italian government official who championed Rome’s joining the BRI in 2019, said Beijing would also probably be keen to leave recent setbacks behind.


“China’s goal will be to pretend that everything is smooth,” he said. “They have no great interest in highlighting that Italy exited the BRI. They don’t like it, but they don’t want to make a big fuss.”

Shortly before Meloni’s arrival, the Global Times, a Chinese Communist party newspaper, blamed Washington for Italy’s BRI exit and said economic and trade ties remained strong. 

“Italy’s withdrawal from the BRI was not due to a reluctance to co-operate with China or Meloni’s own political beliefs, but rather due to the huge pressure from the US and other major Western powers at the time,” the newspaper cited an analyst as saying.

Beijing is keen to court European governments to exploit any differences between them and the US over issues ranging from Ukraine to trade and export controls.

Cui Hongjian, an analyst at China Institute of International Studies Research institute, said Beijing would also probably raise Italy’s support for EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.


But its main priority would be to stabilise ties in the face of geopolitical uncertainties, including those stemming from the US election. China would tell the Italian side “we need some more resilience in the relationship”, Cui said.

Yet Meloni herself has always viewed China warily, accusing it of unfair trade practices and warning of a potential risk to Europe from over-dependence on Chinese companies in strategic supply chains.  

“It is vital that our partners are genuinely co-operative, that they play by the rules to ensure that every company can operate in international markets on a level playing field,” she told the business forum on Sunday.

As a youth minister in the government of late prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, she urged Italian athletes to boycott the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics in protest at China’s human rights record, especially in Tibet.

More recently, her government invoked national security concerns to strip China’s Sinochem of its influence as the largest shareholder in Italian tyremaker Pirelli. Italy also supports the imposition of steep EU tariffs on China’s electric vehicles.


During Meloni’s visit, the countries are marking the 700th anniversary of the death of Italian explorer Marco Polo and bilateral trade that was worth €66.8bn last year, albeit tilted heavily in favour of Beijing.

But Geraci said the trip was unlikely to result in much substance. “There is a strong belief in the Chinese government that she is not in favour of doing business with China,” he said.

Additional reporting by Giuliana Ricozzi in Rome.

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Why Vance’s ‘childless, cat ladies’ comment could come back to haunt him 



Why Vance’s ‘childless, cat ladies’ comment could come back to haunt him 

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance is facing renewed criticism for saying the United States is run by ‘childless cat ladies.’ And political experts say such rhetoric could have disastrous effects on a demographic the GOP desperately needs to win in November: women.

In a recently resurfaced interview with Fox News from 2021,  Vance, who at the time was running for Ohio’s Senate, let his feelings about childless women be known.

“We are effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too. And it’s just a basic fact if you look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC — the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it.”

 Women, however, will undoubtedly wield enormous influence in this year’s U.S. election. Yet, part of earning their vote is understanding their changing lifestyle choices. For example, in the U.S. there are more single women than ever before. Over half of women in the country are unmarried or separated, and a growing number of women are skipping motherhood entirely. By the age of 40, one in six women have never given birth.

Unmarried women, turned out to be a key electorate for President Joe Biden in 2020. The majority — 63 percent — of unmarried women voted for Biden, compared to the 36 percent of those who voted for Trump.


But instead of engaging this growing electorate of women, political experts said the right has decided to pose a sort of war with the exact demographic that could have a strong impact in November.

Lauren Leader, co-founder and CEO of All In Together — a nonpartisan organization focused on engaging women voters — said the right has been at war with women on many fronts. From holding outdated beliefs of women and what their roles should be at home and at work, the far right has long thought of women as inferior, she argued. “…It’s always been a huge weakness for Republicans and part of why they have lost every election since 2016. But Trump has embraced the groups that push this.”

What might not be evident to Vance is that the so-called ‘childless cat lady’ remark might be more aspirational than disparaging. From viral trends like the “cool aunt,” which celebrates the financial freedom and personal independence reaped by women without children of their own, to the data that shows women without children or spouses are the happiest subgroup in the population. Indeed, many single, childless women are flourishing.

And contrary to Vance’s argument that these women having “no stake in America,” single women in the U.S. are contributing in a big way. Lauren Napier, founder of the SP1NSTER — a lifestyle brand that harnesses the collective spending power of single women — said “child-free women have money and time. There are trillions of dollars circulating the U.S. economy completely powered by single women. There’s even is a movement called “S.I.N.K.”, single income no kids.”

