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Ohio Issue 1: Why calling a fertilized egg a person is like calling an acorn a tree



Ohio Issue 1: Why calling a fertilized egg a person is like calling an acorn a tree

Why acorns and an eggs are important to Ohio’s abortion debate

Many letters have been written about abortion; unfortunately, it is most often portrayed as a “yes” or “no” proposition which leads to endless debate.

First a few facts, a fertilized egg is not a person, as a zygote it is a mass of undifferentiated cells; as such there is no nervous system, no circulatory system, no digestive system and it is not sentient.

Calling a fertilized egg a person is like calling an acorn a tree, the potential is there but that potential may or may not be realized.


Letters: Issue 1 opponents want Ohio to have the most extreme abortion ban in US. Don’t let them.

Having said that there are valid reasons for limits to be made on the timing of abortions because as things develop personhood becomes more evident.

A fetus has not become conscious let alone sentient until around 20 weeks; these are necessary attributes that define personhood; accordingly, a reasonable compromise is a time limit consistent with that.

Exceptions should be made for the life of the mother, rape, incest and non- viable fetus.


The Constitution provides protection for religious beliefs which includes not having any; such beliefs are individual and cannot be imposed on others who choose to not believe.

Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.

Steven Donatone, Dublin

More: How to submit a letter to the editor for The Columbus Dispatch


Anti-abortion TV ads bogus

The anti-abortion TV ads suggesting that legally performed abortions are associated with maternal deaths are extremely deceptive.

Illegal abortions that will again become common place if legal abortions are eliminated will be associated with a much greater rate of maternal deaths. This deceptive advertising is despicable.

More: I am in an ad supporting Issue 1. Cruelty of ‘Christians’ opposing it is staggering

Also, with Republican cuts to social programs who is going to care for the children of these unwanted pregnancies. We already have a foster care crisis due to the unwanted children of drug addicted parents. This crisis will just get worse if abortion is outlawed by the rejection of Issue 1.

Ian Alexander, Delaware


My choice shouldn’t be taken because you are against abortion

I found Dr. Lindsay Rerko’s article interesting. At first I thought she was pro-choice.

And I certainly sympathize with the poor girl who didn’t want an abortion but her husband forced her. (By the way, why didn’t the good doctor suggest she go to the police?)

Then Dr. Rerko said she’s anti-choice.  No. Actually, she said, Vote No on Issue1. I call that anti-choice. 

The poor woman with the nasty husband made a choice not to go to the police. The doctor made a choice to have her baby. It’s all about choice. If your choice is to not have an abortion — well, don’t have one.


But don’t make a choice for me. I may believe life begins at a different moment than you. But don’t take away my ability to make a choice. Vote “yes” on Issue 1.

Marian Harris, Columbus

Issue 1 takes away the fetus’ choice

In 1857 the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford that the federal government has no business telling a slave owner what he can and cannot do with his “property[i]” If such language sounds familiar to you, that’s because it is. 

Issue 1 proponents frequently argue that the state has no business telling a woman whether she can or cannot terminate her “product of conception.”

 While the target of injustice may the different, the playbook is the same.


 Dehumanize the victim. 

If we value freedom of choice, let us not deny a lifetime of choices to a vulnerable baby because we, who don’t know the future, have decided for her that her life is not worth living. 

I fully support equal rights and respect for women’s autonomy, but I can think of no context other than abortion where I can exercise my personal autonomy in a way that ends someone else’s life.

More: Election 2023: Why anti-abortion Ohioans say Issue 1 is far too extreme for Buckeye State

We all began our lives as a fetus inside our mother and we didn’t just magically become a human when we exited the uterus.


We need just laws in Ohio that provide the basic human right of equal protection under the law for everyone. 

Jamie Reed, Mansfield

Issue 1 will stop people from inflicting their choice on you

I can remember when there was smoking in restaurants and bars, movie theaters, on airplanes, at most places of work, and even on college campuses.

I didn’t like walking out of my classroom smelling like a cigarette. This was way before we even knew about the more serious health risks regarding secondhand smoke, but I didn’t have a choice.

