North Dakota

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, once running for president, endorses Trump in Iowa on eve of caucuses



INDIANOLA, IOWA — North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who was seeking the Republican nomination for president until last month, on Sunday, Jan. 14, endorsed former president Donald Trump for that role on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.

“Today I’m here to do something that none of the other presidential primary candidates have done. And that’s endorse Donald J. Trump for the President of the United States of America,” Burgum said at a campaign event in Indianola,

according to The Hill news outlet.

Burgum said Trump as president was great for an energy-producing state like North Dakota.


“I’ve seen President Trump and what he’s been able to do. I’ve seen it as a business leader and I’ve seen it as a governor. I’ve seen the difference that President Trump can make because remember when I first took office, President Obama was still president. Trying to work with his administration was a disaster,” Burgum said.

“Then President Trump took office and everything changed. States like Iowa, states like North Dakota, heartland states, we were respected. We had a friend and a partner in the White House, who understood us and who wanted to see our states succeed versus being regulated out of business,” Burgum said.

Burgum entered the race for president in June but dropped out in December after he failed to exceed single digits in most public opinion polls, and he wasn’t able to quality for the third televised Republican candidate debate.

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