Napier, who is child-free by choice, said she wouldn’t have it any other way. “It is no different than bachelorhood — which is revered. I have a very full life and I go to bed and wake up at my own pace. This weekend I am taking a French lesson and floral design class with a group of girlfriends. I have a date tomorrow night and I am headed out to a mixer this evening. If I decide to make a night of it, I can because I am my only obligation,” she shared.


Vance’s “cat lady” comment, however, shows  a real disconnect with some women’s ability to have children in the first place, said political analyst and Republican consultant, Elise Jordan.

“It’s a cruel, insensitive comment reflective of a judgmental worldview steeped in male ignorance. To ignore the intense grief of desiring a child and being unable to conceive shows a basic gap in one’s humanity. Women lucky enough not to suffer infertility have a friend or sister in their life who has struggled to conceive. Vance managed to throw salt in a universal wound for women and the men who love them,” said Jordan.

Experts also pointed out the very real political and economic factors that influence a woman’s ability to have children: skyrocketing child care costs, cost of living, health care, abortion rights, and even maternal mortality rates.

Vance’s unearthed comment was criticized by women who are child-free, often not by choice. For Ashley Reece, a 33-year-old writer in New York, having a child is something she wants. Reece — who also happens to be a proud cat owner — planned to have a child with her husband. But in 2022, he passed away from cancer.

“For someone who has kind of made so much of their brand as being this well-rounded person going from rural beginnings to Harvard Law, you would think that this person would have a pretty diverse view of the world and the people within it,” said Reece who is a Democrat. “And for him to just kind of paint everyone who’s childless as some like miserable cat owner, who has no stake in the future… his views are a little more stunted than he he’d like to believe.”


 Actress Jennifer Aniston, who doesn’t have biological children of her own, recently criticized Vance on her Instagram Stories, “I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of the United States. All I can say is… Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too.”

Jordan said Vance’s recent remarks and the Republican party’s continued efforts to restrict reproductive rights, will only hurt them politically come November.

“Democrats should welcome a continued barrage of cruel comments as a political gift and easy cannon fodder. Access to life-saving medical care without government interference is an issue of basic human freedom. Any time Democrats can remind voters that elected Republicans inserted the government into the privacy and sanctity of personal healthcare decisions, they win politically.”

Vance, however, defended his remarks about Democratic women during an interview with Megyn Kelly on Friday.

“I know the media wants to attack me and wants me to back down on this, Megyn, but the simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way,” he said.


“It’s not a criticism of people who don’t have children. I explicitly said in my remarks, despite the fact the media has lied about this, that this is not about criticizing people who, for various reasons, didn’t have kids. This is about criticizing the Democratic party for becoming anti-family and anti-child,” he said.

Daniela Pierre-Bravo is a journalist, author, and founder of Acceso Community — a mentorship program for professional women. She is the co-author of “Earn It” with Mika Brzezinski. Her solo book, “’The Other: How to Own Your Power at Work as a Woman of Color,” is out now. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @dpierrebravo

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Kamala Harris builds her campaign and Labour reveals all



Kamala Harris builds her campaign and Labour reveals all

This article is an onsite version of our The Week Ahead newsletter. Subscribers can sign up here to get the newsletter delivered every Sunday. Explore all of our newsletters here

Hello and welcome to the working week.

First, thank you David Hindley for holding the fort last Sunday in what turned out to be an eventful start to that week when Joe Biden quit the race for the White House. US vice-president Kamala Harris will be in the news over the next seven days as she further positions herself as the Democratic nominee for the presidential election. Meanwhile, the race for medals at the Paris Olympics will provide a sporting backdrop.

The long goodbye from Biden continues this week with a visit by the US president to the LBJ Library in Texas to commemorate the passing of the Civil Rights Act. Attention will focus on updates to Harris’s campaign to replace him after November’s election, in particular with the naming of her running mate, though this may not come now until August 7.

US national editor Edward Luce in the Swamp Notes newsletter (for Premium subscribers) argues that the wise choice would be Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s transportation secretary. However, as my colleague John Burn-Murdoch notes, Harris would lose if the election was held today. Her challenge is to build on her initial momentum and pass Donald Trump in the only poll that counts — the vote on November 5.


