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Weight loss: Is it ok to exercise on an empty stomach? | The Times of India



Weight loss: Is it ok to exercise on an empty stomach?  | The Times of India


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I'm a personal trainer and this is why 11 minutes of daily exercise can save your life



I'm a personal trainer and this is why 11 minutes of daily exercise can save your life

Personal trainer Lavina Mehta is on a mission to get the nation moving. Awarded an MBE in 2020 for her services to health and fitness, the 46-year-old coach is known for the workout videos she hosts on YouTube with her mother-in-law Nishaben, as well launching the ‘Get UK Asians Fit’ campaign.

Now she’s released her debut book, The Feel Good Fix, in which she shares her personal toolkit of food hacks, workouts and wellness exercises, all designed to boost fitness and mood in the menopause years and beyond. “I want people to start moving, whatever their age. It’s never too late to start,” she tells HELLO!. “But midlife is the time that we really need to focus and invest in our health for our long-term wellbeing and future.”

The mum of three talks to HELLO! about her guide to exercise snacking and how she’s helping to break the stigmas around women’s health.

© Lavina Mehta
Personal trainer Lavina Mehta tells HELLO! how she’s helping to break the stigmas around women’s health

Lavina, how did you get into fitness?

“Growing up, I wasn’t into fitness – there isn’t enough awareness about the power of exercise for South Asian women. But 16 years ago, I gave up my job to become a mum and after losing my father-in-law very suddenly to a brain tumour and having some health scares of my own, I started to rethink my health.

“I joined the gym – I had put on so much weight, it was getting unhealthy, although it’s not about how we look, more how we feel and the magic of exercise. I invested in a personal trainer, who was a specialist in strength training, and lifting weights transformed my body and mental health. My slogan, ‘Exercise for sanity, not vanity’, got me through some of the hardest challenges.


“I qualified as a personal trainer and started training my friends in my home basement. Then, in 2019, I kicked off a national campaign because I was so alarmed about statistics around UK Asians being so physically inactive and the higher risks of diabetes and heart disease. The rest is history.”

What inspired you to write The Feel Good Fix?

“From my own experience and the menopause revolution. Also, so many of us are busy, juggling home, work and family pressures alongside the symptoms of menopause.

“This feel-good toolkit works for me and so many other women I’ve trained. It helps remove the barriers people have around exercise. The Government guidelines around physical activity can be really daunting, so this is a bit more approachable, flexible and sustainable. Hopefully it’s going to give a lot of people the confidence they’ve been lacking.”

What is ‘exercise snacking’?

“It’s short, bite-sized amounts of movement that you can do throughout the day, and the book has snacks that range from one minute to three, five and ten. Studies show that 11 minutes of daily exercise can substantially reduce a person’s risk of early death and heart disease, and science shows us that even a minute counts and that exercise snacking can be as effective, if not more, than the hour-long workout that we can’t fit into our busy lifestyles.

“I am very passionate about disease risk reduction, especially diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis, cancers and heart disease. Exercise snacking is so good at helping with metabolic health and maintaining a healthy weight, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Lavina Mehta working out on pink yoga mat © Lavina Mehta
Lavina is a fan of ‘exercise snacking’ – short, bite-sized amounts of movement that you can do throughout the day

“Little and often is the best way to fit it in. You can piggyback these snacks onto your existing lifestyle, like brushing your teeth on one leg or doing a strength snack while the kettle’s boiling and a shoulder-floss snack at your desk.”

What advice do you have for women who worry about bulking up by lifting weights?

“You’re not going to bulk up – let’s stop that myth straight away. Strength training is crucial for our health because we lose muscle mass and bone density from around the age of 30 and it’s accelerated through perimenopause, menopause and beyond, which can lead to osteoporosis. It’s important for our bone, brain, heart, muscle and mental health. Start off small, even with simple bodyweight exercises, and increase your weights gradually over time.”

Are there any effective exercises to address low energy or brain fog?

“Squats are the king of lower-body exercises, and for energising your body, there’s one called the Superbrain Snack. It’s a holistic technique where you squat, cross your arms and connect your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and then clasp your earlobes with the opposite thumb and forefinger. Inhale deeply and lower into a squat. Repeat for 2-3 minutes or ten to 21 reps. This stimulates acupressure points on your earlobes and sends signals to the brain, boosting your cognitive clarity.”

