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Australian Banks Embracing Cryptocurrency: A Shift in Traditional Banking – Tech Guide



Australian Banks Embracing Cryptocurrency: A Shift in Traditional Banking – Tech Guide

Cryptocurrencies have attracted a lot of media attention in recent years, with rising prices making investors a lot of money. These digital currencies may have been overlooked by some, but traditional financial institutions have been taking notice. Many banks and governments all over the world are looking to explore cryptocurrency technology and regulations, and Australia is no different.

In 2021, the Commonwealth Bank, one of Australia’s four major banking institutions, became the first in the country to allow users to buy and trade cryptocurrency through its app. Since then, other banks have followed their lead, and the Australian government has been looking to bring in regulations to improve the safety and potential of these digital currencies.

(Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash)

This paradigm change is a result of the increased consumer and industry use of cryptocurrencies. Recognising the potential advantages of digital currencies, Australian banks are actively looking for ways to incorporate them into their offerings, marking a change from traditional banking methods. The need to establish a balance between innovation and client protection, regulatory constraints, security concerns, and other issues make this move challenging.

What Are Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that are built on a technology known as blockchain. The blockchain is a way of storing data in a decentralised way. The nature of cryptocurrencies allows them to be used by anyone without relying on a traditional bank and cuts down fees and long transfer times while still providing a high level of security and trust.


The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, remains the most popular, although thousands of new cryptocurrencies have been created since it was released in 2009. While traditional investors and banking institutions originally scoffed at digital currencies, their popularity has become impossible to ignore.

Why Are Banking Institutions Interested?

While few could have predicted cryptocurrencies would ever become so popular, it’s undeniable that they pose a threat to traditional banking services. Cryptocurrencies are decentralised and controlled by their users, with no need for banks or financial middlemen to store them or approve and carry out transactions.

A lot of traditional baking services are therefore worried about the competition that cryptocurrencies provide and understand that they need to adapt and change if they want to remain in business. While it’s unlikely that traditional banks are going anywhere anytime soon, increased competition from digital currencies could hurt their profits over time.

In addition, there are many challenges and issues facing cryptocurrency users, including fraud, a lack of usability and potential government restrictions. By building their own alternatives, banking institutions can give users a better service while ensuring a higher level of safety, security and usability.

The Transformative Potential of Cryptocurrency in the Australian Economy

By implementing effective regulations and driving increased adoption, cryptocurrency stands to reshape the Australian economy in profound ways. A recent report suggests that by 2030, Australia’s crypto industry could surpass the tourism and energy sectors, provided the right regulatory framework is in place.


Apart from revolutionizing consumer empowerment and expediting online transactions, cryptocurrency holds the key to unlocking new employment prospects and fueling the growth of innovative industries like crypto mining.CryptoSEO, a leading SEO agency specializing in supporting crypto companies in Australia, has witnessed a remarkable surge in the establishment of crypto-related businesses across the country.

In a recent interview with, the Founder emphasized the agency’s ability to empower enterprises in establishing a formidable digital presence, enabling them to effectively connect with their target audience and foster growth in this dynamic and rapidly evolving sector.

The introduction of new regulations by the Australian government has the potential to enhance the safety of cryptocurrencies for the general public, leading to greater adoption and a rapidly expanding crypto economy. While this may have ripple effects on traditional financial institutions, it is likely that major banks will continue their adoption and promotion of cryptocurrencies.

In a groundbreaking move, the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) banking group became the first Australian bank to launch its own stablecoin in 2022, pegging it to the Australian dollar. The coming years are expected to witness further transformations in the banking and finance landscape throughout the country, with continued growth in crypto adoption on the horizon.

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Hong Kong firm HKVAX gets approval to run city’s third cryptocurrency exchange



Hong Kong firm HKVAX gets approval to run city’s third cryptocurrency exchange
Hong Kong’s securities regulator has approved the city’s third cryptocurrency exchange, the first to be licensed under a two-year-old virtual-asset regulatory regime that has so far struggled to gain traction.
Hong Kong Virtual Asset Exchange on Thursday obtained a licence for its trading platform HKVAX, according to an updated list on the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) website.

