Seattle, WA
WEST SEATTLE LIGHTS: Final nights for ‘The 4040 House’
That’s Ryan, creator of the music-synched lights at “The 4040 House,” handing out candy canes on Christmas Eve. The photo was sent to us by a reader who visited that night, and sent others too:
We have the occasion to publish them because Ryan asked us to let you knoe there’s just a few more nights to see the display (previously featured here two weeks ago):
The final nights of the 2023 sound and light show at 4040 House are coming up?
The show runs every night from 6-9 through New Year’s Day.
A very special thanks to those who have stoped by and a major shout-out to all of our neighbors on 47th AVE SW.
The display has a website, – full address is 4040 47th SW, between Dakota and Andover, and a reminder: “We ask if people drive down, please park on Dakota or Andover and walk over.”