
Human trafficking awareness in Northern Nevada



RENO, Nev. (KOLO) – Human trafficking is a major issue in Northern Nevada. Some people are under the impression prostitution is legal everywhere in the state, but it’s not.

Nevada is ranked 3rd when it comes to human trafficking cases in the United States by the World Population Review and some of the most precious things to us are at risk.

Alecia Hardeman, the Regional Human Trafficking Advocate for Washoe County Sheriff’s Office says, “The youngest juvenile recovery we’ve had is eleven years old and typically what we are seeing in our community is that 15 years old is the average age of entry here.”

She shares some advice to keep your child safe:


“A huge thing for parents to kind of understand and be a bit more aware of is any kind of social media platform, which is huge nowadays, so we have Facebook to TikTok to Snapchat, even just gaming. Traffickers will contact them and start grooming our kiddos and adults and at a very young age and that’s how they get into the trafficking process.”

Some people believe individuals choose this line of work, and while some might, here is what Brenda Sandquist, Founder and Executive Manager of Xquisite, has to say:

“I have worked with many women out here at the bunny ranch, and yes there are a few who are there because they are making a living, but I have also seen so many women that have been raped violently.”

Perhaps what is most important is changing the narrative and the way we think about human trafficking and people that are prostituted.

“I don’t think that the word prostitution is good. I think it’s a prostituted person. It is someone who is being exploited against their will. Courtesan or sex worker, I know that there is a movement to be able to possibly make that more palatable for the community, but on my end and what I’ve seen; not always are they able to be free from violence and so that is what I’m not ok with,” says Sandquist.


Xquisite also is focusing on creating a new mantra for these members of our community, and others.

“Our mantra is a diamond. Everyone has a great value and sometimes when there’s a diamond in the dirt you don’t see the value until you get it away from that dirt and polish it and give it facets, you know,” says Sandquist.

“We just walk alongside them. It takes about 8 to 12 times for somebody to actually have all the bravery and courage to leave their exploiter. What if we said at number 7 ‘We’re not gonna help you anymore,’ you know and what if that was the time [they would have left their exploiter] we always just keep our hand out.”

Another important takeaway: If you see someone who looks like they are in danger, or it seems like a weird situation, call authorities for help.

Contact for Xquisite 24-hour hotline: 775 434 7070 / Text 504-434-7255 / Email info@xquisite.Org


For the Washoe County Human Trafficking Regional office:

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