
To Save Whales, Don’t Eat Lobster, Watchdog Group Says



American lobster could also be a beloved and scrumptious splurge, however it’s not a sustainable seafood selection and shoppers ought to keep away from consuming it, in keeping with Seafood Watch, a bunch that displays how fish and different seafood are harvested from the world’s oceans.

The group made the announcement final week, motivated by issues that the ropes used to fish for lobsters and another seafoods typically entangle critically endangered North Atlantic proper whales. The marine mammal’s inhabitants has fallen to the low a whole lot, and federal wildlife authorities say it faces extinction within the close to future.

Seafood Watch is a part of the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California and gives scientific steering to companies, together with formal partnerships with among the nation’s main seafood patrons, about what seafood they promote to prospects. The group additionally gives seafood suggestions on to shoppers. Its credit score card-size seafood buying guides may be discovered sitting subsequent to packets of oyster crackers or stacks of moist wipes at seafood markets and in eating places throughout the nation.

Seafood Watch put American lobster, in addition to some species of crab and fish, on its purple listing due to the impact fishing for the species has on North Atlantic proper whales.

The group hopes that telling folks to keep away from American lobster, which is harvested off Maine, Canada’s maritime provinces and in different elements of the Northwest Atlantic, will increase consciousness about the fitting whale’s situation and put stress on fishery managers and lawmakers to do extra to guard the imperiled mammals.


“I feel shoppers want to grasp the impacts of the fishing practices used to catch the meals that they eat,” stated Mark Baumgartner, a senior scientist at Woods Gap Oceanographic Establishment in Massachusetts who research North Atlantic proper whales however will not be concerned with Seafood Watch. “I feel that if folks knew extra concerning the plight of proper whales, and the position that roped fishing performs in that, there’d be extra of a requirement for options.”

Lobster fishers and their allies in Congress say that Seafood Watch’s choice is unfair given the business’s constant compliance with state and federal legal guidelines aimed toward defending the whales. It’s unclear whether or not Seafood Watch’s actions may have the supposed impact as a result of main sellers and distributors of American lobster could also be hesitant to halt gross sales of the beloved seafood.

Whereas there are a number of sorts of lobster, such because the clawless spiny lobster and the blue European lobster, American lobsters are the most well-liked amongst shoppers. Women and men have been catching the big-clawed crustaceans alongside the east coast of america and Canada largely the identical manner because the 1800s.

A overwhelming majority of economic lobster fishermen nonetheless use pots, often known as traps, to catch their quarry. Pots are loaded with bait and lowered to the seafloor, the place they’re left to soak. To make the pots simple to recuperate, they’re linked to a buoy floating on the floor by a vertical line of rope.

Whales can simply develop into entangled in these ropes, which might forestall them from reaching the floor to breathe or from diving deep sufficient to seek out meals. Entangled whales that don’t drown or starve instantly could drag gear for years, inflicting deep lacerations and sapping vitality that may be used for replica and development.


“It’s a heartbreaking sight to see as they typically are beneath vital stress, frantically thrashing and desperately making an attempt to shake the gear off of their our bodies,” stated Amy Knowlton, a senior scientist on the New England Aquarium who has been finding out proper whales for nearly 40 years.

Scientists estimate that fewer than 350 particular person North Atlantic proper whales nonetheless stay, fewer than 100 of that are breeding females. “Entanglements at the moment are the main trigger of great harm and mortality for this critically endangered species,” Ms. Knowlton stated.

Scientists with the Nationwide Marine Fisheries Service decided that to ensure that the North Atlantic proper whale inhabitants to keep away from extinction, the typical variety of whales killed by human-related exercise must be lower than one whale per 12 months.

In 2021, the fisheries service introduced new guidelines for catching American lobster in U.S. waters that aimed to cut back the variety of vertical traces within the North Atlantic proper whale habitat and weaken the traces which might be used so entangled whales can extra simply break away. The company additionally applied two new seasonal fishing floor closures.

Seafood Watch and different marine conservation organizations stated the brand new rules had been a step in the fitting course however didn’t go far sufficient to assist the whales recuperate.


“On common, 7.7 whales per 12 months are dying resulting from human causes that we find out about,” stated Sam Wilding, who’s the Seafood Watch fisheries program supervisor and has been concerned in creating the brand new assessments. “5.7 of these are resulting from fishing entanglement and the opposite two are resulting from vessel strikes.”

Mr. Wilding acknowledged that state and federal fishery managers and business leaders have been working to deal with the difficulty for greater than 20 years. However the efforts haven’t been sufficient to avoid wasting the whales. “The speed of affect from fishing is much larger than we initially anticipated,” he stated.

Drastic measures have to be taken for the North Atlantic proper whale to keep away from extinction, Mr. Wilding stated. But, employees within the fishing business consider that Seafood Watch went too far by encouraging shoppers to keep away from American lobster.

“The way in which we handle our fishery has all the time been the most effective,” stated Kristan Porter, a industrial lobster fisherman and president of the Maine Lobstermen’s Affiliation. “As a fisherman, all I can do is go by the foundations which might be in entrance of me.”

“There’s not a fisherman in Maine that wishes to harm a whale,” stated Steve Practice, a industrial fisherman primarily based in Maine who has been lobstering for over 40 years.


As a result of a overwhelming majority of American lobster fishers play by the foundations set out for them by fishery managers and federal companies, Mr. Porter says he and his fellow fishers shouldn’t be punished for the decline of North Atlantic proper whales.

One proposed answer to this drawback is a transition to ropeless fishing gear, which is utilized in Australia and is being examined in American fisheries. It really works like a standard crab or lobster pot, however it may be dropped at the floor utilizing a remote-controlled float, no rope required.

“This might very simply permit fishermen to fish proper round proper whales in a manner that isn’t endangering their lives,” stated Caroline Good, a big whale ecologist with the Nationwide Marine Fisheries Service.

Nevertheless, such gear will not be but extensively accessible, and every ropeless entice can price $2,000 to $4,000, whereas a standard lobster entice prices between $50 and $180. Earlier this 12 months, Democrats in Congress launched a invoice that may put hundreds of thousands of {dollars} towards the event and testing of ropeless gear and different applied sciences which have the potential to guard North Atlantic proper whales. It has but to go to a vote.

Till American lobster fisheries can cut back their affect on proper whales, Seafood Watch is recommending lobster lovers choose solely from spiny lobsters caught in Florida or California.


Nevertheless, whether or not its recommendation might be heeded stays unsure. A spokesperson for Complete Meals Market, which partnered with Seafood Watch in 2010, stated that it has no plans to cease promoting American lobster, however that the corporate is “carefully monitoring the scenario” and is “dedicated to working with our suppliers, native fisherman and fisheries, fishery managers and environmental advocacy teams because the scenario develops.”

Consultants involved concerning the whales hope business and political leaders will look past their instant criticism of Seafood Watch’s choice and see a possibility.

Dr. Baumgartner at Woods Gap says that the fishing business and United States and Canadian governments have to develop options that protect fishing alternatives and shield the whales — shortly.

“It looks as if a no brainer to me to pour all of the assets you may into this,” he stated.


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