
Financial Aid for Students: Do you have to pay as a loan or is it free?



Heading to college in the United States of America can be a very expensive undertaking and it is a system that increasingly favours those from wealthy backgrounds rather than those who have grown up in more modest surroundings.

This is why for those who know they will struggle to either support themselves or cannot receive help from family members, it is crucial to make use of any government funding that is available.

The most simple way is to apply to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is the most commonly used and standard way to receive additional funding whilst at college which can go towards tuition fees, books, living costs and other expenditures.

Do you have to pay FAFSA back?

One of the major benefits of being accepted for FAFSA funding is that what you receive is simply a payment, rather than a loan. You do not need to pay back what you receive, meaning you aren’t saddling yourself with additional debt to work off in adult life.

That is the case for the standard form of FAFSA funding but there are also other types which can be earned through work, and one type that does have to be repaid.


Many do not entertain the idea of applying for financial aid for college because they think they make too much money to qualify. But regardless of family earnings, they may be eligible for some form of financial assistance, including federal, state, and school-based aid and merit-based scholarships.

To determine a family’s financial need, the FAFSA asks a series of questions about the parents’ and student’s income and assets as well as other factors, such as how many children there are in the family. It then comes up with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

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