
Some Say This is the Dirtiest Political Sign Ever Seen in Idaho



Well, I think it’s better than saying “Don’t **** Idaho”.  The word fornicate is much cleaner.  Combining it with the name of the most despised state in Idaho, if not all of America, gets attention.  It sure beats a plain red sign saying “Vote No on Prop 1”.

There have been complaints about the signs being posted by the Idaho Republican Party.  State GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon told me similar billboards are being posted by businessman Frank VanderSloot.  He’s spending 90,000 dollars of his own money to defeat open primaries and ranked-choice voting.  Mr. VanderSloot isn’t just the state’s wealthiest citizen, he’s a man of faith.

That should quiet complaints the signs are offensive.  If you’re a left-leaning Democrat, you’re angry because the signs are eye-catching.  Republicans are showing some marketing savvy.  And I’ve been told liberals do a lot of fornicating.

Proposition 1 would destroy the party system in Idaho, and some states, Alaska for instance, appear ready to repeal the same destructive plot.  Open primaries and ranked-choice voting have been in place in that state for four years.  Voters there have become fed up with the results.


Backers of the proposition see its success as a means of diluting conservative power in conservative states.  In other words, they want the rest of America to resemble the People’s Republic of California.

While some are complaining about the signs, republicans are printing more to meet demand.  People are calling my radio show and asking where they can get one.  The county GOP will soon have an office open in Twin Falls and also have signs available.  We’ll update you when that happens.

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Gallery Credit: Ashley


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