What was your first perimenopause symptom?

“On my 40th birthday, I noticed I was getting erratic periods, but like a lot of women, you suppress it and think: ‘It’s because I’m busy, stressed and there’s a lot going on.’ My family were getting frustrated with me, saying: ‘I’ve told you that before, Mum, you’re forgetting everything.’ My grandmother had Alzheimer’s and when I started forgetting people’s names or what I was doing at certain times, I was really worried it was early onset dementia.

With fellow menopause advocate Davina McCall © Lavina Mehta
With fellow menopause advocate Davina McCall

“During the pandemic, I had symptoms like numbness in my hands during the night, rosacea suddenly appeared and anxiety, but I never joined the dots. It was only when I watched Davina McCall’s documentary Sex, Myths & the Menopause two years ago, and saw the changes in the brain, the penny dropped that I was going through perimenopause.”

How can we destigmatise conversations about the menopause?

“As a South Asian woman, there are so many taboo subjects around women’s health – periods and sex, let alone menopause. But South Asian women can go through menopause five or six years earlier than the average white female and perimenopause can be a decade before that. Women in their late 30s need to be aware, stay in tune with their bodies and log symptoms. Be prepared, not scared. Start normalising the conversation.

“I openly share my own experiences, but I’m also a patron for Menopause Mandate. It’s important to educate and empower ourselves with knowledge, and to advocate for yourself.”


What do you wish you’d known before the perimenopause?

RELATED: 10 best menopause supplements with top reviews to have on your radar – plus expert tips

“The power of lifestyle changes and exercise. I wish I had started earlier, but it’s never too late, no matter what age you are. I’ve seen that with the free workouts I do for the elderly every week with my mother-in-law.”

Lavina with mother-in-law Nishaben© Lavina Mehta
Lavina with mother-in-law Nishaben

The Feel Good Fix by Lavina Mehta (Penguin, £18.99) is available now.

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Move for a better life: The transformative power of physical activity for the 60+ – Times of India



Move for a better life: The transformative power of physical activity for the 60+ – Times of India
The advantages of an active lifestyle extend far beyond reducing health risks. A recent study by the National Library of Medicine highlights that the 60+ who engage in regular physical activity experience a significantly healthier path to aging. The benefits are manifold including enhanced quality of life and improved cognitive functioning. So much so, that antiquated descriptions like old and senior are being swiftly replaced with new-age and life-affirmative terms such as active aging.The study’s findings effectively underscore the transformative power of movement, positioning it as an essential game-changer for the actively aging population.
The study revealed that staying physically active not only helps the 60+ maintain socio-physical independence and engage in social activities but also find purpose and satisfaction in their daily lives. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle mass and bone density, essential for preventing falls and fractures. In a nutshell, physical activity helps the 60+ live not just longer lives, but better ones, filled with vitality and joy.
The Mental and Emotional Benefits of Physical Activity
If you identify with the concept of active aging, you need to start exercising and work those muscles. Sciences reveal that the release of endorphins and increased blood flow to the brain during physical activity uplift mood and enhance mental clarity. Endorphins, known as “feel-good” hormones, alleviate pain, reduce stress, and create an overall sense of well-being. Improved blood flow ensures the brain receives adequate oxygen and nutrients, critical for optimal function.
Regular exercise also promotes neurogenesis(formation of new neurons), enhancing memory, learning capabilities, and protecting against cognitive decline. Additionally, the release of endorphins and a sense of accomplishment from regular physical activity boosts self-esteem and combats depression and anxiety, further contributing to mental and emotional well-being.

