Movie Reviews

Vikrant Rona Review {3/5}: A solid mystery that unfolds a bit too late | Vikrant Rona Movie Review



Vikrant Rona Story: A fictitious village in an undisclosed period sees mysterious sightings as the kids go lacking. Is the perpetrator man or satan? Can Vikrant Rona (Kiccha Sudeep), the cigar smoking, badass new cop within the ghostly city crack the puzzle and search out these accountable when everybody’s a suspect?

Vikrant Rona Evaluation: Made in Kannada and dubbed in Hindi, Anup Bhandari’s darkish fantasy journey (in 3D) is a courageous try. It’s atmospheric as effectively. Not many Indian movies have dared to dabble on this style earlier than. Nevertheless, the director struggles to discover a route and specificity to his story. It begins off like a youngsters’s fable, then strikes to being a supernatural-horror thriller, then a thriller, and a western. It tries to be lots of issues. The story lacks a correct timeline as effectively. The primary half wanders aimlessly and drags on perpetually with no character or story improvement. All we see is Kiccha Sudeep giving a smoldering hero look in slowmo with a jarring background rating that by no means lets the concern creep in. With a length of at the least 2 hours half-hour, your persistence wears skinny with the story going completely nowhere. A random love story peppered with random songs additional eat into the display screen time and digress from the plot.

Surprisingly, by no means has a second half been extra contradicting. The movie really begins within the second half the place there’s some semblance of story. The thriller that unfolds a bit too late is stable and gripping. Had it gathered momentum earlier, this movie had the potential to be a cracking thriller.

4 years within the making and shot even throughout Covid, visually, the movie tries its finest to reside as much as the style’s formidable scale. A battle sequence within the rain is especially attention-grabbing and appears worldwide. In the event you can overlook the shoddy first half, the second half is kind of participating and pretty watchable. Jacqueline Fernandez is a flawless dancer and her scorching track (Ra Ra Rakkamma) and presence pep up the story.

If you’re up for an honest horror thriller advised in a loud and dramatic fashion, with an additional deal with Kiccha Sudeep’s swag, you wouldn’t thoughts this one. Vikrant Rona might evolve into an honest thriller collection forward full of extra darkish adventures if the makers do away with the pointless fluff. With a lot potential, we want this mysterious fantasy had risen to the event sooner.


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