
Oregon secessionists make provocative pitch to lawmakers in Salem billboards: ‘We choose Idaho’



A series of billboards went up alongside Interstate 5 heading into Salem on Monday — but they aren’t meant for most of the people who will see them.

They’re for the eyes of state senators and representatives heading into the capital. Instead of slogans for products, they bear a very specific political message, stating: “RELEASE EASTERN OREGON” and “WE CHOOSE IDAHO.”

The billboards’ origin: the Greater Idaho movement, which seeks to move the state lines to put Oregon’s rural eastern counties into Idaho.

Supporters of the grassroots campaign want to escape policies embraced by the Democratic majority in the Oregon Legislature that they say don’t align with their values. They’d rather be residents of conservative Idaho – but without having to leave their homes and established lives.


In general, they’d like less regulation and lower taxes, even if that means fewer government services. The ultimate goal is more freedom. They believe the state’s politicians – including liberal ones from Oregon’s big cities – should understand their frustrations.

“We wanted to be able to talk directly to legislators,” Matt McCaw, Greater Idaho’s executive director, said of the billboards.

Voters in 13 Oregon counties – including all of the ones abutting Idaho – have passed measures in the past few years directing county leaders to study moving the state boundary. Greater Idaho’s leaders say the change would “make both states better” – or at least make more residents of each state happier with the political status quo.

Despite the success of these initiatives, the possibility that Idaho actually could poach any of Oregon’s counties is slim. The change would have to be approved by the two states’ legislatures, then the U.S. Congress.

Gov. Tina Kotek and Oregon’s other Democratic leaders have ignored the effort to move the state lines. The Greater Idaho website includes a graphic showing the number of days – now at 196 – “with no response from Gov. Kotek.”


But Greater Idaho advocates maintain hope.

The new billboards went up a day before Oregon’s legislative session began on Tuesday. Sen. Daniel Bonham, R-The Dalles, has already introduced a bill that invites the Idaho Legislature to engage in border talks with Oregon. Supporters also plan to introduce a bill in the Oregon House that calls for a feasibility task force, McCaw told The Oregonian/OregonLive.

Greater Idaho advocates recognize that their best bet could be to get President Donald Trump to use the bully pulpit to push forward their objective. They sent a letter to Trump last month asking him to back their plan.

“Our appeal was that the people of eastern Oregon have voted, and they have a right to self-determination,” McCall said of the letter to Trump. “They’re being held captive at this point in a state that they no longer wish to be part of.”

He added that Trump could help “bring [Gov. Kotek] to the table” and raise awareness of the effort to change the state’s boundaries.


So far, they haven’t received a response from the president. But they hope a Truth Social post about Greater Idaho could come at any time and change everything.

— Tatum Todd is a breaking news reporter who covers public safety, crime and community news. Reach them at or 503-221-4313.

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