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Radio Host Delilah Talks Self-Worth, Faith and the Loss of Her Sons: “I’ll Be With Them Again”



Radio Host Delilah Talks Self-Worth, Faith and the Loss of Her Sons: “I’ll Be With Them Again”

The self-proclaimed “queen of sappy love songs,” Delilah Rene has been the most-listened-to woman in American radio for more than 30 years. Beginning her career in high school after winning a speech contest that was judged by local radio station hosts, Delilah was given her own time slot during shifts before and after school on KDUN Radio in Reedsport, Oregon.

She broadcasts these days from her home studio in West Seattle, and the Delilah radio show is heard by over 8 million listeners on over 150 stations nationwide. Her self-titled radio show, Delilah, has since gained a reputation for being the “safety zone where listeners share their secrets” on air — secrets about love, heartbreak and circumstances they are dealing with — and Delilah then plays a song that she feels best matches the caller’s situation as a special tribute to help them. Through the years, this personal radio experience has helped Delilah form a unique connection with her callers, listeners and fans.

Delilah in her home studio, 2023Courtesy of Delilah

Woman’s World recently caught up with Delilah in Times Square just minutes after she stepped off the stage as host of the 23rd annual Broadway in Bryant Park, produced by 106.7 LITE FM. Delilah has been part of this summer tradition for almost two decades, and this year, she was host of Disney Day — where actors performed hits from The Lion King, Aladdin and Frozen. Hundreds of fans packed out the lawn to enjoy the lunchtime performances and after the spectacular acts, a line of fans waited to get Delilah’s autograph.

Since she’s typically heard only over the radio waves, it’s a treat for loyal listeners to get to see her face-to-face. Delilah greets each fan with her signature warmth, radiant smile and genuine personality, and each fan shares how she has touched their lives over the years.

Here, Delilah gives Woman’s World a peek into her life on her farm near Port Orchard, Washington with her 15 children — 11 of whom are adopted — and 23 grandchildren, and she opens up in a Q&A about her faith, how she stays strong in the face of the loss of three sons and ultimately finds hope in heartache.

Woman’s World: What’s it like having 15 kids and 23 grandchildren?

Delilah: It’s a lot of fun having them all around. I do everything with my kids. Wherever Mama goes, they go. We like riding horses together and going to be beach. We do a lot of arts and crafts projects. We’ve even had a water fight at least once a day for the last month. We have hoses and we’re not afraid to use them!


Just last week, my grandson, who is 14, just got dumped in the pool with his new leather cowboy boots on. His mom was not happy, but I said, “Don’t be mad at me, I didn’t throw him in!”

Delilah with some of her children and family
Delilah with her family on Mother’s Day 2023Instagram/radiodelilah

WW: How do you spend your quiet time?

Delilah: What is quiet time? [Laughs] I heard that one of the saints said, “If I don’t start my day with two or three hours of alone time with the Lord, I can’t get anything accomplished.” And I’m like, “You clearly don’t have babies climbing in your bed!”

But God meets you right there in the bed. Jesus always met the women at the well. The guys go to the mountaintop with their friends and their tents. But we women, we meet Him at the well in the heat of the day.

Delilah poses with some of her children
Delilah with her younger children on Easter 2023Instagram/radiodelilah

WW: Do you watch any TV shows with your family?

Delilah: We love The Chosen — it follows the life of Jesus as he recruits His disciples and begins his ministry. I got to visit the set last year and meet some of the actors and actresses. Even the story of their set is incredible. They were set-less. They didn’t have a place to film. Then COVID came, and there was a Christian camp in Texas that had to shut down.

The camp was going to lose everything, and the folks at The Chosen heard about this camp, and said, “We’ll lease it, pay the bills and mortgages, if we can use it to film our show.”

Delilah with actor Abe Martel on the set of The Chosen, 2022
Delilah with actor Abe Martel on the set of The Chosen, 2022Instagram/radiodelilah

Then they built the largest TV studio in all of Texas on the campground. They built a city on the lake. They brought in anthropologists and experts to help design the set so it looks like Capernaum and Bethlehem. It blows your mind how much detail goes into it. And they even still have campers come to camp. The campground saved them, and they saved the campground.

