
LOEVY | Political wave-watching in Colorado




Bob Loevy

Now’s the time for people who observe Colorado politics to begin engaged on their political wave-watching.

In response to Colorado and nationwide information media, an enormous purple wave is rising far out within the political ocean that can hit the electoral seaside in Colorado, and the whole United States, subsequent November.


Crimson wave? That’s “purple” as in Republican, and “wave” as in a torrent of votes. Large waves come alongside periodically in American elections and subsequently are the topic of cautious research by political scientists.

One factor about political waves is that the educated eye can see them coming, put together for them, and make predictions primarily based on them. The issue with wave-watching is that generally waves that look huge within the spring can lose their pressure, diminish over the summer time, and prove not be very a lot in any respect within the fall voting.

Thereby there is a want for educated political observers to work on their wave-watching capability.

Within the Fifties a political scientist, Eugene Burdick, wrote a political novel entitled “The Ninth Wave.” The e book in contrast political wave-watching to the best way surfers will float on their surfboards and research the incoming waves within the ocean. The aim is to choose an enormous wave that can present a pleasant trip and carry the surfer on a surfboard all the best way up the seaside.

It was Burdick’s competition that expert politicians ought to research political waves the best way surfboard riders research actual waves. Politicians ought to discover ways to choose huge waves that can carry one political celebration or the opposite into profitable many political workplaces in a specific election.


The “ninth wave” within the e book title was primarily based on the browsing legend that each ninth wave needs to be a very good one and supply a cheerful trip as much as the ocean shore.

Let’s begin to work on our wave-watching by taking a look at among the nice political waves which have washed throughout america in earlier elections.

A fantastic wave occurred in 1936 when incumbent Democratic president Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for a second time period within the White Home. The New Deal reforms that FDR had developed to attempt to mitigate the financial results of the Nice Melancholy of 1929 had made him extraordinarily widespread.

The ensuing tsunami of Democratic votes was so giant that Roosevelt carried 46 of the 48 states of america at the moment. Roosevelt gained each state apart from Maine and Vermont, and he carried giant numbers of Democrats into different elected workplaces with him.

His fellow Democrats ended up with giant majorities in each the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Home of Representatives on Capitol Hill.


A lesser wave swept throughout america in 1952. A well-known U.S. Military normal throughout World Battle II, Dwight D. Eisenhower, ran for president and proved an especially efficient vote-getter. The ensuing Republican wave carried GOP majorities into each homes of Congress for the primary time because the late Twenties.

However one wants to recollect this about political waves. Precisely like actual waves from the ocean, they spend their vitality roaring up the seaside however then lose their energy and shortly recede again into the ocean.

It was the identical with the Eisenhower wave of 1952. Simply two years later, within the congressional elections of 1954, the Democratic Occasion regained management of each the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Home. The massive lesson was that political waves could be a short-term phenomenon adopted by a fast correction in subsequent elections

One other main political wave, this one a destructive wave, occurred in 1964. Barry Goldwater, a U.S. senator from Arizona, gained the Republican nomination for president however proved to be an unusually inept and unpopular candidate. He had opposed enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 simply when the Civil Rights Motion in america was on the peak of recognition.

Incumbent Democratic president Lyndon Johnson was reelected on the most important Democratic wave because the Roosevelt wave of 1936. Goldwater carried solely 5 southern States and his residence state of Arizona.


The Democrats gained giant majorities in each homes of Congress, due to the Goldwater debacle, and the consequence was such progressive laws as Medicare (medical take care of the aged) and U.S. Authorities assist to public training.

Republican president Richard Nixon unleashed a cascade of votes when he ran for reelection in 1972. He simply bested his Democratic opponent, South Dakota U.S. Senator George McGovern, who had strongly opposed america preventing within the Vietnam Battle.

However that Republican surge of 1972 was shortly reversed in 1974. Nixon needed to resign the presidency due to the Watergate scandal. Voters expressed their disapproval of Nixon by voting closely Democratic for Congress.

For a very good instance of an electoral wave that by no means made it to the seaside, there was the congressional election of 1998. Democratic President Invoice Clinton was stated to be in bother on character points, however the huge wave of Republican votes for Congress that was anticipated by no means materialized.

The newest wave election was in 2018, when dissatisfaction with Republican president Donald Trump after two-years within the White Home created a “blue wave” of Democratic electoral victories all through the nation.


In Colorado that huge blue wave elected a Democratic governor, state treasurer, state legal professional normal, state secretary of state and Democratic majorities in each homes of the Colorado legislature.

The massive purple wave of 2022, predicted to come back rolling on this fall, is claimed to be pushed by Democratic president Joe Biden’s low approval rankings and a number of disagreeable nationwide issues, corresponding to excessive inflation, rising city crime charges, and problems ensuing from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our recommendation? Get the political equivalents of a folding chair, a seaside umbrella, and suntan lotion. Sit out on the electoral seaside. See that huge purple wave rising far on the market on the electoral ocean?

Be a political wave-watcher. Control it. It could possibly be a “ninth wave.” Or possibly not.

Bob Loevy is a retired professor of political science at Colorado Faculty.


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