Minneapolis, MN

Ondara, ‘An Alien In Minneapolis’



After first shedding the “J.S.” a part of his title, Minnesota-based Ondara has now shed the largely acoustic guitar-based folks sound discovered on his first two releases. What the Kenyan-born singer-songwriter has not shed, nevertheless, is his troubadour’s coronary heart. On “An Alien In Minneapolis,” Ondara shares yet one more poignant statement of what it means to be an outsider in a overseas place. It is a true story formed by actual life experiences that do not fairly match the idealized impression of America he developed from afar as a boy in Africa listening to shortwave radio.

Ondara has accomplished greater than merely add an electrical bass or drum package on the brand new single. It is a fully new sonic package deal that embraces each his intriguing voice and a singular accent that continues to be current when he sings. “An Alien In Minneapolis” will lead his new album Spanish Villager No. 3, due out in September. The villager referenced is an alter ego of types, a created vantage level by means of which Ondara channels his compelling narrative.

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