North Dakota

Guillermo Scaglia takes over reins of North Dakota State University’s animal science department



FARGO, N.D. — Guillermo Scaglia has actually just recently handled the function as North Dakota State College’s Pet Sciences division head.

Scaglia is initially from Uruguay, where he made his bachelor’s level in plants and also animals manufacturing from the Universidad de la República in 1989. He matured within the Uruguay farming area and also understood at a very early age that he wanted to go after a profession worldwide of farming.

“I have actually been constantly near to farming since my papa was a manufacturer, wheat and also beef livestock manufacturer,” Scaglia claimed.

Making the trip over to the U.S., Scaglia made his master’s level in pet scientific research in 1994 and also a doctorate in nourishment in 2002, both from Texas A&M. Scaglia invested several years committed to his study in the pet scientific researches world, specifically in grass-fed beef manufacturing.


After finishing with his doctorate, took a setting at Virginia Technology for a number of years in a professors function. He after that took a duty within the Louisiana State College Agricultural Facility, where he was a teacher at the Iberia Research Study Terminal. His function within the ag facility eventually led him to wish to handle a management function, leading him to NDSU.

“Throughout my last couple of years at the ag facility, I had some obligations taking care of management, which’s really what provided me the preference that I remain in currently,” he claimed. “The possibility right here at NDSU is truly wonderful. It’s an excellent division, it is well identified in the nation and also outside the boundaries.”

Guillermo Scaglia’s expertise of the globe’s pet manufacturing systems will certainly be a possession to the NDSU pet scientific researches division. Image taken April 11, 2022 in Fargo, North Dakota.

Emily Beal / Agweek


The professors and also personnel of NDSU are eagerly anticipating all Scaglia offers the division and also are thrilled to see him within the brand-new function as division head.

“We are thrilled to invite Dr. Scaglia to North Dakota and also NDSU,” claimed Greg Lardy, vice head of state for Agricultural Matters at NDSU. “His management abilities and also his history in beef livestock manufacturing will certainly add to his success at NDSU. I understand he is thrilled to lead the division’s programs in mentor, study and also Expansion and also to find out more regarding the state’s animals sector.”

When It Comes To Scaglia, he is happy for the brand-new possibility within NDSU and also is confident regarding the opportunities that can be accomplished within the division.

“I am thrilled regarding the division. I am thrilled regarding the opportunities of establishing even more study tasks and also outreach programs. I believe we have an outstanding professors and also personnel that will possibly make my function a great deal extra interesting,” he claimed.

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