With its expertise in security token offerings (STO) and real-world asset (RWA) tokenisation, HKVAX aims to offer over-the-counter trading, exchange and custody services, the company said in a statement published on Friday.

The licence “demonstrates Hong Kong’s resolve to lead in the virtual-asset industry”, while HKVAX aims to establish the city as “the STO and RWA centre for Asia and beyond”, co-founder and chief executive Anthony Ng said in the statement.


Hong Kong’s financial summit ends on an upbeat note as city heads ‘back to business’


Hong Kong’s financial summit ends on an upbeat note as city heads ‘back to business’

The company’s trading platform and onboarding system are still “undergoing final preparations”, the company said in a notice on its website.

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From $37B to $24.5B: DAO Treasuries Experience Significant Downturn – Blockchain Bitcoin News



From B to .5B: DAO Treasuries Experience Significant Downturn – Blockchain Bitcoin News
In October 2024, the latest data shows that decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) hold $24.5 billion in treasuries, down by $12.6 billion since the end of March. Optimism’s DAO, which boasted $8.3 billion on Mar. 24, has seen its treasury shrink to $3.8 billion, making it the largest DAO treasury despite the decline. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations […]
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Deadline Extended! Argentinians Seize Last Chance for Cryptocurrency Amnesty!



Deadline Extended! Argentinians Seize Last Chance for Cryptocurrency Amnesty!
  • Local exchanges like Bitso and Lemon report significant increases in digital currency deposits since the amnesty’s announcement.
  • Carlos Peralta of Bitso noted a surge in inquiries, suggesting higher future participation before the deadline extension.

In Argentina, the cryptocurrency amnesty program, initiated in July, has surprisingly exceeded expectations according to local exchanges. This initiative allows Argentinians to declare their cryptocurrency holdings to the government without fear of repercussions.

The deadline for this declaration has been extended to October 31

The Argentine government has extended the deadline for asset regularization through Decree No. 864/2024, published on September 30, 2024. This extension modifies the dates of the regime established by Law No. 27.743 on Palliative and Relevant Fiscal Measures, allowing fiscal residents in Argentina and non-residents who were previously fiscal residents to voluntarily declare assets both domestically and abroad until October 31, 2024, for the first stage. The subsequent stages have been extended to January 31, 2025, and April 30, 2025, respectively.

Furthermore, the decree specifies that funds regularized up to September 30, 2024, can be withdrawn starting October 1, 2024, without retention, provided that no new regularizations are made after that date. Funds not exceeding USD 100,000 will be exempt from retention starting November 1, 2024, and those exceeding that amount must be kept in special accounts or allocated to authorized investments until December 31, 2025, to avoid a 5% retention.

Fiscal transparency and the integration of undeclared assets into the formal economy

Representatives from cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bitso and Lemon have reported a significant uptake in participation since the program’s announcement. They observed a record increase in digital currency deposits, suggesting a strong willingness among Argentinians to comply with the new regulations.

Carlos Peralta, the leader of Public Affairs at Bitso Argentina, noted a spike in inquiries even before the extension was announced, indicating a high level of interest. 

“Perhaps now with more time, they decide to enter” Peralta commented, hinting at the potential for even greater participation in the coming weeks.


Similarly, Juan Pablo Fridenberg, Director of Public Affairs at Lemon, highlighted that September saw the highest volume of cryptocurrency deposits in the platform’s history. 

“Although we do not know how many users have effectively joined, as this information is only available to the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), we can affirm that the volume exceeded July’s by 23%,” said Fridenberg.

As we usually report on Crypto News Flash, this initiative by the Argentine government aims to bring transparency to the cryptocurrency market, which has traditionally operated with minimal oversight. By encouraging citizens to declare their digital assets, the government hopes to integrate these into the formal crypto economic system, reducing the risks associated with unregulated markets.

The positive response from the public and the extension of the deadline reflect the growth, as we have been reporting on Crypto News Flash, this may accept and normalize cryptocurrencies in Argentina. This move is part of a broader effort to stabilize the financial system and restore trust among investors and the public in the potential of digital currencies as legitimate financial assets.

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