(Click through to read more about The Chosen and how it’s coming to network TV)

Delilah with actor Giavani Cairo on the set of The Chosen, 2022
Delilah with actor Giavani Cairo on the set of The Chosen, 2022Instagram/radiodelilah

WW: You have had such deep loss, how do you find purpose in pain?

Delilah: I don’t know if I’ve found the purpose in the pain of losing my boys. [In 2012, Delilah lost her son, Sammy, to sickle cell anemia. Then in 2017, her biological son Zachariah died by suicide at just 18 years old, and in 2019, her stepson Ryan also passed away]. You can’t find purpose in the loss of a child. But what I have found is anticipation in being with them again, which changes everything.

It was [country singer] Rory Feek — who had lost his wife, Joey — who gave me that gift. He said, “Your boys are a part of your future, not a part of your past.” Before that I was just thinking of the here and now, and I got angry. I’m like, “They don’t have a future, they’re gone.” Yes, they’re gone, but they’re in Heaven, and now I can look forward to it with anticipation.


I don’t fear death. I’m not rushing headlong into it because I’ve got a 7-year-old that I need to raise. But I look forward to that day with so much anticipation, and that changes everything.

WW: What do you tell women who struggle to love themselves?

Delilah: If you don’t have self-love, you can’t make healthy choices. If you don’t make healthy choices, you aren’t going to feel good, which then doesn’t help with the self-love. It’s a vicious cycle that has to begin with self-love.

But how do we do that? I can’t do that because I know I’m a sinner — to the core. I’m very self-aware. I know my limitations. I know my sin-nature. I know that if left to my own devices, I can get in trouble really fast. But then I let God love me, when I let the Almighty tell me, “You are precious, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I knit you together in your mother’s womb. I know every hair on your head. I cherish you. I rejoice over you with singing.” [Psalm 139: 13-16]

Delilah feeling strong during a photo shoot in 2015
Delilah feeling strong during a photo shoot in 2015Courtesy of Delilah

When I take that all in and go, “Wait a minute, You call me daughter? You call me a princess. You call me Your friend. You who spoke the whole universe into being consider me a friend?” When I wrap my head around that, I can’t help but love myself. I can’t help but go, “Dang, I’m all that?” And when I love myself, I want to make good choices.

WW: How do you find body confidence?

Delilah: I want to be healthy. I want to be strong. I want to be fit and live to be able to see my youngest son graduate high school. I want to be as healthy as I possibly can. If I have the choice to stay healthy, I’m going to do that because I love myself and I want to honor this body. It doesn’t matter if you’re tall or short, or what ethnicity you are, just be the best you that you can be.

That’s not living up to somebody else’s standards, that’s being the best version of yourself you can be. You shouldn’t destroy all the beauty that God has created. Your standard of beauty should be: How can I be the best me — spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally?


In God’s eyes, we are holy. Not because of what we do. I mess up every day. I mess up all day. But He has “clothed me in his garbs of righteousness.” He invited me into the wedding feast, and I show up like, “I can’t wear these rags.” And God says, “Don’t worry about it, I have clothes for you. Come on in!”

WW: What advice would you give your younger self?

Delilah: If I could go back to my 21-year-old self, I would say, “Don’t give yourself away.” So many young women do what I did looking for love and validation. I would say, “You’re worth it. Wait until somebody truly loves you and honors you and respects you, and will move mountains for you. Wait until you meet your best friend. Then when it’s real and it’s tangible and based on trust and respect.”

Young Delilah
Delilah in the studio 1970sCourtesy of Delilah

That would be my best advice to a younger Delilah. I can’t go back and un-do it, and there’s nothing I can do but say, “Thank you, Jesus, for redemption.” Me and my husband now are both sinners saved by grace.

WW: What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

Delilah: There’s a guy named Charlie Brown, who used to be on air in Seattle. He told me once, “Delilah, don’t forget about the Power of Ten. For every interaction you have with somebody, they will tell ten other people, if it’s a powerful interaction. You decide if it’s going to be powerful in the positive or powerful in the negative.”

