
NDOT to close lanes in Lake Tahoe Thursday



CARSON CITY, Nev. (KOLO) – The Nevada Department of Transportation will be closing lanes on U.S. 50 at Warrior Way Thursday to activate a traffic signal.

The closure along Lake Tahoe’s east shore will involve striping the intersection as well as the activation of the signal.

Single lane closures will take place on that road on Dec. 14 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. as crosswalks and stop bars are striped at the intersection. At least one lane in each direction will remain open at all times during this time.

Drivers are told to expect delays, and should leave extra time to travel through the intersection. The new signal will provide protected turns to and from Warrior Way for the approximately 19,000 drivers who travel the highway daily.


The following improvements were also made as part of the project:

  • Crosswalks and sidewalks from the signalized intersection into the U.S. Forest Service Zephyr Cove Day Use Area.
  • An infiltration basin and drainage improvements installed north of the intersection to enhance natural roadway stormwater infiltration and water quality.
  • On-highway parking from north of Warrior Way to the Zephyr Cove Resort entrance has been permanently removed to reduce safety concerns associated with vehicles parking along the shoulders of the heavily-traveled highway. The parking restrictions are aimed at keeping everyone safer by reducing the potential of pedestrian and other traffic crashes. Motorists previously parked on the narrow shoulder near the highway’s busy travel lanes, creating potential traffic safety concerns. Erosion and dust pollution created by parking on the dirt roadway shoulders can also impact the Lake Tahoe environment.

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