Movie Reviews

Film Review: ‘Our Son’ is a Heartfelt Drama With Strong Acting At Its Core From Luke Evans and Billy Porter



Vertical Entertainment

Divorce is a miserable experience if you’re going through it. If you’re watching it on screen, however, it’s inherently captivating and even cinematic. Watching a union dissipate, especially when a child is involved, just compels. With Our Son, the sort of story we’ve seen done in work like Kramer vs. Kramer and Marriage Story, is given a same sex spin. At the same time, that difference does help to set it apart. The film is good, to be sure, and more than wears its heart on its sleeve.

Our Son is a predictable movie, without question, but the pleasure is in watching our leads, as opposed to the machinations of the plot. You’re here for the performances, as well as the emotions of the story. What happens is more or less what’s expected, but it’s actually somewhat of a positive here, as you get to focus on what matters.

Vertical Entertainment

Book publisher Nicky (Luke Evans) and his husband Gabriel (Billy Porter), a former actor who’s now a stay-at-home dad, are raising Owen (Christopher Woodley) their eight year-old son. Gabriel is devoted to Owen and loves him more than anyone or anything in this world. Nicky, while affectionate and loving to Owen, sees Gabriel as a priority. This has led to a strain in their marriage, one that is exacerbated when Gabriel expresses his dissatisfaction, as well as plans to pursue something new.

Filing for divorce, the breakup slowly gets more acrimonious, especially once custody comes into play. Gabriel and Nicky are duking it out, with Owen caught in the middle. It all leads to a resolution that’s not surprising in the least, but is quietly moving and completely the resolution that you’ll spend the running time hoping for.

Vertical Entertainment

Luke Evans and Billy Porter are both quite good, getting to do the sort of work they’re rarely afforded. Christopher Woodley turns in a solid child actor performance, but Evans and Porter are the showcase. Evans gets to play off of some of his tough guy roles, while Porter is given an opportunity unlike any to date. He truly runs with it, too. Evans and Porter are each doing different things, but they’re equally moving. Supporting players here include Kate Burton, Andrew Rannells, Phylicia Rashad, Robin Weigert, and more.

Co-writer/director Bill Oliver wisely keeps the focus on his leads. Along with co-writer Peter Nickowitz, Oliver makes it about watching Evans and Porter go to town on the material. The pacing is a little slack and the script occasionally bumps up against cliche, but its heart is so very much in the right place, it’s hard to ding it too hardly. By letting Evans and Porter showcase, they’ve made the correct choice for the material.

Our Son doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it trusts in its quietness. A good heart and strong acting combine to make it well worth seeing. Will it change your world? Unlikely. Is it entertaining and well executed? Very much so.


SCORE: ★★★

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