Some people are against abortions and they have the choice not to have one but that does not mean they have the right to impose their choice on someone else who, in consultation with their doctor, family and clergy have made the choice to have one.


Syd Lifshin, Columbus

Issue 1 opponents don’t truly care about despair.

I am very disappointed that you published Rev. Brian William’s guest column against the abortion amendment.

Issue 1 is not saying abortion can be done at the end of the pregnancy term and I believe the U.S. had passed a bill against late term abortion anyway. 

Medical experts have not said a fetus can feel pain. It is also not a baby until it breathes. You want despair?

More: Abortion industry wants to sink its hooks further into Black women. Issue 1 proof| Opinion


Try not allowing women to have this procedure and then you will see despair. 

Just because you believe that your God is to be obeyed is not a reason to force others who have a different

God to follow your beliefs. 

That is the biggest enemy in this world anyway and the cause of so many wars. 

For 49 years abortion was legal and there was no “extreme” view of it. A cartoon I saw once showed St. Peter at the gate with a sign that read “No religion beyond this point.” 


It is amusing but sadly true as people like Brian Williams want their religion to rule. 

Thomas W. Billing, Springfield

More: How to submit a letter to the editor for The Columbus Dispatch

Defeat of Issue 1 would give Frank LaRose another well-deserved black eye

Secretary of State Frank LaRose will truly stop at nothing to take away our reproductive rights. First, it was the August special election that cost us $18 million.

Yes, Frank LaRose spent $18 million to try to silence Ohioans and take away our reproductive freedom.


Then, when he lost, he rewrote the language for this month’s abortion amendment.

His ballot language is blatantly inaccurate and shows his true agenda: to mislead Ohioans. But, Ohioans persevered.

We still fought for our rights. So what did LaRose do? He removed thousands of voters from Ohio’s voting system.

I would call it his hidden agenda, but there is nothing hidden about it. He doesn’t even try to be sly. How can we excuse this behavior from our Secretary of State – or even worse, a potential senator?

Passing Issue 1 is the first step to defeating LaRose and his anti-reproductive rights agenda. The next step is re-electing Sherrod Brown because he is the only Senate candidate who is fighting for us.


Robyn Harper, Upper Arlington

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Menard runs to second consecutive Trans Am pole at Mid-Ohio



Menard runs to second consecutive Trans Am pole at Mid-Ohio

Paul Menard in the No. 3 Menards/Masterforce Tools Ford Mustang earned his second-consecutive pole in the Trans Am Series presented by Pirelli at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, with a new track record at the recently-repaved track, laying down a time of 1m19.747s.

It is Menard’s third pole of the 2024 season. He was the fastest qualifier in TA’s last outing at Pittsburgh International Race Complex two weeks ago, and he also earned a pole earlier this season at NOLA Motorsports Park.

“I’ve watched a hundred races on TV here, but I’ve never been to the facility,” said Menard. “I drove in with my wife and kids yesterday morning and I had no idea where to park or anything. This is one of those tracks where you think of sports car racing, or any kind of racing in North America, and Mid-Ohio is right up there. To get the pole here is amazing. Thank you to 3GT — Paul, Tony and John Gentilozzi, all the guys on the crew. This is an awesome Ford Mustang. At most of these tracks, we show up, they give me a session to learn the track, then we go to work on the car. Luckily, we don’t have to work too hard on it because it’s pretty fast.”

The TA/XGT/SGT/GT race will be contested Sunday at 12:40 p.m. ET. The race will be broadcast live on MAVTV and streamed live here. The highlights show of the race will air on MAVTV on Thursday, June 27 at 9:00 p.m. ET.



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Willowick Police Department’s Donald Slapnicker named Ohio D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year



Willowick Police Department’s Donald Slapnicker named Ohio D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year

When Donald Slapnicker was a fifth-grader at Longfellow Elementary in Eastlake, his future was basically impacted forever.

That is when Slapnicker was heavily influenced by D.A.R.E. officer Ralph Tanner, and essentially his career path was set.

So it was fitting that Tanner was on hand to present his former protege and current officer for the Willowick Police Department with the 2024 Ohio Larry Cox D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year earlier this month at Kalahari Resorts in Sandusky.

