
Silverton dog rescue cares for severely burned puppy found in California



SILVERTON Ore. (KPTV) – A 3-month-old puppy spent Saturday enjoying the outdoors at the Woods Creek Dog Rescue in Silverton after he was found severely burned in California several weeks earlier.

Around May 5, Hector Adrian found Phoenix in an alley near his home in Fresno, Calif. He was on his way to work when he heard whining – initially thinking it was a person.

[Translation from Spanish]: “The dog was scratching himself and bleeding,” Adrian said. “I didn’t want to move him or his paws because I didn’t want to hurt him more. He tried to get up, but he couldn’t.”

Adrian took Phoenix to a Fresno animal shelter. Adrian said he wasn’t able to adopt the puppy because his rental doesn’t allow animals.



A puppy who was burned in a house fire has now been adopted by a firefighter and will be trained to teach kids about fire safety. (Source: KPTV)

That’s when Tammy stepped in after seeing photos of Phoenix wrapped in bandages on Facebook. She had the puppy shipped to Oregon and immediately took him to the OSU Veterinary Hospital.

“It was really hard seeing him on the table,” Tammy said. “They had him fully sedated and seeing how extensive his burns were and they said fourth degree.”

Now Phoenix is under the care of Dr. Serena Mills at Alpine Animal Hospital.

Dr. Mills said all four of Phoenix’s paws and his belly were burned. Doctors removed dead tissue and char.


Now Phoenix wears bandages that have to be changed three times a week. However, Tammy said the puppy’s care and pain medicine costs a hefty $700 a week

“He has to be sedated every time he has the bandage changes. It hurts to take it off, so he cries and gets a little upset.”

Phoenix’s healing is progressing. Dr. Mills says his tissue is starting to grow back and he will develop calluses on his paws for protection.

“We’ve got to put booties on him before he comes outside. He struggles a little bit with those. He’s so good-spirited, he just sits in his little playpen and waits for his turn.”

While no one knows yet how Phoenix’s story began, Tammy is helping the puppy find his happy ending.


“That’s what I consider it part of their journey either to help them find on their path to a forever home and making sure they’re quality of life is going to be good for them,’ says Tammy.

Learn more and contact the Woods Creek Dog Rescue via this link
Find Woods Creek Dog Rescue’s Venmo link on their Facebook page

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