
Oregon State mailbag: Why should Beaver fans care any longer, will coaches, athletes leave?



Another Oregon State mailbag, where readers provide Beavers-related questions and comments, and The Oregonian/OregonLive’s Nick Daschel gives a response.

Here goes:

What happens to the Pac’s bowl affiliations? How will the bowls realign? What is the cost for the departing schools to reapply to get the Pac schools back together in 6 years? – Andrew M

Other Power 5 conferences are already beginning to negotiate with the Pac-12 bowls for the 2024 season. As for the cost of departing schools returning to the Pac-12, they’d owe nothing unless there is an exit fee from the conference that they’re leaving. FYI, I don’t think this is crazy talk. Buyer’s remorse from Arizona to Washington could be a real thing in a few years.


I know it sounds good but I have no interest in playing football vs the University of Oregon after this year. I would much rather have the Ducks travel clear across the country to play their games. It will be interesting to see how that works out for them. The leadership of the Pac 12 should be ashamed and embarrassed for their actions or their lack of action leading to the collapse of the Pac 12.

The member schools that left for greener pastures may find themselves regretting that decision down the road. It certainly seems likely that most of the schools that left the conference will never see the inside of the College Football Playoff program. Oregon State and Washington State are left holding the bag with nothing in it. I hope you all think about what this all means to the schools left behind. Why in the heck would we want to do U of O a favor and schedule games at any level with them. I hope they choke on their frequent flier miles. – Steve W

I hope you feel better after getting that off your chest. By the way, I received many, many emails like this.

Are all major conference teams safe or are “non-producers” (i.e. low team wins or fan base numbers) at risk of being kicked out/reshuffled? Some say reduce major conference teams down to 58.

Dust is far from settled. Will it ever be? – Randy C


Safe? Ahahahahahaha. The weirdness is only starting. There are plenty out who believe the top 30 to 35 programs will split and play in one big-boy football conference.

I really hope players and coaches don’t leave based on losing competition in schools and the fact they’re building something at OSU. We won’t know until the end of the season if players decide to leave or not. – @Beav_Fan95

Barring an unforeseen invitation to the Big 12 or ACC, you can count on coaches and athletes leaving. Oregon State simply won’t be able to afford Power 5 coaching salaries if it must pare the annual budget by $20-30 million. As for athletes leaving, the allure of finding a Power 5 home will be a powerful motivator to transfer. First, though, let’s see where Oregon State lands and we get a peek at the finances.

As a decades long Beaver fan who stuck through Gary Andersen and other tough times only to be (hit over the head) once again, why should I even care anymore? — @tnarg33

Because at its core, the life of a football fan is fun. Go to a Division III game at Linfield or George Fox or Pacific or Lewis & Clark some Saturday if you think I’m wrong. Maybe the trophies aren’t as shiny or the television lights as bright, but football is interesting in the Mountain West, in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference (D-II), and the Northwest Conference (D-III). It’ll take some time to get over the loss of Pac-12 rivalries, but Beaver fans will adapt. Particularly if OSU continues to win.


Do you think the TV networks overpaid for football so the Pac-12 wouldn’t go streaming? – Max C

Doubtful. ESPN, FOX and the networks like their money too much. In the end, it was Oregon and others that were too scared of taking a chance at streaming.

Please tell (AD Scott) Barnes a lot of alumni stand with him. Oregon stabbed many in the back with its move and took opportunism to a slimy no-trust extreme. I don’t think anyone blames our AD or administrators for this. Our guys acted with integrity and in good faith. I’m a lifelong Beav supporter which means Oregon ain’t my favorite school. I wonder how many like me feel the same way? – Monte O

The loathing from Beaver fans toward the Ducks is probably at an all-time high, and understandable. I don’t know that everyone shares your opinion that Oregon State did all it could, but I’ve yet to hear a rational argument. The school had no cards to play.

The questions of what sports will be lost with the loss of revenue is going to be the center of attention now. I hope the future OSU can have both men’s and women’s basketball, hardball and softball. I don’t see soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, track, wrestling, or the rest of a rich tradition being part of their future. Money sports is the game not student athletics – Dkosu48


It’s unlikely Oregon State will cut sports, as schools must support at least 16 sports and comply with Title IX to maintain FBS and Division I status. Mountain West schools offer similar types of sports to their students.

Would love a follow up on all the people who invested $150k for 5-year commitments to the new Reser after the fallout from the Pac-12 imploding. Are they just as excited to watch Boise State, Portland State and San Jose State from those seats? Personally, so crushed to be relegated and lose all the camaraderie in the state rivalry. Such a sad day in sports history. — Gina

Something I plan to look into. One loge box holder told me “I am giving zero thought to my 5-year commitment. I view as just that, a commitment. I signed up to watch Beaver football, so who the opponent is, garnered zero consideration. I signed up to have nice seats that were comfortable with a great view of Oregon State football.”

–Nick Daschel | ndaschel@oregonian.com | @nickdaschel

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