
CDC: 40% increase in Nevada COVID-19 hospitalizations



LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Health experts are tracking an increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations.

The CDC’s latest data shows a 40 percent increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations in Nevada and a 12 percent increase across the country in one week.

The Southern Nevada Health District reports 263 new cases of COVID-19 in the past seven days. SNHD Chief Communications Officer Jennifer Sizemore says it’s important to remember that these are laboratory-reported cases, and many people are using self-test kits that are not reported.

The CDC’s latest data also reports 77 new COVID-19 hospitalizations in Nevada in one week. Sixty-five of those were in Clark County. It’s a 40 percent increase from the prior week.


There has not been an increase in deaths.

Dr. Sharon Nachman, chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital, says the recent sub-variants of COVID-19 are not as deadly as what we saw during the first surge of COVID.

Dr. Nachman also says the increase in cases is not surprising, but it does give doctors an idea of what to expect come fall and winter.

“Seeing this upsurge now tells us the winter may be a big problem,’ Dr. Nachman said. “We may see not only more COVID cases but certainly flu and RSV occurring at the same time, and that does have us worried.”

Over the last month, SNHD reports two sub-variants dominating current cases in Clark County are XBB1.16 and SBB1.5.


Meanwhile, Pfizer is asking the FDA to authorize an updated version of its COVID booster, meant to target the XBB1.5 sub-variant.

Dr. Nachman says older patients with underlying medical issues or who are not vaccinated are at the greatest risk. She says if you feel sick, don’t wait around, assuming it’s a cold. Get tested and try to stay home to avoid spreading the illness.

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