The Accessibility and Versatility of Physical Activity
One of the most beautiful aspects of physical activity is its versatility. It doesn’t require expensive equipment or gym memberships to be effective. Even modest efforts, such as incorporating 10 minutes of intentional movement into daily routines, can yield substantial benefits. People above the age of 60 can easily find ways to be active that suit their circumstances. Research found that increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity by just 10 minutes per day can lead to a 6.9% decrease in mortality rates among adults aged 40 to 85. This statistic underscores the significant impact that small changes in physical activity can have on longevity and health.
Personalized and Enjoyable Forms of Movement
Embracing an active lifestyle is a journey, and every individual’s path is unique. It is crucial to find enjoyable and well-balanced forms of movement that resonate with personal preferences and abilities, whether it’s a brisk walk, gentle yoga, or a lively dance class. Personalizing physical activity ensures it becomes a sustainable and enjoyable part of daily life. By experimenting with different activities, 60+ individuals can discover what they enjoy most and are more likely to stick with it long-term. This personalized approach creates a positive association with physical activity, making it a regular and pleasurable part of one’s routine.
The Broader Impacts of Physical Activity on Aging
In a world where mental and physical health challenges often accompany aging, physical activity stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. By embracing movement, active agers can fortify cognitive abilities, elevate mood, and cultivate well-being. Regular physical activity helps manage and prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, while supporting mental health by reducing the risk of depression, anxiety and putting one in a better mood.
The evidence is clear: an active lifestyle is a transformative force, capable of unlocking a fountain of youth and empowering older adults to experience a vibrant, fulfilling, and healthy later chapter of life. By staying active, the 60+ can engage with their communities, pursue their interests, and maintain a sense of autonomy and purpose, making the golden years – ‘truly golden’.
(By Rohini Rajeev, Founder, Clinical Head & Chief Practice Officer, also partnering with GenS, a soon to be launched platform for the 60+)

International Yoga Day: How yoga impacts reproductive health in women?

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Moderate exercise linked to reduced burnout and higher job satisfaction among employees



Moderate exercise linked to reduced burnout and higher job satisfaction among employees

Researchers at the U-M School of Kinesiology wanted to understand the relationship between physical activity and workplace burnout, says Michele Marenus, a former doctoral student whose adviser was the study’s principal investigator, Weiyun Chen.

Chen is an associate professor of applied exercise science and director of the Physical Activity & Health Laboratory, where the research was conducted. The study was part of a major research project led by Marenus at the PAHL.


The study’s implications extend to workplace dynamics such as team engagement, turnover, morale and the “subtler yet impactful phenomenon called ‘quiet quitting,’” the researchers wrote. Their research did not directly examine quiet quitting, a term that was recently coined to describe employees who put in the minimum required effort at work, but do not resign.

The root cause is thought to be burnout, which is characterized by three primary symptoms: extreme fatigue, a sense of doubt and disengagement toward work, and feelings of inadequacy and unproductiveness.

The researchers surveyed 520 full-time employees about their physical activity and workplace burnout. They divided the sample into low-, medium- and high-activity groups, then looked at differences across the three subscales of the burnout inventory: emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment and depersonalization to understand the ways in which employees felt job burnout.

Among participants, 23% reported low activity, 60% moderate activity and 25% high levels of activity.

“The findings illuminate the positive impact of physical activity on workplace outlook and personal satisfaction. Employees are aware that burnout is an enormous problem for their workforce,” said Marenus, now a research scientist at Personify Health and an adjunct faculty member at George Mason University.


Findings include:

  • The moderate-activity group was less emotionally exhausted than the low-activity group.
  • The low-activity group felt more personal accomplishment than both the high and moderate groups.
  • There was no significant difference in depersonalization (when employees no longer see customers as human beings) scores among the three groups.
  • High-intensity activity did not reduce emotional exhaustion or enhance personal accomplishment more than moderate activity.

“Employees experiencing low physical activity may feel less engaged and motivated, gradually disengaging from their roles without formally resigning, resulting in reduced productivity and a lack of enthusiasm for their work,” said study first author Brandon Albedry, a former research assistant at the PAHL laboratory who is now a client solutions analyst at Addepar.

The fact that the high-intensity exercise group did not see greater benefits than the moderate activity group challenges the notion that more is better, the researchers say.

We don’t need to engage in crazy amounts of activity to see benefits. Feeling the pressure to do so may actually cause a negative impact.”


Michele Marenus

The takeaway for employers is that promoting exercise can lead to happier, healthier workers, as well as lower employee turnover, higher productivity and cost reductions. Accommodations like walking desks, onsite workout facilities, gym subsidies and flexible schedules can help.

Employees should remember that they don’t need high-intensity exercise to feel better—moderate activities like brisk walking or cycling can reduce burnout symptoms, the researchers say. Intensity of physical activity is important because moderate activity is more sustainable and has less risk of injury.

“Moderate to vigorous physical activity (also) promotes an increase in a level of protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor,” Marenus said. “BDNF improves important things like brain health, cognitive function and mental health. This protein stays high in the brain even for a period after MVPA, which can benefit an individuals’ overall health.”

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