For every person you touch and share something with, and have an honest, authentic interaction, remember the Power of Ten. And you decide: Do you want to be a blessing or a heartbreak?

WW: Millions are inspired by the Delilah radio show, what inspires you?

Delilah: The Bible. There are so many great books and great authors. When I was a new Christian, I would listen to Charles Stanley all day, every day. There’s great teachers and preachers. But when I’m hurting, the only thing that I turn to is praise and worship music, and the Word of God.


Half the time, I can’t even pray. There are just no words. I just cry, but that is prayer. I listen to our local Christian radio station for worship music. I love the personalities on there. We’ve got a whole bunch of praise and worship CDs that came out in the 90s like the K-Tel Presents worship collections.

WW: Who was your favorite interview of all time?

Delilah: There’s a guy named Charlie Mackesy who wrote a sweet little book called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, and I did a podcast with him. I could’ve talked to him for 10 hours. He just was love and so much goodness. Very sarcastic — but in a loving way and had very sharp wit.

I love people that are funny. But it’s a tiny little book, but it’s so profound in its simplicity. The best quote in the book says: “’What would you like to be when you grow up?’…‘Kind,’ said the boy.” If everybody would take that to heart and be kind, wouldn’t the world be so much better? If leaders could just sit down and be kind to one another? Let’s all just be kind.

Don’t miss Delilah radio’s new podcasts

In the studio
Delilah records two new podcasts in 2023Courtesy of Delilah

Hey, It’s Delilah, which is her daily (Monday-Friday) podcast with 10-15 minute episodes containing a variety of sweet dedications, tug-at-your heartstrings stories, funny situations, and snippets of her “Mama Delilah” radio advice. – Listen HERE.

Love Someone, which drops new episodes on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, where she cultivates conversations that inspire listeners with iconic special guests — Musicians, actors, writers, directors, activists and sports figures — like Shania Twain, Jen Hatmaker, Rita Wilson and Michael Bublé

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Childhood medical myths debunked as experts weigh in on 5 common warnings



Childhood medical myths debunked as experts weigh in on 5 common warnings

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Mothers might know best, but it’s not always easy to separate fact from fiction when it comes to health advice.

A new report from University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Health has broken down several common wellness myths that children often hear while growing up.


Fox News Digital spoke with experts who revealed the truth behind common medical misconceptions.


Here are five.

Myth 1. Ginger ale relieves stomach aches

While actual ginger can help ease a stomach ache, most commercial ginger ales don’t actually contain the real thing, Michelle Jaelin, a registered dietitian practicing in Ontario, Canada, told Fox News Digital.

A new report from University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Health reveals the truth about several common wellness myths that children often hear while growing up. (iStock)


This childhood myth persists as parents give ginger ale to children because it’s sweet and bubbly, she said.

“It makes parents feel better that they are doing something for their child when they aren’t feeling well, and the myth persisted as a drink that helps a stomach ache,” Jaelin said.

The carbonated beverages could actually make the stomach pain even worse by increasing gas in the digestive tract, according to Healthline’s website.

Kid eating chicken soup

Chicken soup has been viewed as a popular cold remedy since at least the 12th century, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). (iStock)

Drinks with real ginger also tend to contain excess added sugar, experts said – essentially the equivalent of soda that may worsen stomach pain. 

Myth 2. Gum stays in your stomach for seven years

“Swallowed gum does not stay in your stomach for [seven] years, as the myths suggest,” Su-Nui Escobar, a registered dietitian based in Miami, Florida, told Fox News Digital.


“While swallowing gum is not recommended, if you do so accidentally, you will likely pass it like any other indigestible food.”


The gum will pass through the stomach within two hours and be excreted in the stool after approximately two to five days, just like other foods, according to the recent UCSF report.

Although chewing gum can stick to many surfaces — including walls or desks — it travels mostly intact through the gastrointestinal tract without sticking to the intestinal walls, the report notes.