“I remembered my D.A.R.E. officer from fifth grade, Ralph Tanner, and the impact D.A.R.E. had on me,” Slapnicker said. “I was a D.A.R.E. role model in high school. When I was approached about (taking the position) I didn’t hesitate to put in for it.”


Slapnicker grew up in Eastlake and graduated from North High before going to Bowling Green State University. He then went to Cleveland Heights Police Academy and has been a police officer for 14 years, including 12 with Willowick, the last eight as a D.A.R.E. officer.

Slapnicker said when he is teaching D.A.R.E. he goes to the elementary school twice a week for 14 weeks. Then in the spring he plans an event for graduation, and throughout the year stops in to say hello to students and faculty.

“I was very honored that I was nominated (for the state award) by Royalview fifth grade teacher Joelle Geiger. It is a huge honor,” Slapnicker said.

Willowick Police Chief Rob Daubenmire said there was no more worthy candidate for the Ohio D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year.

“I had the honor of personally watching Patrolman Donald Slapnicker receive this award and I am extremely proud of him,” Daubenmire said. “His hard work and dedication to the children and staff at Royalview Elementary School makes him deserving of this prestigious award.”


Whether or not Slapnicker will have the same kind of impact on any of his students that Tanner had on him remains to be seen, but he does have a clear message that he tries to get across.

“To hang around the right people and to make good choices,” Slapnicker said. “One mistake can ruin your life.

“I believe the D.A.R.E. program works,” he added. “It’s up to the individual to make the right choices. But I think that the dangers of drugs, drinking, smoking and especially vaping needs to be talked about a lot more at home and in school.”

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Ohio speaker loses control of campaign spending authority in latest GOP drama – Washington Examiner



Ohio speaker loses control of campaign spending authority in latest GOP drama – Washington Examiner

A judge ruled Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens does not have authority over the GOP caucus’s campaign fund, handing a win to the speaker’s colleague and rival, state Rep. Derek Merrin.

Last October, Merrin filed a lawsuit against his Republican colleague in a bid to control $1 million in campaign funds. The campaign fund, called the Ohio House Republican Alliance, supports campaigns for state Republican lawmakers. In his lawsuit, Merrin alleged a closed-door vote by the majority of the House GOP caucus made him the chairman of the alliance last year. Consequently, Merrin said he should be in charge of the campaign funds. 

Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Mark Serrott agreed. Serrott said in his ruling on Friday that Merrin holds the majority of support from his caucus and consequently should control the campaign’s checkbook. 

Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens speaks to members of the media. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

“The speaker does not have a majority of the caucus,” Serrott said. “The speaker is never going to call a meeting [of the caucus]. Why would he? He doesn’t have a majority vote. … We’re at a stalemate. The court has to do something or it will never get resolved. … That’s untenable.”


Stephens said that as a speaker, he maintains control of the alliance fund and vowed to appeal the decision “swiftly.” 

“It is imperative for the integrity of the institution of the Ohio House of Representatives that control of the campaign committee not be able to be leveraged against the highest elected official in the House on a whim,” Stephens said in a statement. “The decision potentially sets a concerning precedent that any member at any time can call a vote that undermines the control of the campaign funds.”

Legal experts told the Associated Press that Ohio law does not necessarily require the speaker and caucus leader to be the same person. 

Stephens and Merrin have been at odds ever since battling each other to be speaker in the state House. In January 2023, Merrin lost the fight, while Stephens received more votes from Democrats than Republicans to clinch the victory. After his loss, Merrin urged his Republican colleagues in the House to weaken the speaker’s power by changing House rules. 



Merrin isn’t the only lawmaker Stephens is sparring with. Last fall, the speaker rejected efforts from fellow GOP lawmakers to strip the court’s power to protect the voter-passed measure to enshrine abortion access into the Ohio Constitution.

More drama went down with Ohio Republicans last September. State Republican Rep. Bob Young wrote a letter to Stephens saying he would step down after being arrested twice in a domestic violence case. His announcement came after Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH), Stephens, and more than 30 Ohio House GOP members joined Democrats in calling for his resignation.

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