The UK’s new Labour government is promising to start the week with a shock — if such a well-trailed event can be so described — laying bare the parlous state of the public finances. The revelation by chancellor Rachel Reeves of a £20bn shortfall is widely viewed as a forerunner to tax increases in her first fiscal statement in the autumn.

Monday also brings the biggest overhaul of rules for London-listed companies in three decades as the government attempts to revive the country’s capital markets. Could it herald a new dawn for the UK as a global hub for investors, supporting fundraising for higher-growth and founder-led companies? The FT editorial board hopes it can.

The headline economic data news this week will be the monetary policy choices of three of the G7 nations. The Bank of Japan and US Federal Open Market Committee go first with their rate-setting announcements on Wednesday, followed a day later by the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee.

The Federal Reserve is weighing when to cut rates after raising them to a 23-year high of 5.25-5.5 per cent in response to the inflation shock from the pandemic. Its decision-making process has been complicated by last week’s higher than expected GDP growth figure, but the central bankers in Washington are still expected to stick to keep rates steady this week. Observers will be looking for comments that either confirm or cool the consensus opinion that rates will be cut at the Fed’’s September meeting.

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Britain may well move first. Economists are expecting a 25 basis point cut to the UK base rate after hints given by the MPC at its last meeting, though the odds have narrowed recently with the unexpected recovery in GDP growth. Allan Monks at JP Morgan Securities said: “If rates are lowered in August, it looks likely to happen on a close 5-4 vote.”

Economists are also predicting modest changes in the BoE’s economic outlook. GDP growth will probably see hefty revisions, particularly for this year. GDP growth in 2025 is also likely to be revised higher due to both a better starting point and lower market rate expectations.

A flood of earnings will wash on to the FT’s companies pages this week, which can be grouped into Big Tech, banking, automotive, engineering, consumer goods (notably drinks) and retail. Will Amazon, Meta and Microsoft be able to stem the rout in tech stocks? Are HSBC and Barclays going to build on the positive messaging from British banks last week? More details below.

One more thing . . . 

We are entering August, which means one thing: the start of the world renowned Edinburgh Festival Fringe. But for how much longer? Francesca Hegyi, chief executive of the Edinburgh International Festival, the main event to which the Fringe attaches itself, has told the Financial Times that the business model is bust. To make matters worse, the city’s binmen are adding to the stink (pun intended) by threatening to go on strike during the month-long event. Having experienced the joy of the Fringe once, I can attest that its demise would be a great cultural tragedy for the nation.

What are your priorities this week? Email me at or, if you have received this message in your inbox, hit reply. And have a good week.


Key economic and company reports

Here is a more complete list of what to expect in terms of company reports and economic data this week.


  • Hipgnosis acquisition by Blackstone expected to become effective after the deal was approved by shareholders last month

  • UK: an overhaul of London listing rules come into force today (see details above)

  • Results: Alliance Pharma AGM and HY trading update, Cranswick Q1 trading statement, Heineken HY, Komatsu Q1, Loews Q2, McDonald’s Q2, ON Semiconductor Q2, Pearson HY and strategic update, Philips HY, SBA Communications Q2


  • Czech Republic, EU, France, Germany, Hungary, Mexico: preliminary Q2 GDP figures

  • Germany: preliminary July consumer price index (CPI) and harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) inflation rate data

  • Japan: unemployment rate

  • UK: British Retail Consortium’s July Shop Price Index.

  • Results: AG Barr HY trading update, Airbus HY, BP Q2, Caesars Entertainment Q2, Corning Q2, Croda HY, Diageo FY, Electronic Arts Q1, Ferrovial HY, Foxtons HY, Fresnillo HY, Games Workshop FY, Gartner Q2, Glencore HY production report, Greggs HY, Inchcape HY, Live Nation Entertainment Q2, L’Oréal HY, Merck & Co Q2, Mondelez International Q2, Microsoft Q4, Nomura Q1, Paragon Banking Q3 trading update, PayPal Q2, Pfizer Q2, Pinterest Q2, Procter & Gamble Q4, Sage Q3 trading update, Smurfit Kappa HY, Standard Chartered Q2, Stanley Black & Decker Q2, Starbucks Q3, St James’s Place HY, Weir Group HY, Western Union Q2


  • Brazil: Banco Central do Brasil Monetary Policy Committee rate-setting decision

  • EU: eurozone preliminary July HICP inflation rate data

  • France: preliminary July CPI and HICP inflation rate data

  • Germany: July retail sales and labour market figures

  • Japan: Bank of Japan announces its interest rate decision

  • US: Federal Open Market Committee announces its rate decision.