Kid chewing gum

“Swallowed gum does not stay in your stomach for [seven] years, as the myths suggest,” an expert told Fox News Digital. (iStock)

But experts still caution against children swallowing gum, because substantial amounts might cause an intestinal blockage, Escobar warned.


This is a particular concern among children who have underlying constipation, according to Mayo Clinic’s website.

“If you suspect a blockage, seek immediate medical attention,” Escobar advised.

Myth 3. You shouldn’t swim for 30 minutes after eating

As summer kicks into high gear, there is good news for any swimmer itching to get in the water after lunch. Yes, it is usually OK to swim right after you eat.

The myth that you shouldn’t swim immediately after eating stems from a theoretical concern that blood flow will be diverted away from the arms and legs to help digest food, potentially leading to an increased risk of drowning.

“Based on current research, eating before swimming is not affiliated with a risk of drowning, and can be dismissed as a myth.”


But a comprehensive American Red Cross scientific review on the effects of eating before swimming showed no effect on performance in the water after a meal.

“A recent literature review did not provide any information related to an increased risk of drowning due to consuming food before swimming,” Jodi Jensen, PhD, member of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council in Virginia, told Fox News Digital.


“There is no supporting evidence from a major medical or safety organization that recommends refraining from eating before engaging in aquatic activities such as swimming,” added Jensen, who is also an assistant professor and aquatics director at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia.


“There is no supporting evidence from a major medical or safety organization that recommends refraining from eating before engaging in aquatic activities such as swimming,” an expert told Fox News Digital. (iStock)

“Based on current research, eating before swimming is not affiliated with a risk of drowning, and can be dismissed as a myth.”


Although study participants experienced “minimal” side effects at different time intervals after eating, some outside experts do recommend waiting a bit after a meal if you plan to swim laps or compete to avoid any stomach cramping or digestive issues.

Myth 4. Chicken soup cures a cold

Chicken soup has been viewed as a popular cold remedy since at least the 12th century, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


“Chicken soup is warm and comforting when you’re sick, but it’s not a cure,” Jaelin told Fox News Digital.

“Chicken soup is warm and comforting when you’re sick, but it’s not a cure.”


“Drinking any hot broth when your sinuses are stuffed can help to clear them out.”

The steam from the chicken broth may relieve a sore throat and congested sinuses, the NIH noted.

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When battling a cold, get plenty of clear fluids to help regulate body temperature and promote improved immune system function, said Jaelin.

“Chicken soup counts toward overall fluid intake,” she added.


It also helps prevent dehydration and clear out mucus, the NIH noted.

Myth 5. You will ruin your eyes if you sit too close to the TV

Sitting too close to the TV will not damage your eyes, though it may cause eye strain, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


To prevent eye strain while watching television, experts recommend keeping the room well-lit and taking occasional breaks from the screen.


Sitting too close to the television will not damage your eyes, but may cause eye strain, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. (iStock)

“Children can focus at very close distances better than adults, and may not develop the same eye strain symptoms,” Nishika Reddy, M.D., assistant professor of ophthalmology at Moran Eye Center’s Midvalley Health Center at University of Utah in Murray, Utah, told Fox News Digital. 



It may be a red flag, though, if children are watching television too closely, experts warned.

The behavior may indicate an underlying vision issue that should be addressed, the UCSF report noted.


The American Academy of Pediatrics says high-quality digital media can be introduced to children between 18 and 24 months of age (only when supervised by parents or caregivers). The academy also recommends limiting screen time to one hour a day for children ages 2 to 5. (iStock)

“See an eye care provider to perform an eye exam for your child,” Reddy recommended.

A more concerning issue is the indirect effect of too much screen time, according to the report.



Although experts say there is no one-size-fits-all guideline when it comes to children and screen time, the American Academy of Pediatrics says high-quality digital media can be introduced to children between 18 and 24 months of age (only when supervised by parents or caregivers). 

The academy also recommends limiting screen time to one hour a day for children ages 2 to 5.

Fox News Digital reached out to UCSF for additional comment about its new study.

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