
Opinion | California Adds Fuel to a Gasoline Refiners’ Fire



Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks on March 28, 2023, in Sacramento, Calif.


Xavier Mascareñas/The Sacramento Bee/Related Press

A majority of Californians inform pollsters they don’t need Gov.


Gavin Newsom

to run for President. Perhaps they assume he’s pushing harmful progressive insurance policies to advertise his nationwide ambitions, such because the legislation he signed final week to punish oil refiners.

The legislation establishes a brand new state paperwork empowered to cap gasoline refining earnings. If refiners’ earnings exceed the cap, they may pay a penalty, which can go right into a particular fund that legislators might use to “deal with any penalties of worth gouging on Californians.” It is a fund for Democrats to purchase votes.

Refiners might be required every day to show over proprietary knowledge so the state can examine alleged fuel-market gaming. Irony alert: A leak of this confidential data would allow market gaming. The aim of the legislation appears to be to deflect political duty for the state’s excessive gasoline costs, that are brought on by local weather guidelines and taxes.

Gasoline costs in California common $4.83 a gallon, which is $1.34 greater than nationwide. When costs within the state surged above $6 final autumn, the distinction was $2.50. Democrats in Sacramento order an investigation into “price-gouging” every time fuel costs soar above their normal inflated ranges. However the investigations by no means flip up nefarious conduct.


That’s as a result of excessive fuel costs are brought on by state insurance policies. Taxes add about 66 cents to the worth of a gallon in California, about twice as a lot as in different states on common. California’s cap-and-trade program and low-carbon gas customary add one other 46 cents a gallon. These regulatory prices are rising because the state tightens its CO2 emissions requirements.

California additionally requires a particular “clear” gas mix that provides one other 10 to fifteen cents a gallon. Few refiners outdoors of California produce this distinctive mix. Many older refiners within the state are shutting down due to the excessive price of regulation. Some are changing to producing biofuels, that are extra worthwhile owing to federal and state subsidies.

The state misplaced 12% of refining capability between 2017 and 2021 and is ready to lose one other 8% by the tip of this 12 months. This implies California has a really tight gas provide. Every time a number of refineries have issues or endure upkeep, costs spike. That’s what occurred final autumn.

But Democrats accuse refiners of colluding to squeeze provide and inflate earnings. There is no such thing as a proof of this, however Democrats insist they might show misconduct with extra knowledge. Their new reporting regime and penalties will enhance refiner prices, which can invariably be handed onto customers. A revenue cap can even discourage refinery funding and will trigger extra to close down. Democrats know greater costs would be the results of their new legislation, which is why they’re punting implementation to a brand new paperwork.

True to type, Mr. Newsom is touting the legislation as a nationwide prototype. “I hope this can be a sign to different states and leaders throughout this nation and across the globe that we are able to see the long run,” he stated. Which is why so many Californians are seeing their future elsewhere.

The week’s greatest and worst from Kim Strassel, Mene Ukueberuwa and Kyle Peterson

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Appeared within the April 3, 2023, print version as ‘California Provides Gas to a Refiners’ Hearth.’

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