  • Results: Adidas HY, Arm Holdings Q1, Asahi Kasei Q1, Boeing Q2, Danone HY, eBay Q2, GSK Q2, Kerry Group HY, Kraft Heinz Q2, Hess Q2, Hitachi Q1, HSBC HY, Ingersoll Rand Q2, Lufthansa HY, Marriott International Q2, Mastercard Q2, Match Group Q2, Meta Q2, MetLife Q2, Metro Bank HY, MGM Resorts Q2, OMV Q2, Panasonic Q1, Qualcomm Q3, Rathbones HY, Reach HY, Restore HY, Ricardo trading update, Rio Tinto HY (early AM Australia), Samsung Electronics Q2, Sumitomo Q1, Tata Steel Q1, Taylor Wimpey HY, Telefónica HY, Western Digital Q4


  • Bank of England chief economist Huw Pill answers questions about the UK economy and the bank’s policies in an online Q&A

  • China, Eurozone, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, UK, US: S&P Global/HSBC/Caixin July manufacturing purchasing managers’ index data

  • UK: Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee announces its interest rate decision. Also, Nationwide’s July House Price Index

  • Results: Albemarle Q2, Allstate Q2, Q2, American International Group (AIG) Q2, American Water Works Q2, Anheuser-Busch InBev Q2, Apple Q3, ArcelorMittal HY, BAE Systems HY, Barclays HY, Deutsche Post Q2, Haleon HY, Hershey Q2, Intel Q2, London Stock Exchange HY, Mitsui & Co Q1, Moderna Q2, Next Q2 trading statement, Pets at Home Q1 trading update, Prudential Financial Q2, Robert Walters HY, Rolls-Royce HY, Schroders HY, Serco HY, Shell Q2, HY, Snap Q2, Tata Motors Q1, Thomson Reuters Q2, Toyota Q1, Veolia Environnement HY, Volkswagen HY, Wizz Air Q1


  • France: June industrial production figures

  • South Korea: July CPI inflation rate data

  • UK: BDO High Street Sales Tracker

  • US: July employment and non-farm payroll figures

  • Results: AXA HY, Capita HY, Chevron Q2, ExxonMobil Q2, IAG HY, KDDI Q1, Linde Q2, Nintendo Q1, Royal London HY, Sumitomo Mitsui Q1, Virgin Money UK Q3 trading update

World events

Finally, here is a rundown of other events and milestones this week.


  • Japan: Prime Minister Fumio Kishida hosts a foreign ministers’ meeting of the Quad, Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, in Tokyo

  • US: President Joe Biden commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act during a visit to the LBJ Presidential Library in Texas


  • Philippines: the government’s foreign and defence ministers hold a 2+2 dialogue with their US counterparts for the first time in Manila

  • Vietnam: EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell visits Hanoi, where he will meet Vietnamese authorities to discuss foreign affairs, security and climate policy

  • UK: Qatar Goodwood Festival, aka Glorious Goodwood, five-day flat horseracing event begins in Chichester


  • China: China Army Day, marking the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in 1927

  • Poland: 80th anniversary of the start of the Warsaw Uprising, when the city’s residents tried to oust the German army before it was occupied by the advancing Soviet forces. Streets in Poland will come to a standstill to commemorate the event

  • UN Security Council monthly presidency rotates from Russia to Sierra Leone

  • US: tariff increases on an array of Chinese imports, including electric vehicles and their batteries, computer chips and medical products, come into effect


  • UK: 77th Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the internationally acclaimed arts festival featuring hundreds of theatre, cabaret, comedy and music shows, starts in the Scottish capital


  • UK: National Eisteddfod of Wales, a festival of arts, culture, competitive poetry-writing and music performed entirely in the Welsh language, opens in Rhondda Cynon Taff


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The massive Park Fire in California has already scorched an area larger than L.A.



The massive Park Fire in California has already scorched an area larger than L.A.

