
EU leaders fail to agree on price on gas but vow to continue talks



EU leaders have failed to achieve an settlement on a continent-wide cap on gasoline costs, which proceed to be alarmingly excessive as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine disrupts the markets.

Making issues worse, Gazprom, Russia’s main vitality provider, has reduce or severely restricted gasoline flows to 12 member states, elevating the spectre of gasoline rationing by winter time.

“The basis reason for our drawback is our dependence on fossil fuels, which we should eliminate,” mentioned Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Fee, on the finish of the two-day summit in Brussels.

“There’s a lot on the transfer to actually diversify away from the Russian gasoline to different reliable suppliers,” she added, naming the US, Norway and Azerbaijan as various companions.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi arrived in Brussels with the intention of pushing ahead his personal proposal for an EU-wide restrict on gasoline costs, however did not handle to get the backing of his friends.


Up to now, solely Belgium and Greece have expressed assist for the venture, whereas Spain and Portugal have already established a short lived cap of €40 per megawatt throughout the Iberian Peninsula.

“The foremost objection [from other countries] to a cap on gasoline costs is the concern that Russia will reduce provides,” Draghi mentioned. “However there isn’t a level since provides are already being reduce.”

Draghi mentioned Germany and the Netherlands, two nations which were staunchly against the transfer, have develop into extra “open” to the concept.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, nevertheless, did not endorse the proposal whereas he spoke to reporters on the finish of the summit. The sudden drop in Russian flows has compelled the German authorities to activate the second part of its three-stage emergency plan, warning that storage targets for winter are in danger.

As a compromise, EU leaders tasked the Fee to provide you with a brand new plan to curb rising vitality costs “together with the feasibility of introducing momentary import worth caps the place applicable.”


The 27 additionally vowed to coordinate their nationwide measures towards hovering inflation and keep away from the self-centred and chaotic strategy that characterised the preliminary months of the pandemic.

Von der Leyen mentioned her govt is presently reviewing the contingency measures of every member state in case of a brand new drop in Russian flows and urged capitals to think about what affect their nationwide devices might need on their neighbours.

“We’re engaged on a standard European emergency demand discount plan with trade,” she mentioned. “I’ll current this plan in July to the leaders. There won’t be a return to low cost fossil fuels.”

‘Fairly a activity’ forward for the bloc

Throughout her closing remarks, President von der Leyen admitted the EU faces “fairly a activity” to switch the 155 billion cubic metres of gasoline it purchased from Russia final 12 months.

“We hope for the very best and put together for the worst,” she mentioned.


As soon as once more, the Fee chief additionally opened the door for a reform of the EU’s wholesale electrical energy market, which immediately works on the premise of marginal pricing, also referred to as a “pay-as-clear market”.

Beneath this method, all electrical energy suppliers – from fossils fuels to wind and photo voltaic – bid into the market and provide vitality in line with their manufacturing prices, the Fee explains. The bidding begins from the most cost effective sources – renewables – and ends with the most costly ones – normally pure gasoline.

Since most EU nations nonetheless depend on fossil fuels to satisfy all their energy calls for, the ultimate worth of electrical energy is commonly set by the value of coal or pure gasoline. If gasoline turns into costlier, electrical energy payments inevitably go up, even when clear, cheaper sources additionally contribute to the overall vitality provide.

In current months, nations like Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Belgium have complained the present system creates an unfair “contagion impact” that wipes out the enter from renewables and nuclear energy.

Von der Leyen mentioned her staff will study if the marginal pricing guidelines are nonetheless “match for function” and discover the feasibility of decoupling gasoline from electrical energy costs.


In parallel to the continued efforts to diversify suppliers and signal new gasoline offers, she burdened households and corporations ought to make an effort to chop down demand and save vitality.

“If few cut back two levels in our heating, we are able to save the entire deliveries of Nord Stream 1,” von der Leyen mentioned.

EU leaders may have an opportunity to debate the brand new plans to scale back demand and reform the market in late October, when the subsequent summit is scheduled to take occur.

“If there’s an emergency, we’ll meet earlier than then,” Draghi mentioned.


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