Grant Douglas pauses while evacuating as the Park Fire jumps Highway 36 near Paynes Creek in Tehama County, Calif., on Friday.

Noah Berger/AP

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Noah Berger/AP

FOREST RANCH, Calif. — Thousands of firefighters battling a wildfire in Northern California received some help from the weather hours after it exploded in size, scorching an area greater than the size of Los Angeles. The blaze was one of several tearing through the western United States and Canada, fueled by wind and heat.

Cooler temperatures and an increase in humidity could help slow the Park Fire, the largest this year in California. Its intensity and dramatic spread led fire officials to make unwelcome comparisons to the monstrous Camp Fire, which burned out of control in nearby Paradise in 2018, killing 85 people and torching 11,000 homes.

Paradise again was near the danger zone on Saturday. The entire town was under an evacuation warning, one of several communities in Butte County. Evacuation orders were also issued in Plumas, Tehama and Shasta counties. An evacuation warning calls for people to prepare to leave and await instructions, while an evacuation order means to leave immediately.


Temperatures are expected to be cooler than average through the middle of next week, but “that doesn’t mean that fires that are existing will go away,” said Marc Chenard, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service Weather Prediction Center in College Park, Maryland.

As of Saturday night, the Park Fire had scorched 547 square miles (1,416 square kilometers) and destroyed 134 structures since igniting Wednesday, when authorities said a man pushed a burning car into a gully in Chico and then fled. It was 10% contained and moving to the north and east near Chico.

The fire is larger than the city of Los Angeles, which covers about 469 square miles (1,214 square kilometers), and now ranks seventh on the list of the state’s top 10 largest wildfires by acreage, Cal Fire said in a social media post.

Andrea Douglas holds her head while evacuating as the Park Fire jumps Highway 36 near Paynes Creek in Tehama County, Calif., on Friday.

Andrea Douglas holds her head while evacuating as the Park Fire jumps Highway 36 near Paynes Creek in Tehama County, Calif., on Friday.

Noah Berger/AP

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Nearly 2,500 firefighters were battling the blaze, aided by 16 helicopters and numerous air tankers.


Jeremy Pierce, a Cal Fire operations section chief, said firefighters were taking advantage of the cooler weather while it lasts: “We’re having great success today.”

Susan Singleton and her husband packed their SUV with clothes, some food and their seven dogs and rushed to evacuate their home this week in Cohasset, a town of about 400 northeast of Chico. They have since learned that their house burned down.

“Everything else we had burned up, but getting them out, getting us out, was my priority,” Singleton said Saturday, standing outside her SUV as her dogs rested. They have all been sleeping in the car outside a Red Cross shelter at a church that does not allow animals, and Singleton, 59, said the next thing is to find a place for her pets to stretch out.

“We’ve got to have a place to land and stop doing this, because this is what’s stressing me out,” she said.

Overall more than 110 active fires covering 2,800 square miles (7,250 square kilometers) were burning in the U.S. as of Friday, according to the National Interagency Fire Center.

Flames leap above fire vehicles near Paynes Creek in Tehama County, Calif.

Flames leap above fire vehicles near Paynes Creek in Tehama County, Calif.

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In Southern California, a blaze in the Sequoia National Forest swept through the community of Havilah after burning more than 48 square miles (124 square kilometers) in less than three days. The town of 250 people had been under an evacuation order.

Crews were also making progress on a complex of fires in the Plumas National Forest near the California-Nevada line, Forest Service spokesperson Adrienne Freeman said. Traffic was backed up for miles near the border along the main highway linking Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

The most damage so far has been to the Canadian Rockies’ Jasper National Park, where 25,000 people were forced to flee and the park’s namesake, a World Heritage site, was devastated, with 358 of the town’s 1,113 structures destroyed.

Late Friday in eastern Washington, crews stopped the progress of a fire near Tyler that destroyed three homes and five outbuildings, the Washington Department of Natural Resources said.


Two fires in eastern Oregon, the Durkee and Cow Valley blazes, burned about 660 square miles (1,709 square kilometers).

And in Idaho, homes, outbuildings and a commercial building were among structures lost in several communities including Juliaetta, which was evacuated Thursday. The grouping of blazes referred to as the Gwen Fire was estimated at 41 square miles (106 square kilometers) in size with no containment.

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